AV Cave Rez situation

Maybe Zir can explain why the 5-10 sub 60s in every one of my AVs arent winning level 60 ABs and WSGs since his contention is that theyre doing just fine there.

Maybe someone can explain how the level 51 nelf hunter in SM gear I saw in four different games yesterday sitting shadowmelded on the hill behind the flag at SPGY who freely admits in chat that hes got no pet or mount because hes spent all his gold on boosts is winning 60% of his max level WSGs.

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Sorry horde have afkerā€™s and low levels too so once again thatā€™s not the issue.

The easy wins reward horde for doing so more than alliance in fact.

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The percentage per team matters.

Alliance on average have more afk/leach/low level players in AV than horde do.

And that has an impact on the alliance win rates in AV.

I even went out of my way to screenshot all of these and got 12ish alliance doing this very thing in one game. Horde usually have less than 5 (normally 1-2). The least I have seen on alliance (because I look for them and report) is 10.

Thatā€™s a massive difference.

But Iā€™ve brought this up before and when I brought evidence it was ignored and I was insulted. So the typical map criers misdirection strategy because my evidence doesnā€™t fit your agenda.

Thats not what weā€™re talking about. Weā€™re talking about your assertion that the same exact alliance in the max level BGs are also doing AV and doing AV just as much as the other bgs.

So its at this point in the discussion where you show the evidence you have that plainly shows the forum how the level 54s in AV are winning level 60 ABs and WSGs at a 50% or better ratio.

You cant do that of course which means youre wrong and your only other option is to just admit youre wrong but youre not going to do that either, youre just gonna spin it off and talk about horde lowbies.

Horde lowbies that arent playing level 60 ABs or WSGs either which means theres no point in you bringing them up unless your intent is to just further troll the thread.

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/shrug you can keep failing to understand the map is the root cause of these issues as much as you like.

So just dodge it then. :rofl: Not just a troll but a professional troll.

Its not a failure to understand - I just donā€™t agree.

I donā€™t agree because whatā€™s being stated here and whatā€™s happening in AV are two entirely different things.

Ive got 2 wins in over 100 AVs as alliance. The map is responsible for exactly 0 losses.

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Sure you are

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He also refuses to acknowledge that in the grand scheme of things, alliance tend toward PVE rather than PVP. As evidenced by the server type makeups. Again, if the server types had separate queue pools, it would show exactly what causes the W/L ratios.

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Except that the alliance who do pvp do so just as well as horde. See win rates in other two BGā€™s where horde donā€™t have a massive advantage.

And you canā€™t even make the argument that pve players are in BGā€™s just for the rewards at this point as pve gear greatly eclipses pvp gear now.

And yet the alliance queing up for AV are there for rep / gear from rep.

Who farms rep more often? Pvp players who just want to smash heads in, or pve players?

AV is where the pve alliance go for a few free epics/cheap mount/ exc.

This is another part of the argument I just donā€™t get. Iā€™ve spent over an hour in losing AVā€™s. Losing is NEVER short.

Losses dont end fast because of rep farmers. They will drag a game out at SPGY until the druids go out. Sometimes the horde will stall too to complete tasks for extra bonus honor.

Not true at all.

The amount of time it takes to get those rewards for alliance makes it not worth it.

The only good thing there is the ring, but even then tarnished are almost as good.

Don julios VS tarnished ring for a warrior is still:

1 hit

15 agility out of 20 agility for a crit

16 attack power.

So if a warrior to get tarnished over dons he would lose 5 agility worth of crit and 16 AP.

Is 5 agi and 16 AP worth over 400 hours of getting stomped in AV??

Lol sadly the best rep reward at this point are the manna biscuits. So you donā€™t have to beg mages for stuff and carry around double the stacks for food/drink. And even there the Argent dawn food is almost as good.

The gear is completely replacable by side or often upgrades from puggable raids.

Your putting your values onto people who join the game to afk and watch youtube while they leach to exalted.

Iā€™ve proven with screenshots they exist. And Iā€™ve given my experience of there usually being at least 1/4 of the alliance team doing this. Sorry itā€™s so hard for you to understand that people try to cheat the system for their own benifit.

Itā€™s not 400 hours of them playing AV itā€™s 10 hours of them playing AV and 390 hours of watching videos. And that 10 hours consists of them queing, going to leach spot and jumping to not afk.

And if horde didnā€™t have players doing the exact same thing this would be amazingly relevant.

The percentage of horde doing this in AV is massively smaller than alliance partially due to que times. Partially due to alliance racials (shadow-meld) being better for this, exc.

There is many factors. But hay letā€™s ignore that on average (again from my experience) alliance have about 5-10 times the number of leachers horde do.

No itā€™s not. Youā€™ll see a handful of alliance afking/low levels, just like you will on horde.

The idea that every game has 10+ leachers alliance side is a flat out lie. Of course that doesnā€™t fit with your narrative that the map is perfect and alliance just suck.


Mangoes from zg

I donā€™t have a narrative that the map is perfect, my ā€œnarrativeā€ is the map is not the only factor causing that loss rate for alliance.

Also not to long ago you map criers were blaming the map for the afk/leach alliance players. Yet now both sides have them in equal numbers according to you. Your story keeps changing.