AV Cave Rez situation

That is weird because I win most of my WSG/AB matches even when I’m ignoring the objective most of the time to enter confrontations.You have your statistics far off by a solid 30+%.

Welp enjoy your win rate and if you have a horde toon your queue times. But yeah it’s totally just cause alliance hate winning, but only in AV, there’s clearly no other reason.

I guess the mirrored maps just give alliance a massive advantage, that’s clearly the only way such a faction of complete losers who don’t care about winning could ever win.

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Alliance claim that once they are north of IWB they can’t get past it because it’s an “impossible to pass choke point”

And it’s silly because they are saying an almost 40 yard opening is a choke point.

I’m not saying the alliance use it as a choke, I’m saying they claim horde use it as a choke that is somehow massively better than their bridge choke vs horde.

The real issue isn’t that IWB is a strong choke for keeping alliance north, it’s that most alliance give up the moment they are forced north of IWB.

Bush league strawman. Its cool if you cant hang in the debate but at least know when to bow out and when its one fallacy after another thats a pretty good indication you should take your ball and go home.

I said the alliance dont care about winning as much as the horde do and the alliance is losing basically all of their games so what does that tell you?

I used to feel shame in publicly admitting being surrounded by a bunch of dead weight - but they are a bunch of dead weight - Ive since dropped the guilt. Now I just honestly regard them for what they are. Its not my fault if I am forced to conclude that my alliance team mates arent that into AV because they do a bang up job of demonstrating and proving their apathy every day in every way.

And Ill even throw myself under the bus here because I tend to lose interest when its tools doing tools at SPGY for a half hour and all the LTs are dead and the game is now closing in on 75 minutes and is probably going another 15 at least.

I just find a comfy spot in the shade south somewhere and kill NPCs until the game ends.

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So you don’t help alliance, mooch honor, then whine about alliance not trying hard enough?

When there is a game to play, I play it. I go all in, balls blood and bone.

But when my team asks me to die 20 times at a GY for next to no reason and fight at the same two locations on the map for 60 plus minutes and dont respond to back cap requests and let IWB burn to two horde when 35 alliance are spawning 20 yards away and fill chat with “Nows a good time to turn in” macros and I have 7 team mates with 0kbs, 0 deaths and 300 hks and its me and 3 others trying to 4 man the horde well then yeah, I kinda just go numb and succumb to the realization that this is good as it gets and try having fun for a change.

If youre not gonna care there is no burden on me to care and I cant care enough for yall anyway so its not like anything is lost.


Poor baby you lost one AV.

People lost many AV’s while they were trying their hardest to win. Shockingly they stopped trying in the face of an obvious map issue.

Do you have any concept of how petulant you appear when writing things like this?

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Given the horde queue times vs alliance queue times?

Given that virtually no horde posters in here have been complaining about their queue times.

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LOL! You’re funny.

You literally answered your own question.

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Did an AV yesterday on this priest as my shaman isn’t high enough yet.

4 horde went SFGY.

3 horde were AFK.

30 Horde ran straight to SHGY.

3 horde ran to SHGY bunker.

That’s only 1 game but…that’s much different than the picture you keep painting on here.

And what did Alliance do? You always seem to leave that part out.

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The point was no horde reacted to anything

They straight zerged SHGY. Contrary to what you keep saying.

They aren’t in talks about where to go, to win the game you go SHGY. Then back cap.


No. The point is that Horde react to what Alliance do. If Alliance turtled SHGY which is what you are pretty much conceding, then Horde rush SHGY. I swear. Reading comprehension is difficult.
God you guys are hilarious. Horde only zerg SHGY. Well what did you do? We sat at SHGY…

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No, that’s what I’m saying.

There was no waiting.

There was no communication.

It was zerg SHGY.

It’s not as if we waited to see where they went, or talked about it. Horde knew to just zerg SHGY.

Alliance went about 15-20 on defense at SHGY then went SFGY and actually called it from the horde that went there, didn’t matter, we zerged SHGY.

After about 13 minutes we took SHGY, they had soft capped IBGY from sfgy in that time. As soon as we capped SHGY, then 3 people in chat including the leader said to " go back cap IBGy quick".

About 18 horde including me went back.

It took us 4 rez waves to finally out number the alliance there, and since they had NO other graveyard they would never make it south again.

After we got IBGY back, game was over, we summoned Lok and bat riders and they lead the push into SPGY.

Contrary to what you keep saying.

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I don’t believe you. That’s what I am saying. I have months of playing in AV doing the exact same thing every single game since February. There are multiple other people who have the exact same experience. But this one guy on his Horde alt says that contrary to literally every game I have ever been in, he has not just one, but many games where Horde don’t intercept. I don’t believe you.
Straight up, I don’t believe that Alliance were only defending with 15-20. If they were and you just let them do their thing for 13 minutes, IBGY would have hard capped and you straight up aren’t getting it back. Especially if you only sent 18 back to get it after they hard capped it with 20-25. It isn’t believable.

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Honestly, this topic no longer serves its original purpose and it’s futile to even discuss it. All the ideas, thoughts, hopes, and concerns have been hashed to death and Blizzard simply isn’t listening.

At this point it’s just general complaining, whining, and trolling about a situation that Blizzard won’t fix. I’m putting the whole topic on mute because the signal-to-noise ratio has dropped to very low levels.

It’s been fun having some of the discussions here and I hope to see some of you in other threads.


Where did I say IBGY hard capped?

I don’t need you to believe me…that’s how the game went.

And what multiple people are agreeing with you aside from the two trolls on this forum?

Even the guy who made this thread said the games are different.

Id play more games to keep proving you wrong but I’m trying to level a shaman and I don’t want to waste 2 hours a day doing AV.