AV Cave Rez situation

How many of those horde turn back after the intercept to park at IBGY and actually DEFEND it? The answer is 0. You all in SHGY and whoever res’s can take back IBGY if its soft capped because of the cave What part of this is hard to comprehend?

We can’t all in IBGY without losing SHGY and never getting it back since we dont have a cave to bail us out or an uphill bottleneck advantage.


Sorry I’m a truck driver and I’m at work so sometimes my response is might take longer I work second shift.

Horde don’t keep anybody at IBGY, I’m not sure why you could keep suggesting they do.

Even the op explained how the game is played and for some reason it’s way different than how you’re explaining it it sounds like you’re just trying to use false data to explain your narrative.

Last AV weekend I went 18 and o.

Nobody stays at IBgy at the start of the game you might get some that go to SF but mostly everybody’s going to sh to meet the alliance.

It’s not until they cap SHGY that we finally go back and retake ibgy.

I suspect the issue is that many of you alliance cannot see past “race”.

That’s adorable coming from the faction that has a 30 second head start that literally zergs SHGY every game while relying on the cave to keep them from having to keep people on defense.

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Again, this is how I know you don’t play. The answer depends entirely on whether we wiped Alliance mid. If we did, then yeah they all proceed to SHGY. Typically, we didn’t. Typically, we killed 4ish Alliance and are trailing the rest as they ride to IBGY where the first major engagement happens between those two groups. Typically 20ish Horde are trailing.
Seriously, if you don’t even know this much, you shouldn’t comment.

I explained this. We don’t leave them back to defend IBGY. That isn’t because we are “giving it up” or because “we are all riding to SHGY.” Neither of those are happening. What is happening is that Horde is looking to intercept the first Alliance wave of 25ish that are riding toward an objective. As I explained to Jeezy, Horde will usually kill 4ish Alliance players then trail them wherever they are going and engage there. It isn’t a matter of “not defending.” It is a matter of “how we are defending.” It is an intercept and trail defense.
The fact that you actually think Horde are all rushing to SHGY tells me that you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings when you play Horde. And that’s assuming that you do. The way you describe what we do tells me pretty definitively that you don’t.

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Doing 1 intercept against lesser numbers (because alliance can’t afford to lose SHGY and actually have to defend it since no cave bail out like horde) isn’t defending. Defending means you actually keep someone at IBGY.

God you are dense. There are various ways to defend. I just described the Horde approach. It is an intercept and trail defense. And if Alliance are only sending out 10 to attempt to get any objectives, that’s a failure on your faction in that game. But I guess if they have to rely on players like you to do heavy lifting they never really had a chance anyway.

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When your “strategy” consists of more than abusing the 30 second head start to block the alliance that aren’t defending SHGY then just dog piling SHGY endlessly you can speak. Until then quit making nonsense up pretending you guys are doing anything other than zerging SHGY after abusing the head start.

I mean look at what you say. You guys rush middle, get there before alliance courtesy of the 30 second head start then you call out which way and intercept. Imagine trying to do that without a 30 second head start lol. Everything you guys do in there is entirely enabled by imbalances and you are so clueless that you even admit its a core part of what you do while arguing against some other imbalance.

What you said is basically: Cave doesn’t matter and our defense is abusing the 30 second head start to intercept. You can’t justify one imbalance by saying you utilize a different one and its ok lol.

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Quick. Describe to me where that first engagement happens on the map. Educate me. I am dying to understand how the 30 seconds matters. See here is the problem with your entire schtick. I know where we engage you. I know where the middle of the map is. And I know when that 30 seconds matters and when it doesn’t.
I bet you can’t even describe where the intercept locations happen. I await your response. Please. Enlighten us all.

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You really need told how the 30 second head start matters lol? You truly are a dolt. You guys can adjust to whichever side we go courtesy of this head start and your little brain can’t sort out how this is an advantage?

When the game starts there are horde waiting at SFGY(the couple that capped it before we are even in range to interrupt it) they say “alliance left side” then you have the people that are attacking SHGY that see the alliance running past SHGY as they come up the hill right beside it and say “alliance right side”. Hell some horde are even in position to intercept us as we run towards SH bunker courtesy of this head start lol.

If you did not have a 30 second head start you would not have scouts in position to say which way we are going and you would also not be waiting in the middle of the map to adjust left or right to intercept. You would just be making it to the middle at the same time we are and have to choose a side to cover or split into two forces to cover each side.

The fact you think its normal and balanced to be in position like that to intercept us regardless of where we go while still having half your team attacking SHGY speaks volumes of how entitled and clueless you are.

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Typical avoidance. Where do we engage you on the map? You haven’t answered that question. It is pretty brilliant that you typed out that entire wall of text and didn’t actually answer my question.

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Alliance go sfgy.

Horde go SHGY, it’s wide open.

Alliance now Rez at SPGY if they died in the right spot, if not they Rez at Aid Station, while horde Rez at IBGY, remind me again which is closer?

In this scenario horde still out reinforce alliance because alliance have to run back from SPGY to reinforce sfgy. Since they lost SHGY they have no other rez spot. While defending sfgy alliance get sent to Aid station or SPGY, horde get sent to IBGY, wonder which is closer to reinforce sfgy??

Alliance rush IBGY.

Horde take SHGY and then send 15-20 to back cap IBGy, while using their cave to put reinforce alliance. In this scenario alliance rez at SPGY again.

Remind me which is closer? Horde rezing at cave to IBGY or SPGY to IBGY?? Wonder who gets to out reinforce this!?!?!

Last scenario alliance can do, defend SHGY and attack another point.

Horde send all to shgy to take it, making alliance no longer have a graveyard, they now all rez at SPGY.

Man this is truly hard to understand why alliance can’t get a foothold in the south. Truly hard stuff here.

Can’t wait to see you argue out of this one!

Any scenario for horde is take SHGY first. You aren’t reacting or defending to anything at first, after you take SHGY then you react and back cap.



Where you engage has no bearing on it. The point is you wouldn’t have the information to know where to engage us without the head start. You wouldn’t have those 2 lead groups calling out our positions. Of course you engage beside SFGY and south of SH Bunker. You engage in these areas because you are parked in the center waiting for a call out long before alliance can get there and then rush left or right to intercept. None of which would be possible without the head start.

See this is already incorrect. Alliance aren’t sending 40 to SFGY. It is more like 20-25. Horde aren’t ignoring those 20-25. They are sending 20-25 to SFGY to intercept those Alliance. The other 15-20 are proceeding to SHGY.
The scenario as you are describing it literally never happens. I have never seen it and I have played a lot of AV.

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The entire initial battle is tailored around the head start and right after that everything you guys do to secure SHGY is tailored around the fact you don’t have to defend IBGY. This is why you guys spend countless hours on here arguing to keep these advantages. If they weren’t a big deal you would let it go but instead you have people with 600+ posts in this thread alone saying how its fair, even though they know its not and blizzard changed it at a later date for this reason.

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It is a wonder people waste actual arguments on you when you post stuff like this.

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Bravo. You googled it lol. The only one that wouldn’t be possible is the valley by SFGY which turns into a frost nova trap. Alliance shouldn’t be going that way. They should be engaging behind the bunkers. That’s the far more difficult path for Horde to stop. Especially if the Alliance are any good and attempt to actually wipe the Horde trickling in. See that’s the part that I find hilarious about this 30 second thing. The spot where it is advantageous for Alliance in the first engagement doesn’t actually help Horde with the head start. It puts us in an area where the bunkers provide supporting fire. Horde also aren’t sitting in the middle waiting for a call. Some have fast mounts. Many no longer do. So if Alliance actually play it right, the initial engagement is in your favor.

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Ok so what if you guys couldn’t cap SFGY before the alliance even arrive and what if the initial battle took place in the center of the map likes its supposed to? Do you think its fair that the first battle takes place right beside the alliance GY and that the horde can soft cap the first neutral gy before the alliance even arrive?

The conclusion is SHGY is how you win.

It has no bearing what alliance do is the WHOLE point, you only need to grab SHGY and the game is over because of where they Rez in relation to horde.

Nothing else matters. Horde take SHGY and alliance are no where to be found after that. They are all stuck up north.

You can’t dispute that’s because that’s how the game literally works.

It is NOT the same for horde because of the cave rez.

What the Alliance do is ENTIRELY the point. Horde REACT to whatever Alliance choose to do and continue to react the entire game. There is only one scenario where we rush SHGY and that is an Alliance turtle at SHGY. Every single other aspect of the Horde strategy is dictated by how the Alliance choose to play it. So sitting here telling me that somehow your point is in any way cogent is ridiculous. I know how we play it. What you are describing isn’t accurate. SHGY is the end goal. How we take it varies depending on how Alliance play the game. That is the end all be all statement describing Horde’s early game.

I think that neutral graveyard is somewhat irrelevant since Horde never actually sends anyone there. 1 or 2 players mosey their way up there and if the main group of Alliance went bunker side while 2 Alliance went to SFGY, it is unlikely that Horde would react to those 2 setting up a 2 on 2 deathmatch up top. At that point it really depends on which side is better.
Furthermore, one major strategy that Alliance use takes advantage of the Horde getting SFGY in order to split Horde rezzes making it more difficult to defend IBGY. So, if your point is that somehow getting SFGY first is some major aspect of AV, then I hate to disappoint you but it really isn’t. It isn’t a focus for either side to be quite frank.

Because the map is poorly designed? But specifically, because the map designers created a single ridiculously strong choke behind SHGY making it easy to defend and fully cap SHGY while making it difficult to bypass coming from SPGY. You aren’t going to get me to defend that. It is a terrible design and one I would change.

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