AV Cave Rez situation

Now this I agree with and I have said before.

This topic was about the cave res and how it should be last graveyard.

And I’m pretty sure everybody has agreed with that

The only real debate now is how impactful it is to Alliance losing.

You didn’t have to say it hard capped. You implied it by saying you ignored 20-25 Alliance at IBGY for 13 minutes while you capped SHGY. You implied it by saying 4 people went to SFGY. 3 were AFK. 3 played with bunkers. And the other 30 of you stayed at SHGY ignoring IBGY. That means those 20-25 that were supposedly out roaming free had zero resistance soft capping IBGY. That means that it would have hard capped by the time you soft capped SHGY based on your 13 minute timeframe. Seriously. This is why I think you have zero awareness of what is going on in the BG around you. 20-25 roaming free have that hard capped in 13 minutes. Period. You say that didn’t happen. Well, that means someone was defending IBGY while you were busy zerging SHGY or Alliance were defending with way more than 20. There is no give here because your timeframe tells me exactly what happened in that game.
Or are you going to sit here and tell me that 20-25 Alliance who weren’t defending SHGY were milling around doing nothing for 13 minutes while you soft capped SHGY? What were they doing Reapers? Were they AFK? That’s really the only other believable scenario here and people like you have been adamant that Alliance try. Well, what were those 20-25 Alliance doing while you were blithely taking SHGY with 30?

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Bull. I wager the bulk of you (alliance) went to SHGY and stood there. I have zero belief that you have been playing on this horde character.

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I haven’t really played on this character said im leveling a shaman

I started fresh on a new server.

Still waiting for an explanation on what those 20-25 alliance were doing. Apparently it took them 13 minutes to soft cap IBGY against air…

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I said at the 13 minute Mark we took SHGY

I even said they want SF graveyard first.

It seemed like they were doing like a rush strat cuz they didn’t even defend sfgy after they soft-capped it they all went right to ibgy.

yeah my numbers are guesses I’m not sure exactly how many stayed at shgy and how many didn’t I didn’t actually count every character.

They still would have hard capped it by the time you sent 18 back. That’s the issue here. The only way they don’t is if the number of Alliance assaulting SFGY was lower meaning those 4 Horde there slowed them down. 4 Horde aren’t slowing down 20 Alliance. Not even a little.
That’s what I am getting at here. You are saying Horde didn’t react. I am telling you that they did react. The bulk of the Alliance stayed at SHGY. If there were even 15 Alliance in a bulk group, they hard cap IBGY before you soft cap SHGY. In fact, I am not even positive you soft cap SHGY by the 13 minute mark against 20 defenders if they have enough Alliance out that they can get to IBGY essentially uncontested.
If they soft capped IBGY early enough, your reinforcements wouldn’t have been able to overcome the 20 Alliance defending because they would have been coming from the cave, not IBGY.
The whole thing just really comes back down to I don’t buy that you actually kept track of the battlefield. I buy that 30 Horde went to SHGY. I don’t buy the Alliance numbers. If you have 15 Alliance roaming as a group, they still smash SFGY without issue. They still smash IBGY without issue with only 4 Horde defending (and that’s assuming they defended). I think that’s how you think it went. Based on how long it took to take SHGY vs what you are saying the Alliance actions were, I don’t buy the numbers. Sounds like an Alliance turtle to me and a few of them (maybe as many as 10) went to take objectives.

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If it was a turtle SHGY would of lasted longer than 13 minutes into the game.

Game starts, it takes prolly 2 minutes to reach SHGY and sfgy. They soft cap it, kill the horde there’s maybe some horde also fought them. They take another 1-2 minutes to get south to IBGY. They kill the guards and soft cap.

With the fighting and capping it’s prolly been 10 minutes already when they cap IBGy.

We win the fight at SHGY and head down to IBGY to retake.

What’s funny you arguing like this shows how massive the cave rez actually is.

You’re mad if alliance defend SHGY because they can’t win on defense, can’t get to drek at SHGY!

You’re mad if they Zerg to IBGY to try and get a graveyard, then call them bad because they didn’t defend SHGY lmfao.

You’re literally proving this threads point and giving me a good laugh.

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And here’s the shaman I’m leveling just in case you don’t believe me.

Got three levels last night.

Started over on a new server.

Mmmmmkay. If you say so. I really just don’t like it when people make inaccurate statements in an effort overstate the amount of impact the map has on losses. Which is pretty funny because I have stated that I think it has a pretty big impact. I think it takes what should be a 50/50 map and skews it to a 40-60 map on its own. I think it becomes a 30-70 map when you add in the SFGY aid station rez on the Alliance side. That’s a pretty big map advantage.
But sitting here and telling me that all Horde does is rush SHGY is incorrect and every comment you have made has further convinced me that you don’t actually know what you are talking about on the Horde side.
Thing is, you keep trying to put words in my mouth. I haven’t said they shouldn’t defend SHGY. I haven’t said they shouldn’t rush IBGY (though honestly, I think they should try to hard cap SFGY then slow roll into IBGY). What I have said is that it is possible to defend and try to capture objectives because HORDE DON’T ZERG SHGY IF THERE IS A LARGE NUMBER OF ALLIANCE OUT.
But hey. Keep saying the same thing. I am sure the players who don’t actually know better will keep believing you and liking your posts.

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What’s funny is you don’t understand that anybody could say the same thing about you would you perceive is what you believe but what you perceive doesn’t mean it’s real.

We can sit here all day and debate this.

Statistically speaking there is no way mathematically that this battleground should have this skewed of a win rate.

but you sit there delusional and keep pretending it’s not the map.

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And yet precisely zero people have questioned whether I have played in AV on this toon. Zero people have questioned whether I understand how Horde approach the map. You know why? Because anyone who has ever actually played Horde side knows that what I am saying is 100% accurate.

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I’m exalted in AV on this toon…

Yeah everyone believes you except the op

And yet multiple people question whether you have played Horde side because everything you say displays such a complete lack of awareness for what is occurring in the games that it is difficult to picture you being anything other than one of those players who blindly follows the contingent going to SHGY and thinks that’s all that happened.

I guess the op also doesn’t play horde.

I mean this is all the irrelevant I’m playing horde now so I’m now amazing at AV.

Ive seen plenty of games where the horde rush a straight 30+to SHGY - usually when 30 alliance park at SHGY -although there’s exceptions for everything.

Even if the horde rush 30 to SHGY they will still send enough back to take IBGY if theyre rezzers coming out of the cave cant handle it. Meanwhile alliance are running in from SP and simply dont ride to the flag. No attempt is made to get it back even though there could be as few as 10 horde there.

Where is this written? One team can definitely dominate another team for long stretches. You see it all the time with premades vs pugs. We just so happen to have reached that stage with AV organically.

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Apparently reading is difficult for you since OP didn’t say we zerg SHGY. Op said we have a straightforward offensive strategy in taking SHGY while Alliance are out attacking objectives or blasting a turtle. Op didn’t give any impression on how many are doing what nor did the Op expound on Horde strategy in any meaningful way.
The fact that you are trying to lump Hawne into this discussion is pretty hilarious though since his post wasn’t intended to be an in depth argument about how Horde go about capturing SHGY. He didn’t even attempt to do so. He also didn’t attempt to describe how Horde attempt to defend IBGY, simply saying that it is difficult for Alliance to hold based on the cave rez.
Nothing he says is even attempting to get into how Horde operates.

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A clear cut strategy of attacking sh graveyard.

Thank you for proving my point.


I don’t recall denying that point…

He doesn’t understand logic and reasoning, I’ve given up arguing with him as he is a brick wall that will insult you when he has no counter points.

I even gave screenshots showing over 10 alliance either afk or leaching in one game and he went on a tantrum of calling me a clicker (insults with no basis) on his mage main instead of addressing the fact I used a combination of eagle eye, invis potions, and track humanoids to prove over 1/4 of the alliance team wasn’t even participating in the BG.

He ignores historical evidence and even tried to rewrite history to fit his agenda.