AV Cave Rez situation

It’s not a player problem. Even before the premades were fixed, there were virtually zero alliance pugs winning games. And I’m not talking about the ones that started 1/2 full. Only the top tier premades were winning a lot, and the other were struggling and losing to pug horde teams.

You mean back when pug alliance AV we’re half bots?

How do you explain the loss rate of most premade teams outside the top teir? They struggled to get 50% win rates and had long games against almost every horde team.

Not surprised that you tried to cherry pick my post like a troll.

Horde slowly adapted to the worse alliance premades and started getting wins by not giving up. And the bad premades were just that, bad.

It took months for horde to start pushing the bad premades back as horde adapted.

The good alliance premades still saw an 80+% win rate.

And I’m not saying the map doesn’t have things that should be fixed. It’s just not 100% the maps fault for the current alliance AV win rates as there are other factors contributing to it.

I’m not against the map getting fixes, but the map criers are trying to blow the map imbalance out of proportion because they refuse to even acknowledge the alliance map advantages. They have a misguided belief that they HAVE TO trade SHGY to soft cap anything. And they are intentionally dishonest about how much of an imbalance the map is having.

Heck, they are calling IWB a better choke point for the horde than the bridge is for the alliance… That bridge is the best choke point in the game, and they would have you believe it’s worthless. It’s not worthless it’s the alliance refusing to even use it because instead of fighting back and playing a 2+ hour game for a good chance to win, they want to lose 4 games in that same time frame because it’s more efficient RepPH.
Losing 4 games in 2 hours gives more rep than 1 win in 2 hours. That’s PART of why alliance lose. The most efficient strategy for rep farming is to lose because of their que time vs game duration. The only way this would change for alliance is if the meta went back to the races. Which it won’t with horde que times as horde try to squeeze as much rep/honor out of each AV as possible because the games duration average would have to reach 6 hours before it even begins to be more worth for horde to lose fast for rep farming.

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You mean besides the 15 years of vanilla AV on live and PSs leading up to classic?

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Those private servers didn’t use the worst version of AV (v 1.12) as the geniuses at Blizz did for classic wow. All the things that would at least slow the horde down and prevent them from being across the field of strife before the alliance got to their forward gy (shgy) were gone in this “Classic” version.

IOW: Horde got ezmode. If you ever at any point lose an AV, you should feel humiliated.


80% win rate was not a thing for anyone out side a few select discord servers and the majority were sitting at a 50% win rate. You wouldn’t know given you haven’t played ally side. Go write a fiction novel somewhere else.

It didn’t take months either. Horde started getting very frequent wins after the first two weeks


Your referring to the race meta.

This isn’t about the race meta.

The race meta was done for a few months, so your basing your stats on the race meta and that’s irrelevant to this conversation because that wasn’t playing AV as a BG that was playing AV as a base race.

Let allliance premade again plz

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Some did, some didn’t.
According to Zyrius early AV would “not solve any of the current issues”. Is he wrong?

How does korak’s revenge end up playing out?

It’s not the days long battles?

How does 1.12 end up playing out? Last I checked there were no NPC races, and alliance are continually bemoaning horde’s “head start”, which older versions of AV would help to alleviate. But keep pretending that the retail players with retailer classes/talents/races/gear are relevant to the discussion of earlier AV in classic.

Does KR see a 99% horde win rate?

Neither version plays out as it did in vanilla.

I love how you refuse to actually give concrete insight on the matter, and rather post nebulous garbage like this.

They are not difficult questions:

  • Would Korrak’s Revenge be a base race in classic, given how the 2 factions play it currently?
  • Does Korrak’s Revenge see a 99% win rate of horde in retail?
  • Does or does not the content in the middle of Korrak’s Revenge’s map slow the initial horde rush north?

You are so often seen posting “nothing would change”, yet you refuse to give specifics. Almost as if you are arguing just for the sake of argument. NOBODY is pretending or suggesting that KR would “play out as it did in vanilla”.

You argued non stop against anything differing from 1.12 AV, and now you are one of the producers of the most salt about the 1.12 AV we got. And yet you still have the gall to push back even now against things like KR.

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I don’t know how korrak’s revenge would play out in classic.

It certainly doesn’t create the days long games it did in vanilla. And arguing for it on that ground is false.

How odd. Do I need to quote all of the times you specifically stated that it would “solve none of the issues” classic AV has?

Aaaaand who is arguing any such thing? One thing is true in classic AV: Horde are no longer allowing races, mainly due to the queue lengths.

So what it boils down to, is that you haven’t a clue about how KR would play out in classic, but are willing to weigh in on it at every opportunity, just to push back. Because that’s what you do.

You couldn’t be more wrong. If AV were a race thousands of more Alliance would queue up for it. The queue would be the same as the other BG’s. The ONLY reason you don’t see that is because the map is complete garbage and most Alliance won’t put up with it.

Your scorched earth scuffed your queue times.

Wrong about what? Did you even read and comprehend what you quoted?

Where did I suggest anything else? The fact of the matter is that dumbing the BG down into a PVE race, while lovely for alliance, does nothing to improve the quality of the BG itself.

Except the queue was not the same as the other 2 BGs when it was a premade race in early classic. You DID play during that period, right?

The reason I don’t see what?

Keep pretending horde of any measurable number are unhappy with the queue times. And I would remind you, as you seem to have appeared long after classic began, your best buddy Zyrius was the biggest fan of 1.12 AV, and ADVISED those who didnt want a race AV to do exactly what you lot are whining about, and giving edgy names like “scorched earth”. Perhaps you should go back and read the pre-classic AV threads and see what your buddy was arguing back then.

You were the one who said Horde were no longer “allowing” races due to the queue times.

Your words.

The fact is queue times are the result of Horde using scorched earth (only possible because of the map.) So yes, you are wrong. The queue times are directly because of Horde no longer “allowing” races. Not the other way around.


You just quoted me explaining it below :slight_smile:

It doesn’t play out as you expect it to.