AV Cave Rez situation

Why does capping SHGY mean horde wins while capping IBGY doesn’t equal the same for alliance?

I answered this above.

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What’s funny is when tbc hits and alliance cap IBGY horde are gonna be LOST when they Rez at fwgy wondering why they can’t recap IBGY and alliance get to actually push south and win.

That is entirely dependent on which version of the map they use. Believe it or not, in the first couple of patches with reinforcements, the game is actually easier for Horde to win at a 99% clip than it is now.

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I don’t believe this at all.

In all my horde games, I have 2 horde exalted toons and 3 alliance exalted toons.

Horde get to SFGY first to cap it before alliance can even get there. That’s not reacting, you literally have a head start.

You wait for ally to get to shgy and then attack it. It doesn’t matter where alliance go, your win condition is SHGY at all costs. THEN you can react to what they took when they traded SHGY.

Not so sure as the cave rez is fixed in 2.3.

Yes the cave pushback isn’t until 2.4 but turtles rarely happen and it usually is still won by killing the leaders.

Apparently you have been carried on your horde toons and didn’t bother looking around on your alliance toons then. Horde gets SFGY first. No one is disputing this. It also doesn’t really matter early so who cares. It matters so much to Horde that literally no one tells anyone to go get it. It is an afterthought that a couple of people who want to complete the quest go up and get.

I am hoping they go with 2.4. Everything prior to 2.4 is actually less fair than the current map.

Lol getting handed the first neutral GY with 0 resistance doesn’t matter. You keep opening your mouth and making it even more obvious you horde are biased and have no clue how this map works.

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Yeah me as a 2400 rated arena player has no map awareness.

It doesn’t matter early. Like I said, there is even a major Alliance strategy based around letting Horde have it early. That was one of the major strategies in Vanilla. It still works with the right Alliance group today. Only person sounding ignorant here is you bud :slight_smile:

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Yep doesn’t matter that the alliance have to devote players to taking it back, while defending SHGY and also trying to attack IBGY all while the other team has a head start to be in position to counter whatever lol.

Last I checked, Arenas aren’t a massive map where you need to count higher than 2, 3, or 5 to understand the situation happening around you. They are different skills. Gratz on the 2400 rating though. Tells me you are probably hard to kill :slight_smile:

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I will be a gladiator in tbc, thank God those maps are small

Again, if you don’t even understand how your own faction should go about getting SFGY, that’s on you. Go do some more googling. It will probably help you understand AV better. You might eventually figure out that the cave advantage Horde has is exactly what I described earlier and start screaming about it that way so we have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting it changed.

Yeah. It will be nice having an avenue to actually pvp with the sole objective of pvping lol. I hope you kill it there :smiley:

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I have my rep on my chars, i don’t honor grind because its quite frankly a pathetic no life reward to get r14 gear. I post here because i think its funny that the horde are so desperate to keep this obvious unfair advantage. It will be even funnier in TBC when you are losing AV constantly, still suck in AB/WSG/EOTS and to top it all off none of you can even earn a weapon in arena since the map isn’t tailored to carry you.

So please continue telling us how your strats are so l33t and revolve around the head start and cave while also trying to claim they aren’t problems :slight_smile:

If you’re implying there is a legitimate strat for alliance to take and hold SF from the Horde w/o severely outplaying them I’d like to hear it and laugh at you after every Alliance that dies there res at aidstation.

If however you mean the strat that requires the Horde to take it while we Hold SH. That still requires Alliance to be 2-3x better then the Horde but at least gives us a shot at grabbing IBGY since that changes your res location to SF if IBGY is held correctly and also sticks you on a 10 res cycle if you’re wiped just prior to the rush to IBGY.

You can take this line to someone else. I want changes. A lot of them. The map isn’t fun and my entire stated goal has been a good game. I am not there to honor grind or rep grind. I am there to have fun playing the map. Right now it isn’t fun and it hasn’t been fun for 9 months since all the best Alliance players left. I have a boatload of changes I want for AV.

Always taking things out of context. Haven’t said they were l33t or even good strats. I have explained what we do and how they work. The 30 seconds affects precisely 2 positional clashes on the map which are entirely avoidable by the Alliance simply choosing to go bunker side. There are aspects of the map that need changes. The things you describe are exceptionally minor in the grand scheme of the map advantage though. And that’s ultimately what we are discussing. Map advantage. The 2 biggest ones are cave respawns and SFGY respawn order Alliance side. Those two things are both minor changes that would have a drastic impact on how this map is played.

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If you want changes perhaps you should state the obvious reason why the que is so bad and quit saying losses are a result of the que. You said yourself its not fun and this is coming from horde side that always wins. You think alliance want to que up to fight uphill the entire time and still lose every time?


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