AV Cave Rez situation

The only one doing that in here is you… And you are basing it on things that folks like me admitted we do not take part in.

And? The same applies on the horde side from pvp servers.

There is nothing specific about that behavior to alliance on pve servers.

The percentage of horde interested in going in AV for PvP is far larger than alliance going into AV to pvp percentage wise.

Again you’re not answering my question.

How do YOU judge skill in pvp with players you never played with??

You don’t use armory it seems, or rather you don’t care about ratings or look into how people perform with the resources available, so how do you judge PvP skill??

If you had a bunch of players infront of you and access to their armory profile and all of them are gladiators and 1 of them has 300 arena wins but never hit 1550 and you don’t know any of them, would you not consider the gladiators good and the other player is prolly bad??

What makes you think that?

Forum posts from alliance map criers claiming the only reason for alliance to AV is for rep, personal experience from using track humanoids, eagle eye and Invis potions to specifically look for the alliance that are avoiding pvp and watching horde movements for the same thing, end of game stats showing data that supports it, and other forum posters who say they see it happening as well, including the map criers yet they somehow blame the map for it when it’s a player problem…

There’s a lot of evidence that shows alliance afk/leach/avoiding pvp more often than horde.

Still clueless.

You talking about yourself again?

I will say this.

As someone who is vastly better at every aspect of this game than you I can guarantee one thing.

Players on any side in all aspects of gaming, when faced with odds they can’t overcome will eventually give up. This holds true to most things in games and in life.

What they need to overcome you may not feel it exists, or may feel it’s minor, the fact is their is something in only this BG that has caused a faction to give up. You may not agree to it, you may not like it, you may deny it ever existed. The fact is the faction as a whole gave up on AV for a reason. The good players and the bad players and all players in-between.

When the rankers left after premades got broken there was a heavy bot infestation.

By the time blizzard fixed the bots in AV issue alliance had given up, and the complaining of the map didn’t happen until after that.

The map has things that should be fixed, but your blowing it’s impact out if proportion and the reason why alliance gave up was not the map. It was having 10-20 bots per game by the time it was fixed it was 5-15 afk/leachers per game and it’s typically closer to the 15 number.

Alliance didn’t give up because of the map, the map is just the latest excuse to put 0 effort in and leach off the few alliance players that are still even remotely trying.

We know the impact, the win rate at best gets to 10-15% on AV weekend.

So that missing 35-40% win rate to bring it on par with other BG’s is the map.

Except even on AV weekend the dead weight isn’t gone. The give up if first push fails isn’t gone. It’s just lessened by adding better players.

That 10-15% that your seeing (I personally saw close to 40% in personal experience) is alliance teams that took IBGY on the first push. Because if they don’t get it on the first push they usually afk out still or give up and try again next game.

No what happens is that if the push fails SHGY has almost certainly been soft capped and the game is over anyways.

But i know you don’t understand that.

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I don’t get your believe that in order for alliance to get a soft cap on IBGY they have to, for some reason, give up SHGY for free to the horde.

They don’t.

And even then horde soft capping SHGY does not equal horde win.

Alliance giving up before the game is over isn’t the maps fault. The game only ends when the boss is killed.

You lost a GY? Then FIGHT to take it back. You giving up is what causes the game to end.

I am not answering your question, because it has nothing at all to do with my position regarding AV.

Wow, you’ve got some insecurity issues, guy.


Heh. This game isn’t exactly Starcraft.

Apples to oranges

No, as i am open minded and secure of my position in this game and my skill level.

I can judge players openly.

I know where i stand, and i accept the skill level i am at. I understand im no Glad, im not a rank 1 player, i fully understand players are infact MUCH BETTER than i am, and i have a firm grasp of what that means.

I also understand i am better than others at this game, i can openely admit both sides of the coin.

You all seem to not be able to grasp that players are better than you, you guys are 1500 rated players who cant accept that.

1500 is being overly generous.

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