AV Cave Rez situation

It’s cause alliance haven’t stepped thru the dark portal yet.

Once that happens they will magically learn how to play AV.

I wonder why?

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I mean, horde get to soft cap the GY with no resistance. There is plenty of opportunity to stop it before it hard caps, seeing as horde rarely have more than 2 or 3 people at SFGY waiting on that soft cap to turn hard cap.

As a horde player you’re prolly not used to this, but alliance can’t just send people anywhere because as soon as SHGY gets capped the game is over.

So as a horde player you’re used to not having to defend anything, but you see how it is for alliance they can’t just let SHGY get taken as they don’t have their cave right next to it.

You mean other than those 20 people that they can send anywhere since it only takes 20 people at most to defend SHGY right?

They will never understand this. They see IBGY get taken back and think its others defending. They don’t realize its just the cave spewing their respawns out right beside IBGY at double the rate lol.

You wouldn’t know since supposedly all 40 of you have to defend at SHGY otherwise you lose the game.

Do you remember the story of the turtle and the hare that raced?

Who won?

The hare that didn’t care and felt like nothing mattered on his efforts part, or the turtle who kept going, not giving up, not stopping for a nap, not blaming a rigged race, not giving up.

Who won that race in the story?

The alliance are having the issues of the hare. They don’t feel a need to try. Horde do, horde keep trying even if the first clash is bad, even if IBGY gets soft capped, horde don’t give up even if IBGY gets hard capped. Horde don’t give up even if it’s been a stale mate in mid for 30 minutes, because we waited 2+ hours just to get into the match and we won’t be giving up as easily as someone who waited 5 minutes.

It’s a factor, not the only factor, but the que time vs game duration is a factor.

All else being equal happens in .00001% of games. Grats on the epic fail.

It happens very consistently on AV weekend, and guess what win rates still only go to 10-15%.

Guess where the rest of that loss rate is coming from? Oh yeah the map.

Even if 20 ally defend SHGY.

How do they beat 40 horde??

Oh wait I forgot horde don’t go SHGY, they “react” instead of just going for the objective that wins them the game.

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Its so dumb lol. Its just rep farming. Guys have macros to remind people to turn in when the GYs topple. Its a joke.

And naturally you have stealth/shadowmelds forming a horseshoe around the area - guys with 0 kbs o deaths and 200 hks every game.

“All else being equal” would include completely identical team comps, skill levels, experience, queue times, desire to compete, team play, coordination etc etc etc etc. Its what all else being equal means.

So for the hard of thinking that means things are basically never on equal ground and thus the map actually being a factor in wins and losses is next to zero.

I doubt alliance get any rep out of AV now, maybe 100 a game.

So in terms of people currently in the que on alliance is agree it’s prolly just bots.

But even 8 months ago when everyone tried, alliance couldn’t win.

Yet alliance wins 50/50 in other BGs.

I just came out of 2 back to back 400 rep games. Good assumption.

You get plenty of rep with druids/shamans + air commanders. Winning or losing.

400 rep a game for an hour?

You need 42k rep. That’s 105 AV games at 400 rep a game.

Enjoy that!

Which I assume 400 a game is on the high side.

Also looking at logs, you have none aside from mc logs from phase 1.

Which you didn’t even fully do, so you’re not really playing that toon in AV. I think you’re just here to troll.

No logs, yet you’re doing AV for the ring and dagger to do what with? If you were gonna PvP for rank you wouldn’t be in AV and you clearly don’t raid.

Smells fishy.

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Even winning you don’t do that much more rep. The best is to do AV on week-end, it goes faster. Winning during AV week - end it’s like around 1k rep so it’s still a lot of games. And that’s during AV week end.

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It’s easier to defend a point since you rez next to your flag. It requires more coordination on the attacking team.

But if you don’t agree, you can still defend SHGY with 40 allies. If you are the better stack, you will push back horde to IBGY and then cap it.

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Noone has ever denied alliance can turtle SHGY until the horde summon the ice guy.

Of course that’s not a winning strat, but then that concept it also more difficult than 20 being greater than 10.

OH Ziryus the condescending guy again. You really think high of yourself.

Be respecteful and maybe I’ll answer you again. What a shame.

Actually I’ll just talk the way you talk to us.

You must be a real noob not to understand if alliance is better than horde you will push them back and prevent horde to summon. You have a brain ? Also stop being a parrot, it’s embarrasing. See ? I can go down to your level.

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