AV Cave Rez situation

When almost half your team is either not there or are just leaching by 5 minutes into the game, even a perfectly balanced map will see that team losing 99% of games.

The map is far less a factor than the 10 afk/leaches per game.
The map is far less a factor when alliance don’t even try to use their map advantages at all.
The map is far less a factor when half the alliance team gives up (of the 30 that were even trying, so that’s 15 more not trying, for about 25 not trying total) the moment SHGY gets soft capped.
The map is far less a factor when alliance are TRADING SHGY for IBGY soft caps with that being an absolutely horrible strategic play and only works if the alliance severally outplay the horde (it’s a fast game strategy to see if you can brute force for a win, designed to make the game be faster regardless of how bad it is strategically)

The map is far less of a factor if horde are using some consumables because the que time makes us have time to farm, vs alliance refusing to even use easily farmed consumables like thinking seeds to help them solo soft cap.

There is so many factors, and while yes the map may be the biggest impact of each individual factor (just barely for that afk/leach/ give up 5 min in factor being right behind it), it is not a bigger factor than the rest of the factors.

You try to blame the map for the effects of all the factors when we both know that isn’t true.

So these things greatly contribute to an unfair map. And an unfair advantage leads to . . . ?

You have done this many AV games and you dont know you can wait on the win or loss screen for a tower to burn and you get the reward for it burning?


I’m well aware… I said I have had tanks reset the final boss because it wouldn’t have burned before the boss died

Yes, what I’m saying is say the a tower will burn on 1 minute.

You spend 15 seconds killing drek, the tower is at 45 seconds from burning and drek dies.

The victory screen comes up, instead of clicking to leave battleground you just stay on it with score screen up for the 45 seconds for the tower to burn to get the rewards.

The game doesn’t kick you out for 2 minutes after game ends.

No reason to reset anything.

Tell that to the tank, not me lol…

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Seems odd you guys can’t convey that letting towers burn on the score screen is a thing. According to you it’s constant communication and strategizing to counter everything the allliance does…

Always amusing watching your foolish claims fall apart more n more each time you speak.

Always amusing watching Jeezy take a single game and extrapolate it out to all games.

I’m just going by what you guys say. According to you the horde communicate constantly, call everything out n so on while they adapt n counter the alliance. Was interesting to me that this wasn’t understood by the masterminds behind the zerg shgy strat :slight_smile:

Horde typically do call out most things. Even things as simple as “don’t kill Vann yet because towers have 3 mins” or whatever. It has become a lot more common in the last couple of months for Horde to not care as much about everything fully capping though.

Because I had one tank reset in one AV your trying to spin the yarn as if that happens in every game…

Just like you try to spin your experiences in AV as everyone else’s. You have absolutely no way to prove how alliance react across the board. But the map imbalances have been proven over and over.

Maybe spend less time trying to convince us that you’re more aware of what alliance do in AV than we are and focus on something Blizzard can fix - map imbalance.

In fact, I think we should all be a little ticked off that Blizzard has left classic AV to rot.

The existence of map imbalance has been proven. The effect of those imbalances is still in speculation. You would have us believe the map is the only cause of that loss rate. When there are many factors adding to it.

No it’s not, on the balanced maps alliance have a ~50% win rate. Now sure you can argue that some of the issues in AV are player related.

But on AV weekends when those player issues go away or at least even out the win rate still only goes up to 10-15% at best. Leaving the rest of that difference on the map + however much of the player issues are rooted in the map imbalances.

Oh I am actually quite pissed about it. It isn’t a fun experience and it could have been. There should be fun competitive games and for the most part they just aren’t. The entire way they have handled #somechanges but ignored AV is beyond ridiculous. Like Blizzard doesn’t have time to implement and test a couple of minor changes that could potentially have a huge impact? For real? For real?
The way AV has been handled is an absolute joke.

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Its an asymmetrical map where the strengths and weaknesses of each team are even but distributed differently throughout the map. Both caves function the same for each team but they dont share similarly placed GYs.

If the horde all ran into their mine to cap it at the start of every game instead of advancing toward objectives no one would be complaining about the hordes head start.

Likewise, no one complains about SPGY’s proximity to the alliance cave because the alliance typically dont use it to recap and the horde win every game.

If the tables were turned everyone would be complaining about the alliance map advantages.


Weird it’s almost like the positioning of said strengths weaknesses actually matter and can’t be summed up as horde have X number of advantages and alliance X number so everything evens out.

They dont. What matters is how each team uses them. Since the horde own AV its just easier to say that theirs is better when the truth is they just utilize it better.

Its like it was in retail with IoC. Alliance win 95% of matches because the glaives are a superior weapon even though they could be easily taken out or even used by the horde. The horde never bothered to stop them or take the docks so its advantage alliance.

Same thing here.

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Nah horde’s advantages are actually better because of the meta created by faction imbalance.

Alliance have fast queues and are rewarded the most honor per hour from short games (win OR lose). Combine this with us being on the (VERY) slow side of the map and it’s pretty obvious why the games are as slanted as they are.

Assuming both sides have relatively equal skill/gear/participation (which I would argue are all in Horde’s favor because of how faction imbalance effects MM) Alliance LOWERS their HPH if they try to win a game.

Do you not see how asinine the design is? Is it not blatantly obvious that the map imbalance and lack of alliance participation ARE THE SAME ISSUE?

The map was clearly not designed with an HPH mindset as the primary player joining the BG (or BGs in general TBH since WSG games can take forever as well). It is the same as everything else with the honor system. The HPH requirement screws up whatever independent intent the original devs had for how each faction would approach the map. It has turned into a massive detriment to the overall fun of the map because the HPH isn’t high enough to warrant the time investment on the Alliance side. Especially if you have to go through a long drawn out defensive game to get the win.
That’s been another one of the things I have asked for with AV. An increase in honor awarded while playing the map to make it worth it for people to walk in for an hour+ long game Alliance side. It would basically be like AV weekend but all the time. Then AV weekend would be higher still.
I am not kidding when I say I have a laundry list lol.

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