AV Cave Rez situation

Damn, then he is as deceptive as the devil himself. :japanese_ogre:

Iā€™m a horde player donā€™t believe him.

Iā€™m just not a blind one

Well they do what they want to lol. It takes 40 seconds to run back from cave. You canā€™t kill them while they are running ā€¦ Open your raid feature and check your ā€œhorde wavesā€.

Alliance loses cause they need a stronger stack. Rankers all left to premade wsg/ab. Many alliances remaining just want rep so they donā€™t care too much for wins. Lose and repeat, get exalted and the epics are yours.

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How were you in AV when you were leveling this character?

It is very easy to see how it could be so, for the list of things weā€™ve been over and overā€¦ and not because of the map.

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Thatā€™s why I said I only did one cuz I was leveling my guy.

Well yes when you ignore the root cause of the map.

The map didnā€™t cause alliance short que times and horde long que times. Player choice did that.

The map didnā€™t cause less or more willingness to play longer games, the que times vs game duration did that.


The map didnā€™t cause all the issues effecting alliance AV win rates. Again, your seeing one tree in a forest and have a denial of the existence of the other trees.

The players made the ques.

The map made alliance not want to try and longer games with 100% loss are caused by the map

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The map is not the only factor creating that loss rate though.

HPH/RepPH efficiency caused by the que times has an impact on it, regardless of if you are willing to admit it.

And other factors.

I forgot everybody in your world who does PVP is a ranker.

Did you rank?

If a ball rolls down a hill you donā€™t say the ball choose to roll down that hill, you acknowledge the hill is the initial cause of the ball rolling down the hill.


Iā€™ll take it a step further for you and for him.

The ball rolling down the hill is affecting other things on the hill.

But do you blame the ball for that or the hill?

He would blame the ball

Thereā€™s multiple factors for if the ball rolls down the hill.

Is the ball made of a sticky substance that resists the downhill rolling?

Is the hill a sharp slant downhill or only a few degrees.

Wind resistance/tailwind

Friction from the ground itself


These factors donā€™t stop the ball from going down the hill, but they can effect the speed it goes down.

The speed of the ball going down the hill is the winrate for alliance AV, and thereā€™s a lot of factors that effect that speed.

A. Alliance premade these bgs and often face pug horde.
B. Its easier for pugs to coordinate on a smaller, symmetrical map with smaller teams and more linear objectives.
C. The odds of coming up against an average or below average horde team in those bgs is a 1000 times better.
D. If you dont need AV rep and are seeking honor gains to progress rank then you dont do AV as alliance - at least not on a consistent basis that would put enough alliance rankers in the same AV to make an impact. See the honor holiday weekend as a reference.
E. Since horde queue times for these bgs are a lot more favorable horde have no issue giving up on games especially since its better hph to do so.

Thereā€™s probably some more reasons Im forgetting but I hope that settles it for you although I doubt it since you cling to this like some kind of deaf and blind parrot robot.

Yeah I dont mean to imply its a regular occurrence - anecdotal evidence only but Ive only seen it twice and even then it wasnt a full 40 running by another 40.

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You canā€™t use metrics of premade vs pugs in any BG to gauge the better team or whoā€™s more motivated. I usually solo queue on my mage and pug v pug in WSG is around 50% when facing other pugs. In AB itā€™s a bit higher. When facing premades itā€™s a different story. Of course. Thatā€™s not what this is about.

In this bracket the win ratio in WSG is more than 80% and a lot higher in AB.

Easier for Horde as well. This is irrelevant to the win ratio of the other two BGā€™s.

Again, irrelevant since the odds of coming up against an average or below average Alliance team are the same.

Thatā€™s probably the case with most Alliance. The map makes it a piece of garbage and not worth the time. Recently rankers rarely bother with it even on AV weekend. Alliance who PvP for fun DEFINITELY avoid it like the plague. All of this is a result of the map.

First of all the insinuation that Horde would EVER have to give up an AV match is laughable. And as Iā€™ve said before, there comes a time in EVERY BG when itā€™s obvious a win isnā€™t possible. The losing team may have a few people that continue to try and capture the flag, or cap bases, or charge up the choke to IWB, but the gameā€™s over and the players know it.

And this is when Alliance chill or farm rep in AV. Just like they AND HORDE do in other BGā€™s.

Iā€™m convinced your claim that Alliance donā€™t try in AV is because you donā€™t understand how the map works. Saying that Alliance should go straight to Galv is a dead give-away, there.

Pug vs Pug alliance do just fine against horde in the other two BGā€™s. So thatā€™s not it.

The same applies to horde pugs in AV. Unless well as as has been said the map advantages make it easier for horde to do so.

No itā€™s not, itā€™s the same pool of players.

Right see above, without the bonus weekend honor alliance who care about winning are avoiding AV like the plague. As theyā€™re not going to deal with a 10-15% win rate due to the horde map advantage otherwise.

Alliance are not choosing to lose given a reasonable chance of winning. Thinking that is just silly. Not to mention that since losses are typically just long as wins if not more so thereā€™s no time advantage for alliance throwing the game.

It isnā€™t the same pool of players. We are talking about the pool of Alliance players who queue for AB / WSG (large) vs. the pool of Alliance players who queue for AV (small). The fact that I have 8 minute queues for WSG and a 2 hour queue for AV tells you everything you need to know about the player pools. They arenā€™t the same. I would bet a lot of money saying there isnā€™t much overlap either.

These games are short. That is still a pretty massive difference. When you have short queues, you want short games. AV doesnā€™t have short games. Gyawd. Repeating the same ridiculous comparison between AB/WSG and AV isnā€™t going to change the fact that they arenā€™t easily compared.

The strategies for both maps are also far more straight forward than what you get in AV. This is one avenue where the difficulty of the Alliance strategy in AV really hinders Alliance. It is one area where I think the map does come into play quite a bit.

The maps also have fewer moving parts and easier strategies to implement. Keeping track of 15 players on the opposing team with easy sight lines and short rides to intercept makes these maps a bad comparison with AV. AV has a lot of moving parts and a lot of ways to hide numbers making pug v pug a lot harder to coordinate.


But the initial pool of players queuing for a BG in general is the same. The better alliance players are simply avoiding AV except on AV weekend because the at best 10-15% win rate due to the horde map advantage they can get is not worth it otherwise.

But losses for alliance in AV arenā€™t short, unless youā€™re /afking out as soon as itā€™s an obvious loss. Otherwise the losses are still typically ~45 minutes. Now if alliance could throw the game(as pugs on both factions do against premades in WSG/AB) and actually get a significantly shorter game that would be a valid argument.

This is a misleading argument at best. The pool queuing for BGs generally isnā€™t the same as the pools queuing for the individual BGs. It doesnā€™t matter if 2/3 of the pool is queuing for WSG. If those players never enter AV, then they arenā€™t part of the pool in question.

Thatā€™s my point? When you have a long queue, a long game doesnā€™t matter. When you have a short queue, you want to maximize the number of games you play. There will never be a short AV in this environment meaning as an Alliance player you arenā€™t going there for Honor. You are going there for Rep. There are some people who will go in there just for fun or a challenge or whatever other reason outside the pvp structure. But those people arenā€™t the ones making up the bulk of the players queuing for any of the BGs.
And to be clear, this isnā€™t saying the map advantage doesnā€™t cause a lot of people to not queue. It definitely does. But ultimately the people queuing AV are generally there for rep purposes to get the gear you can only come by from repping AV. Lord knows their time would probably be better spent in AQ20 / ZG, but with limitations on how many you can enter per week, I can only assume players prefer the grind for AV gear that they know has a set end point with set rewards over taking their chances with drops.