AV Cave Rez situation

I mean what he says is right.

I been in plenty of games where SHGY is held for over an hour until Lok is summoned to help push.

I been in games where alliance killed Lok 2 times.

What ? Iā€™m exalted on 8 characters and I have never seen that. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible though but itā€™s probably very rare.

At all events, if itā€™s the case, itā€™s probably because both stacks are pretty equal so youā€™re fightint SHGY vs SFGY. It happens.

The game is only over when SHGY is capped because you give up. Contrary to alliance belief the game doesnā€™t end until your boss dies.

Contrary to your beliefs horde defend all the time, heck you even complain about it for how horde seem to send 20 horde vs anything soft capped.

Your forgetting after premades got killed for AV the alliance pugs were screaming for blizzard to fix their bot/leach/afk infestation.

It took blizzard about a month or two to fix it. By then alliance gave up.

We havenā€™t seen pug alliance that try vs pug horde that try since premades were killed because back when premades were killed maybe half of the alliance teams were players trying to win on average because of all the bots. By the time it got fixed enough legitimate players were no longer trying to win that caused the loss rate to still stay low.

But that doesnā€™t fit your narrative.

Contrary to popular belief not everyone logs.

Heck most of my raid time in classic didnā€™t get logged and even now itā€™s only on occasion.

But I donā€™t play for the big D meters. Iā€™m the person keeping the healers alive from adds, following mechanics, heck I have passed out Mana potions mod fight to oom healers that ran out of potions.

Iā€™ve given over 500 Mana potions to my raid healers, maybe 100 of them mid combat.

I play for the group, not my own logs. Itā€™s part of why I use an owl (screech). Itā€™s not the highest dps, but it helps the raid more than any other pet.

Your so focused on the big D meters you lose sight of the actual fight.

Itā€™s no surprise you have issues understanding the difference between arenas and AV.

Sounds like your raid team is trash.

Mana pots??

What are those??

Your healers are oom after a 30 second boss kill???

Mechanics?? What are those?? This is classic.

Aside from tranq shot as a hunter what mechanics are you doing??

Well thatā€™s just poor planning.

Donā€™t worry his raid team is really good at AV.

Sorry for not being neck beards for 15 year old content and cheesing the fight to where you donā€™t even experience the mechanics of the fightā€¦ Not everyone is here to top the bid D meters, some of us are here to enjoy the experience, not drool over world buffs and consumables.

Firstly, Mana potions ARE a consumable, and you admitted to handing out 500 CONSUMABLES, and atleast 100 of them mid fight.

Secondly, expecting people to perform doesnā€™t mean you neck beard content, I would expect my raid to not be trash. Even mediocre guilds can clear content at a decent speed, and they would laugh at their players for having to hand out that many consumables mid fight.

Your raid group and guild sound beyond bad.

500 Mana potions throughout classic releaseā€¦ Itā€™s not that many potions when you look at it from the entire raid cycle, letā€™s say your a healer and you use 5 Mana potions a raid night on average. Letā€™s say you run with 6 healers thatā€™s 30 Mana potions in one night. Thatā€™s 16-17 raid nights of Mana potions so 16 weeks is 4 months of raiding. I supplied some of the healers Mana potions, they got their own dark runes, and I did it to help.

Neck beard consumables are flasking everyone, everyone is world buffed, exc. My raid group doesnā€™t require that. And I wouldnā€™t be able to afford it if they did because it feels like everyone that is constantly parsing has to be buying gold or has absolutely no life to be able to afford 1000g worth of consumables every week.

Ps I didnā€™t buy the Mana potions I farmed DMT for them and would share them every week.

Take your bid D meter sweaty neckbeardia attitude somewhere else because I donā€™t care about my parses, I wouldnā€™t have chosen a hunter as my main if I did, I donā€™t raid to flex my numbers, I raid for fun.

Thereā€™s a difference between parsing consumables and consumables to make a smooth run.

Parses arenā€™t about dps, as far as being #1, itā€™s how you compare vs others as your class.

So saying you wouldnā€™t of picked a hunter to parse makes no senseā€¦ You are vs other hunters ONLY

1000g?? A week?? What??

At most a full week of consumes for me was around 400g. Easily done by playing the game.

My guild didnā€™t require it either. I just donā€™t like to be carried like others I guess. I want to perform the best I can for my raid team, even if they are bad.

Iā€™m focused on mechanics not dps.

As an example twin emperor in AQ40 Iā€™m peeling loose bugs of healers for 1/4 of the fight. Even on trash like the champions that fear and nock back the tanks I play gate keeper away from the raid so if tanks get threat dropped from the CC while the other adds are being killed it goes for me over healers. And I kite it until tanks can pick it back up, are out of CC and I FD to send it back to them, exc.

Yes the warriors tanks stance dance for the fear, Iā€™m the backup plan.

I play for mechanics not big D meters.

And class selection is important for parses because people parsing want to be #1 dps in the raid and in their parse, thatā€™s how their big D meters work in their mind. Need proof? Look at the class percentage of warrior/mage dps over any other class. People chose those classes because they wanted to win the big D meters.

Parses donā€™t work that way.

You can 99 parse as any class. Itā€™s not VS other classes.

Good players do mechanics while they perform well at their classā€¦

It was 400 rep per game for each game. Total of around 850 between the two games. Each game was roughly an hour long.

Thats definitely not the norm because you are frequently dumped into games that are more than half over since alliance quit the bg left and right but any alliance team that doesnt lose SHGY too quickly is probably in for some decent rep gains if theyre there from start to finish.

Thats one of the benefits of being frontloaded with rep farmers as teammates.

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Can you blame the alliance who are still doing AV for not trying??

Do you not recall the horde crying about pre-mades and giving up??

This isnā€™t a red vs blue thing, itā€™s a player mentally no matter what color you play for.

I could but I dont. Id settle for them not making excuses but it doesnt look good. But then again, its really only the forums that make this big a deal about it. Its hardly brought up in games and even when it is thereā€™s more than one alliance player who calls bs on it.

Im well steeped in classic av for both factions although I dont do AV on my horde rogues anymore because I dont have the patience.

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Thatā€™s absolutely true. Of course youā€™ll land in teams where players donā€™t care or screw up. That happens in every BG. But it doesnā€™t happen all the time or even most of the time. You assume that all the thousands of Alliance that are randomly grouped with different teams are ALL lacking will, determination, focus and intensity. And itā€™s all because of a short queue or some such.

These same Alliance, however, suddenly have will, determination, focus and intensity when they play AB and WSG even though the queue is often shorter.

Your argument is nonsensical. It defies logic. Losing a match here and there due to a crazy team is a given. Losing 99% of the time is a mathematical quagmire. Itā€™s literally irrational.

All things being equal (premades aside - random pug vs random pug) which they pretty much are in not one, but two other BGā€™s, the win ratio is much, much different. Same players. Same queue time. Put these same Alliance with the same queue time in a different map and suddenly they lose 99% of the time.

You can inject your emotions into this if you must, but thereā€™s only one rational conclusion.


I dont know what part of alliance play to rep farm, horde play to win is throwing you off but getting them to penetrate your cortex aint my problem.

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Glad to see kids that canā€™t sort out how warcraftlogs works are here to tell everyone the map is fine lol.

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