AV Cave Rez situation

Yes we all know leechers exist ROFL.

They exist on BOTH sides.


And yet you map criers where blaming the map for the leachers. Yet horde have them to? Must be the maps fault.

The increased percentage of alliance leachers compared to horde is caused by the que times vs game duration. But you won’t even acknowledge that the que time vs game duration is a factor.

I have gotten 3 allies to exalted and 1 horde.

In any of my games have I seen more than 5 leechers.

Even the game I just did as horde had 3. It and was 3 hunters.

Do you think botting cares how long your que is game length is??

News flash, they don’t.

People bot while they sleep, they wake up check the bot then put the bot back on when they go to work, they aren’t at the computer, the que could be 5 hours, the games could be 5 hours, it doesn’t matter to them, they aren’t there.

Free loot is free loot. It’s not a faction thing, it’s a player thing. You rolling red or blue has nothing to do with it.

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No one waits 2 and half hours to afk. Might as well just go to another bg if thats all youre gonna do.

The horde in AV are the ones trying to rank and weave AV into their queues cuz their sick of premades and its nice to stick it to someone every now and then.

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But they’re not just sitting around waiting for AV’s to pop. They’re doing something else, then AV pops and it’s some extra free honor while they AFK.

Except the PVE servers and PVP servers are in the same player pool. Which you refuse to acknowledge, or fail to grok.

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While that might affect the number of people playing BG’s on those servers it doesn’t impact their abilities at pvp.

I realize this is a blow to the ego of players on pvp servers who think they’re somehow better at pvp.

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Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Glad youre in every single AV polling the afkers. Its a wonder you have the time to post. I guess youre plugged into the AV Matrix and youre some kind of forum Neo when it comes to AV.

Just use your super powers to reshape the map.


That’s fine if you see a lot of afker’s I don’t.

What I do see is that when the teams are relatively even in terms of skill/comp/leachers etc… horde win because of their map advantage. The horde map advantage is a static factor every game regardless of team RNG.

What’s funny is all the players that are sticking up for AV in this thread are 1500 rated arena players.

Not really an insult but just an observation.

Well the ones that posted on retail characters

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Like I said, whatever you say. I dont know what map advantage keeps the alliance at SH without ever doing anything else as 2 man horde teams own every objective on the map with no resistance but its certainly as powerful as you suggest.

Im glad youre here to explain this to me because from a rational and objective persons point of view it looks like the alliance phone it in every game and the horde say this is a bunch of wussies we got here so lets run roughshod over them like demons do.

Then everyone admits in chat that we just suck and you come to the forums to find out from people who dont play AV whats wrong with AV.

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What happens when alliance lose SHGY??

Now what happens if horde lose IBGY??

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I love your strawmen.

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You’re the one claiming that alliance favoring pve servers more somehow impacts their ability in BG’s.

Oh lord. You are hopeless.


Like I said most of the horde players who are defending this map are posting on retail characters and none of them have been higher than 1500 in arena and they are all on PVP servers.

Again just an observation not an insult.

But it’s starting to become a pattern.


0-8 today. Only 1 team tried IBGY so far. They went right around the back of SF, managed to get like 7 there to soft cap it then all died a minute later and lost it. Since no one defended SHGY the horde took it easy - cuz of their map advantage that prevented the alliance from playing defense or an intelligent offense.

The other 7 games the team stopped short of SHB to fight horde on the road, let them have SF uncontested, got pushed back to the GY and fought there until they lost it and then fought at SP until they lost it and some games we were able to kill Galv and sometimes not. Because of the map advantage that prevents the alliance from moving 10 yards off a GY.

Gettin 400 rep every game though. Cuz the alliance care about winning and nothing else.

Ive resigned myself to LT killing stealth teams because thats the only time alliance see the southern part of the map.

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It’s because horde don’t need to defend ibgy like alliance need to defend shgy.

The alliance have to split their forces in half while horde don’t.

Because even if ibgy gets capped it’s not like they res at fwgy they just res right next to it at their cave.

But if Alliance lose shgy they are essentially out of the game because now they rez all the way up North at spgy.

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You keep saying the horde don’t need to defend yet complain about 20 horde responding to alliance pushes and trying to defend the places alliance have soft capped.

Your own story contradicts itself. Let alone the fact it has changed multiple times.

And we, who are arguing with you map criers, are not saying the map doesn’t have issues that should be fixed. We just didn’t drink the cool-aid that is making you see only the one tree in the forest of factors that effect the alliance AV win rate.

You want to blame the map for everything, but it’s not the only factor. You refuse to accept that because then you have to admit part of the AV issue is player made and thus you as a player are partially at fault for it.

Oh come on dude there’s a huge difference in having to defend VS having to go retake.

How are you going to sit here and try to use an argument like this if Alliance have to leave right away to go to defend a point so they only have half their team on offense well horde can use all 40 of their people on offense.

That’s a MASSIVE difference and if you can’t figure how that puts alliance behind you really have NO PVP IQ.