AV Cave Rez situation

Ok fine but you are ignoring all the things the poor horde have to do in order to win.

Whatsamattawichu? Too lazy to write out THAT list?

Fine! I’ll do it.

  1. Not be passed out drunk at their keyboards.

  2. There is no 2.


Like this is crazy.

He doesn’t notice it either. This is nuts.

I can’t wait for TBC, like I said so these trash cans can stay in their place, at the bottom.


Classic will be dead.

I mean you’ll still be there doing AV cuz that’s the only place in this whole entire game you’re good at Classic AV.

The TBC forums are going to be an amazing place without you there.

Only reason horde can Zug Zug is because alliance don’t use any strategy outside of these 2 things.

  1. Try for a fast cap on IBGY as one wave at start of game
  2. Defend SHGY with a turtle if IBGY cap fails.

When alliance use 0 strategy horde don’t have to use strategy.

If alliance actually used strategy horde would have to respond with strategy. This is in part due to horde outnumbering alliance because of the afk/leach issue being much worse for alliance.

The main problem isn’t the map, it’s alliance refusal to play AV as a PvP BG.

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Ask Bodicca about our wonderful evening together. Alliance never pushed past SHGY, SHB poof gone with the horde rolling everywhere stomping out small groups of alliance trying to do anything south.

Just completely outplayed.

But, all horde do is Zug Zug! /S

Must of had 1600 rated horde players in that AV, they are better than your average horde forum poster!!


Don’t let this be buried… This poster won’t be here to troll TBC forums apparently. This is fantastic news and one more reason to heavily anticipate TBC. See y’all in Outland.


I know I can’t wait

Just won my 3rd AV as alliance :slight_smile:

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Red and misadventure must have been in that game

Horde might wait a long time but no wait is longer than trying to get an AV win as alliance but boy do they taste really sweet.

Na, it’s just that you weren’t in there telling everyone to “give up because the map makes alliance lose 99% of AV games”

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No matter how many times it’s explained to you, you still don’t get it. Horde set the pace of AV. Alliance have tried so many different strats and horde have one, just one. Know why? Because that 20 second head start doesn’t require horde to do anything but play offense. Alliance don’t get that option unless they want to hand off their southern most GY to horde.

You prove over and over that you are clueless on this map.

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Horde do nothing but play offense!

Horde send back 20 players if anything soft caps!

All you map criers do it cry about the map and contradict yourself. There is some things on the map that need to be fixed but you blow the imbalance way out of proportion and refuse to even try at AV.

And according to you sending half of the horde team to intercept your push and stop an soft cap isn’t defending but only being offense…

You wonder why blizzard doesn’t fix stuff? Because of people like you that will never be happy even if you get everything you ask for.

I want blizzard to fix AV, but you want free wins that are 7 minute games.

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They do. Its why pug v pug in WSG or AB alliance ALWAYS lose (sorry, not AV levels of defeatism, like 80-20 win loss in favor of horde pugs)

Are you really that slow? How are you comparing our cave to horde cave lol. When our cave is in play the entire horde team minus a few dismounting people at shgy are there to fight us. When horde cave is in play we are stuck having to defend shgy while trying to take ibgy and we don’t have free reign to spawn ivus either.

The fact you guys can’t see the obvious differences here is really funny. It becomes sad when you try to argue as if you have a clue. This thread is a fine example of why you should have to pass a basic test to be allowed to post here.

Yet again you don’t comprehend that your entire win condition is getting shgy. Your entire strat to get it is zerging it. No one stays back n actually defends. Your “defense” is cave respawns eventually wearing down whatever alliance are at ibgy. Of course after you zerg shgy and have alliance bottlenecked above sh horde are free to back cap. This isn’t defense though, this is a zerg fest while relying on cave spawns followed by a little back capping.

Then you present the comical idea of ohh defend shgy n slow push. Problem is the battle conveniently starts on top of our gy courtesy of the head start. This not only saves you the trouble of pushing but it also allows a free summon of lok which allows you to push through any alliance turtle.

You would think after 500+ idiotic posts in this thread you would remotely understand how it works.


I gave you more credit than I should have, but apparently it went over your head.

You’re incapable of understanding how one faction has to work so much harder to gain ground on this map.

Except they don’t, pug vs pug alliance have a ~50% win rate in WSG/AB.