AV Cave Rez situation

You’re in denial.

Historic evidence that shows alliance win in a rush meta.

That’s amazing.

If you are going there, historic evidence shows alliance win when they have the longer queue times in a non-rush meta too…


40 alliance go to SFGY
Horde rush SHGY cap and win game.

40 alliance go to IBGY.
Horde rush SHGY and win game.

40 alliance rush sfgy.
Horde rush SHGY and win game.

40 alliance rush RH.
Horde rush SHGY and win game.

40 alliance rush FWGY.
Horde rush SHGY and win game.

40 alliance rush Chick-fil-A.
Horde rush SHGY and win game.

40 alliance rush Burger King.
Horde rush SHGY and win game.

HoRDe ReacT to TEH AlLiaNcE…

I mean, you can keep repeating 40 go to wherever and it is still incorrect.

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This is why Im not all hysterical about the win rate.

When last I played retail I was a horde rogue main in MoP/WoD and the alliance owned the 40 mans to an absurd degree - they had long queues because alliance specific queued for it since it was a guaranteed pay day ez win.

Horde on the other hand blacklisted it as a faction leaving nothing but bots and honor farmers. Queues were instant. I would get all my conquest points for the week and season and then just spam AV for my pvp kicks. But I lost 95% of the time.


This is pretty reflective of my server on Vanilla too. Horde was the fast queue time so we ended up with a lot of players who would /afk pretty fast if the game was taking too long or looked like a loss.
I am always hesitant to bring up the historical AV stuff simply because the approach players take today is very different than it was back then. But historically, the side with the longer queue has typically won more than the side with the instant queues. The only exception I ever remember seeing was when Alliance could do premades in AV while Horde had 40-60 minute queues in Classic.

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I’m sure you’ll figure it out one day.

It’s 100% irrelevant where Alliance go.

It’s 100% irrelevant for Horde
To react anything Alliance does.

As soon as horde soft cap s h g y and Alliance don’t have a hard cap graveyard the game’s over.

You sending any horde anywhere other than shgy is stupid.

Alliance already need to split their forces because they have to defend a Graveyard. You don’t need to defend anything. But they do.

So they already have less than half of an offense compared to horde.

As was described by Op and you the win condition is capping sh graveyard. So why why do you keep insisting that going anywhere but a SHGY is relevant.

Which is why I gave you the example above because it doesn’t matter where Alliance go.

Horde need to go to just one place to win the game.


This is also incorrect. If there are 30 Alliance riding by and Horde just completely ignore them and those 30 decide to ignore IBGY and proceed to the Horde base unmolested, Horde is probably going to lose that game after we spend 5 minutes taking SHGY and a bunch recall. This never happens though. Why? Because 30 Alliance are never allowed to just ride on by without being molested by an intercept squad. I get that you don’t understand the map. That’s cool.

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Yep and those 30 Alliance no longer have shgy and guess who gets the shgy before the other faction gets to ibgy?

So after those horde soft cap shgy they just send 20 back to go recap ibgy.



Reading is hard. I said they skip IBGY and proceed to the Horde base. Here, let me spell it out for you. 30 Alliance go unmolested back to the relief hut, take it, then wait at the Horde recall spot to slaughter us when we recall straight into them after taking SHGY. Alliance wins that game.

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Thats the history of all of wow pvp. The underdog faction has crappy win rates but fast queues. Because all the “winners” flock to one side.

I dont know what else to say. Im in another wasted AV game right now where we just hand the game to the horde and no one is talking about map advantages.



Alliance have no graveyard.

They have nowhere to Rez.

You could literally run from your anywhere and anytime you kill one that will Alliance is never coming back south.

You are delusional if you think that strat hasn’t been tried.

Let me ask you a question what graveyard do horde need to take for the game to be over?

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So why do alliance not have crappy win rates in WSG/AB?

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Alliance are never allowed to ride south without harassment, so it isn’t a strat that could be relied on. It definitely ends up the way I described it though. Horde aren’t coming back in one massive recall. It will be in small waves of 2-3 coming in. Alliance can camp that all day until the relief hut caps and Horde riding back from the GY won’t be in time. But like I said, it will never happen. Why? Because Horde always intercept. Thanks for playing.

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Because the Horde queue times for both of those have also always been under 20 minutes. They are currently 8 minutes for WSG on a non WSG weekend. Furthermore, we have no idea what the actual win rates are in there given the frequency that both sides enter as a premade.

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Right but why are pugs in AV alliance choosing to lose if winning is a viable option?

Again, the length of the game comes into play. It isn’t like we haven’t been over this time and time again.

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You’re silly but we are almost there.

20 horde recall and get slaughtered. Where do they Rez now??

They run from their safe haven cave back south and just keep picking off alliance that can’t Rez anywhere but SPGY.

It’s ok you’re getting there, you might start understanding the map at this rate!

Alliance need to go station to station. Secure SHGY, get and hold SFGY. Push IBGY from there and make sure youre back capping SHB and not letting 2 horde stealth take DB or letting your GYs get sniped.

Take theirs, hold yours.

And while they are doing that relief hut caps and now Alliance have a GY. Keep going. Eventually you will understand.

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