AV Cave Rez situation

Because spending more time controlling adds in a boss fight than raw dpsing is more important for the raids success?

I do mechanics over frothing at the mouth for big D meters.

Your used to ignoring mechanics and just burning the boss, because people like me take care of the mechanics your ignoring.

Sorry that’s to hard for you to understand.

No, good players do both.

I aoe the adds on Emps… While I still parse orange.

You’re making excuses as if all these mechanics exist for you to have a good parse, they don’t exist.

Your damage isn’t bad because you are doing mechanics, it’s bad because you’re not very good at the game. From listening to you all this time I think you just see yourself as being good, and you most likely aren’t from what I have seen and read off you.

Your guild and raid group aren’t good and I think your raid teams performance is exactly where you are at your current skill level. It’s not as of you’re out performing them, you parse just as bad as they do.

Alliance play to farm rep? What rep can you get since you can’t hold druids?

I been playing on retail with Korrack’s revenge and with that map Alliance beat us quite a bit. This is even with all the retail over the top spells and abilities and the Alliance are worse on retail than Classic.

The map is a huge part of the issue.

Well I asked that question before but I didn’t receive any relevant answer. If alliance is not queuing for rep. What the hell are they queuing for ? Certainly not honor ? Fun ? I mean the most obvious answer is rep to get some very nice epics for your alts.

Another interesting reason is at least in AV you don’t face premades. I mean even if you know you will mostly lose, you can still kill stuff and get some honor. Against premades you’re just graveyard farmed with zero honorable kill.

Why do you need to hold druids ? You just turn stuff, lose, and repeat since alliance have instant queues. You can do 40 turn-ins with druids/shamans. 5 rep per turn-ins. That’s an easy 200 rep per game. With air officer it’s another approximately 200 rep per game and whatever other objectives you can get. Ram/wolves is another way to get rep.

Of course, if your goal is reputation and you have instant queues, you won’t give a big try to win. You’ll do your turn-ins and then obviously want a new game instead of losing 2 hours trying to win this one with very limited more rep.

They’re the same Alliance. This is what you fail to acknowledge. I’ve run into Alliance in AV that I’ve played with in WSG. I’ve run into Horde that I’ve played against in AB. There are Privates and Marshals and Lt. Commanders in all brackets and in all BG’s.

But let’s assume what you say is 100% correct and every Alliance that queues up for AV is doing it for the rep. This means that every Alliance is also laughably stupid since killing Drek, burning towers, killing all the Lts and winning is worth a ton more rep. You’re assuming these Alliance would rather plunk away in 100’s of painful losses rather than winning a fraction of those AV’s for the same rep. So again we’re back to your assertion that ALL Alliance are terrible and brain dead.

Alliance DO try. They rush IBGY. They rush SF. They rush RH. They rush Galv (that works out well :neutral_face:) and only when they find themselves in an unbeatable turtle at SH or when they lose SH do they give up and farm rep.

Why would Alliance be content to farm a pittance of rep when completing objectives gives a ton more? Why would Alliance not queue for AV if they don’t need rep at all?

ALL of this, even if what you assume were true, comes back to the fact that the MAP makes winning nearly impossible. An Alliance win rests completely on how the Horde play.

There’s nothing else left.

Why would Alliance depend on looting bodies for rep when winning gives much more?

Good grief. This stupid premise just comes back to Horde good. Alliance bad. And they’re all dumber than a box of hair on top of that.

But only in AV. Must be sorcery.

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Maybe alliance are allergic to snow?

Cause winning is harder and there is no guarantee you will win. Why spend 1 hour + in a AV for no guaranteed extra rep when alliance can just lose and have a fresh game instantly ? Besides, winning does not give that much extra rep compared to turn-ins you can do.

Very good premise, contrary to what you’re saying. At least far from being “stupid” like you try to allege. But hey, it’s so easy to have bad arguments and give insults instead.

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I think you’re on to something!

Alliance with their normal skin and fat composition quickly succumb to hypothermia. It’s not the wall of Horde that keep them from advancing south - it’s frost bite!

Horde don’t have that problem . . . orcs with their leather skin and ten layers of fat. Not to mention their very small brains that can barely process sensory input. Trolls just put down fire totems. Tauren have hide and cow hair to fend off the elements. And the undead? Well they don’t feel anything.

It’s not the map… it’s the snow!

When you have quick queues its way more efficient to lose a fast game and get into another one than it is to spend an hour and half trying to win one game with no guarantees when you can quadruple your gains in less than half the time.

This was the horde AV meta in retail for years and its where “honor per hour” came from. This is nothing new and we’ve seen the same ridiculous mindset in classic 1000 times worse than anything vanilla could have produced.

I guess if you want to call riding single file around the back of SF to IBGY and dying on your mount to an intercepting horde defense while 3 horde cap SHGY as “trying” thats certainly your prerogative. I have a different take.


First of all there are no quick losses in AV. If you’re under that impression then you clearly haven’t played Classic AV. Secondly, if it’s NOT the map that causes Alliance to lose and a win is just as easy, then winning would be MUCH more efficient not to mention faster.

You mean like trying other strats? Like hiding and wiping the Horde until they cap SF and then advance to IBGY? How well does that work out?

How well does it work to bunch up and deathball to SF or IBGY? How well does it work out to try and push past SH to either SF or IBGY?

You talk like Alliance have never thought to try any of this, or that they still don’t.

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So there’s a 50:50 win ratio for both factions? Then no. Nothing is canceled out.

OK, weren’t we just instructed by Bodi that Alliance ARE trying?

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You also play a mage on emps, hunters aoe is very limited.

My raids dps tunnel to much so I end up being the one babysitting the healers.

I don’t raid with the best players but I enjoy my time with them. Even with calling in discord for help with bugs if it’s becoming to much for me to do alone, I might get 5 dps actually start helping.

It’s just how my guild is, but I’m having fun, and with my messed up work schedule I’m happy to be able to raid at all considering I go to work as most “morning raids” start and I get back from work as most “night raids” end.

As a truck driver I’m sure you understand this to a degree though. Some work schedules just suck.

The reality is that if Alliance’s ONLY GY south of SP is taken, the game is over. You still see Alliance charging up the choke at IWB trying to push back. This is the point when Alliance give up trying to get a foothold south because it’s pointless.

It’s pointless to clash with Horde at SHGY until Lok is in play. There is no possibility that if you haven’t capped IBGY or SF you’ll be able to do so. This is when Alliance resign themselves to farming rep and honor.

There is ALWAYS an initial strat, whether it’s deathballing, hiding and wiping Horde, or rushing. Always.

So yes, they always try. Only a fool would think that once you’re turtling at SH or SP for 45 minutes that there’s the possibility of winning. There isn’t.

When do Alliance AND Horde give up trying to win AB or WSG and just farm honor? That’s right - when a win is obviously impossible. And everyone knows this because everyone’s been there.

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I love how IWB is constantly called a choke by alliance and yet the actual “choke point” is about 35 yards wide.

There are two paths to pass IWB. One is the road, the other is the path above the road which adds 25 yards of space to the choke.

But hay, IWB is somehow a better choke than the 10 yard bridge. Which also has a crap ton of NPC hazzard for horde as well there…

Such a frail misconception.AV is Alliance favored and the Alliance still lose 99.9% of the time.The Alliance are good at RP and the horde are good at PvP, it’s plain and simple, there is no convoluted complication involved into this matter. :ok_hand:

Enjoy your AV queue times while losing 50% of WSG/AB.

But yeah, it’s only cause alliance suck.

There is always the possibility but not with the current crop of alliance queuing AV.

Also, Id say at least half my games (and Im doing tons of AV right now) there is no attempt to push south. Its just glom up at SHGY right from the get go a lot of the time.

The rest of the time they either choose a guaranteed to fail strat (ride right to IBGY down either side) or give the horde a decent fight early and then ultimately collapse because no one dare leave the hk farm to back cap or do anything else productive.

And again, thats not even including all the afkers, cavers (“not lozin dez bufs brah sry”) or fishermen that plague alliance teams.

Perhaps you try, perhaps Im trying, maybe there’s like 5-10 alliance in there who actually want to win the bg but youre not beating a tryhard horde team when your V8 is running on 2 cylinders.

IWB isn’t a choke for Alliance because their GY is outside of the point and has two access points and if SHGY is tapped, the nearest one is from their starting area which takes a while to get from.

IWGY is a choke, IWB isn’t.