AV Cave Rez situation

And I agree, but you’ve also agreed it doesn’t account for a 40-45% swing in win rates.

That is the correct strat Elfblade. I am suggesting what would happen if Horde didn’t intercept and Alliance performed the correct counter. At that point, they should rush. And they will win.

Yep. And I have said repeatedly this map needs to be changed. Nothing new here lol.

Sorry I have 3 exalted alliance toons

I have ran from SPGY as a ghost to RH. This strat does not work.

Yes you soft cap RH. As soon as it’s soft capped horde recall on mass to stop it. Even if they die in the recall, they may kill a few Alliance. They now Rez at their cave 20 at a time and run south again. How far is cave to RH? 40 seconds??

Wave after wave hits RH before it hard caps. Alliance get reduced to no one.

You are 100% wrong as usual. Your grasp on AV is minimal.

Given your grasp on Horde strategy and tendencies, I am sure you know best.

It’s funny cause your videos prove you wrong in part saying one of the reasons horde wins is because there is more horde rankers and since they wait so long in queue they really try harder.

Yes the horde cave location is a horde advantage but only a one time advantage at start. Both factions can still meet in the field of strife a little bit behind bal. It’s not a strategic advantage, it’s a quality of life advantage. If alliance was the better stack, they would push back the horde in IBGY but it would take a little bit longer than horde. But alliance usually decides to turtle SHGY for honor and rep instead.

Shamans/druids summoning location : alliance summoning spot is more in the open but but is protected by a tower. Also, if alliance control SFGY it’s very easy to mess with horde summoning while horde controlling SFGY doesn’t make much difference for alliance trying to summon.

Also Video clearly did not time the running back time. It takes same time for horde to reach IBGY from cave or from FWGY (a little bit less even from FWGY). Alliance running back time to SHGY from SPGY is almost the same.

If the horde meet you in the field then you dismount and fight them. Ideally you kill them and fight/kill them further ahead but either way you gotta drop gloves right there and keep the pressure on - always attacking something even if the pvp aint goin your way.

For some reason the alliance strat is to straight up ghost SHGY, ride single file to IBGY down one side, let 2 horde cap SHGY and eventually get whittled down at IBGY by horde that arent dumb enough to give it up without a fight and now youre spawning a map away at SP because you dont know why SHGY and SFGY are important.

Then just turtle SP and blame the fact that only 37 people went IBGY not all 40 and how no one listens to great leadership.

Oh, I agree. I am talking about a hypothetical that I have literally never seen happen. The one where 10-15 Alliance defend SHGY and 25-30 alliance go for objectives. Instead of intercepting these 25-30, Horde just flat ignore them.

You still out here spouting this nonsense

I have seen instances where the horde bypass the alliance zerg but as soon as SH is capped (and often quickly with zero D) they simply turn and run towards the alliance raid thanking them for being so dumb.

Nonsense ? Your comment seems like it. I guess you don’t want the truth, like other posters.

Go time it yourself if you don’t believe me. I did it. That’s the timer I got. You won’t get another one.

I’m still waiting even one person telling me he timed it and I’m wrong. One.

We have been through this already my man.

The alliance coming back down south are not stopping at sh graveyard they are trying to get back to ibgy because the horde cave you know the thing that you don’t think has an advantage is destroying the alliance offense. Since every time a cave spawn happens Alliance lose more and more players that will never make it back down south so once again you’re measuring the wrong thing which I already told you but you keep bringing up the same nonsense.

Also the guys who do res at spgy only doing it 10 at a time and The Horde have at least 25 people at shgy defending it…

Wonder why those Alliance can’t make it back down south…

I have to go all the way back to premade games to remember ever seeing the horde bypass a large alliance group heading south.
Regardless, if the Horde ignore the Alliance this way, Alliance should go all the way to the base instead of trying to capture IBGY. It removes the cave advantage and forces Horde to recall into an easily trapped location.

Healers can Rez?

Hmmm. But you ignore that as well.

What are you talking about, I was answering to the video comparing alliance running back time from SPGY ==> SHGY and horde running back time from cave ==>IBGY. The video is wrong and your example doesn’t apply to it at all.

And concerning your example, if alliance rezzing at SPGY decide to ignore SHGY to reach IBGY, it’s their decision. Of course it’s longer. Same for horde rezzing at cave if they ignore IBGY (but they don’t) and going to SHGY. It’s obviously longer for horde to reach SHGY than IBGY from cave … come on it’s very simple.

The only thing you’re right is the mirror effect of those graveyards : horde cave does have a 20 rez cycle vs a 10 rez cycle for alliance at SPGY. You’re a horde. Open your raid feature and check how many dead you will have in 30 seconds. Almost never more than 10. If more than 10 one day, not many more. Certainly never 20.

And don’t forget at some point alliance does benefit from their own 20 rez cycle cave.

If only there was a method that took about half a second to complete that made it so healers could not res people I wonder what that could be

So you ignore everything else so those 10 Alliance who runs from spgy should just run in and fight the 20 horde there at shgy?

What about wave after wave of horde res at their cave?

I guess what you’re saying just hasn’t been tried out for eight months it’s got to be a new strategy. Clearly going to have 100% success rate.

I mean it’s mind-blowing

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The Orc and Troll are going at it. :popcorn:

Aw but the horde that are coming in in groups of 2-3, easy enough for the 20ish damage dealers to kill before they can even tag the healers to combat.

Simply put have the druid healers keep healing, paladin/priest can drop combat and Rez while their dps hold the line.

You assume horde will tag a healer to combat from 100 yards away the moment they see a Rez spell being cast.

It doesn’t work that way and you know it.

Also, on the previous post I replied to horde taking any GY doesn’t end the game, only killing the boss does that.

Alliance giving up doesn’t even end the game, it just garentees they won’t win because they stop trying because they BELIEVE the game is over.

The game doesn’t end until victory/defeat is displayed on your screen your you afk out. No other time does the game end.

Don’t be fooled, the troll is an alliance mage as his main and is posting on his horde alt (after posting on his mage in this thread as well) to make it appear there is more support for his agenda.