AV Cave Rez situation

And your back to blaming the horde for all your problems.

Horde changed strategies to “scorched earth” because the que times had gotten close to an hour without using “scorched earth” and we’re still rising.

But hay, that doesn’t fit your narrative, nor does the fact your “scorched earth” strategy you hate so much is just playing AV as it was INTENDED to be played. Capture objectives without giving up your own.

Classic alliance is the first time I’ve ever seen the idea of “we have to give up our objectives to get the enemy objective” from the wow community. And it’s not even true. All the “trade” strategy does is reduce the game duration by high risk high reward mentality. Because que times vs game duration matters and is a direct contributor to the “trade” strategy becoming a thing.

Blaming the map is very different than blaming the horde.

Yeah, and? Horde were not winning the race, and their queue times were NEVER short in classic. Many of us want to actually play the BG as designed, and not ride past each other.

The fact is that the queue times are the result of the faction numbers queueing for AV, and alliance has and always have had (in classic) less people in their pool, than horde did and do.

What in the everliving hell are you even arguing at this point?

Going to ask you the same questions that I asked your forum hero Zyrius:

  • Would Korrak’s Revenge be a base race in classic, given how the 2 factions play it currently?
  • Does Korrak’s Revenge see a 99% win rate of horde in retail?
  • Does or does not the content in the middle of Korrak’s Revenge’s map slow the initial horde rush north?

He’s blaming horde que times on the strategy horde use of “scorched earth” which isn’t true, even with the race being the meta horde que times were climbing and close to an hour long, while all signs showed they would continue to climb.

What is ironic is that they were just arguing that alliance want to PVP, and yet here they are, playing the “sCoRcHeD eArTh” card yet again, which equates to PVPing in a BG, and taking it further and lamenting the loss of the non-PVP races.

And neither of them can answer the bulleted questions I have posed.


Sure, but Alliance do both.

Its both the horde’s fault for pvp’ing in a battleground and the map’s fault for being unbalanced in favor of the Horde is why they lose and nothing to do with the 20 afk’s and 15 level 51’s trying to get an icebarbed spear then never return.


Because both are applicable.

The map is the root cause, but horde also choose to exploit it. Horde could simple stop playing scorched earth and this wouldn’t be a discussion.

What question?

So… wait in queue for 2 hours, then NOT pvp and just race to kill the general?

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Queue times were minutes for Horde when AV launched. Stop claiming otherwise.

Also, I have no interest in Korrak’s Revenge. Don’t care at all. That’s between you and another poster. The BG is different, and that’s all I know. I haven’t played it and don’t gaf about retail.

It wouldn’t be two hours. Not even close.

And with a fair map, why wouldn’t you win about half the time?

They don’t know what a fair map is that they don’t queue for AB or WSG, they only play AV.

They don’t understand that the other maps are equal win losses for both sides

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Or not play scorched earth and not have 2 hour queues.

That seems to be the case.

Alliance just suck at pvp.

Then why do they have ~50% win rates in AB/WSG?

Ensuing massive mental gymanstics/outright denial.

AV is crap for honor grinding. Thats why theres double/triple the amount of alliance in the other bgs.

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Sorry but there’s no more rankers.

The honor per hour argument is silly the only rankers currently are dad gamers and the only reason they’re ranking now is because the honor is so low they can do it while having a full-time job.

Maybe 8 months ago that argument held true but not anymore

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There is an imbalance in the map but it comes to play if Alliance go for IB gy prematurely. You can go around by going for SF and try to control the center sumon the boss and move forward. Horde will have to do the same thing. Of course if one team is significaly stronger they will be able to advance without sumoning.
That can easily lead to 1 hour bg. I play Alliance in Europe, going for 1hour AV is not the usual Alliance strategy, I imagine its the same here also.

Games last 45+ minutes usually anyway.

There is one simple solution that doesn’t require a map change. It won’t make it even but it will at least make it playable: Cave rez ONLY when you have no other gy.

The cave rez is the leading factor in preventing alliance from capturing IBGY. Even if we manage to hold a cap there until it turns, we have to be twice as good (and geared) to hold it against an attempt to retake it.

When the horde take SPGY, depending on where we die, we could rez in our cave or relief hut. It splits us up and makes defending/retaking damn near impossible.

So some, decide to head south and get lieutenants to salvage some honor out of it.

Only that’s a faint hope as some horde decide to defend IW choke to prevent that. That my friends is a D move. Any here that do that deserve 3 hour queues. Hope your net goes out 2 hours in and your queue is cancelled by the time you get back on too.

Any self respecting alliance player should avoid that bg. Maybe play the bonus weekend time but that’s it. It’s garbage.

WSG/AB ftw.

But you see, it’s not PVP, it’s “sCoRcHeD eArTh”