AV Cave Rez situation

You get ticks of rep as you hold the enemies’ towers as well. You know this, right? There is no reason whatsoever you cannot be getting those ticks as stealthers soft cap towers and GYs. Stop thinking in regard to being a death blob, and start having folks attack multiple objectives at once.

They don’t want to do any form of Guerrilla warfare. It’s a form of strategy and heaven forbid alliance have to use any strategy.

I’ve suggested this and other methods to improve their chances of winning but they either outright dismiss it as “we shouldn’t have to do that” or laugh at it thinking it’s useless.

Example, let’s say a night elf hunter puts a frost trap at the entrance of the horde cave then goes off and shadow melds. Let’s say the hunter has the entrapment talent to RNG root.

This adds multiple seconds to the horde getting to IBGY when alliance have it soft capped and causes staggered assault because some horde get rooted and delayed longer than the rest.

I did this in vanilla as alliance and it made a big difference when trying to hard cap IBGY. They think this strategy is useless. Using one person to add 5-10 seconds to horde reinforcing their assault to retake IBGY and causing them to trickle in instead of as a single mass of reinforcement because of RNG rooting.

But to them it’s useless having one person (who doesn’t even need to risk death because shadow-meld) cause every wave of horde respawns to be delayed by a minimum of 5 seconds. Which amazingly makes up that difference from horde taking 40 seconds to get to IBGY from cave (now 45 at minimum) to the same time it takes alliance to get to IBGY from SHGY of 45 seconds.

The trap triggers combat ticks for the horde and makes them unable to mount until they have run out of the frost trap with RNG rooting them.

But no. Alliance want nothing but their race meta back.

Queue times are longer for Horde in AB and WSG as well. And yet, the win ratio is balanced. In my bracket, I win the vast majority of those BG’s.

Everyone wants to win. Whether you wait is 3 minutes or 3 hours.

Motivation only goes so far. It doesn’t magically make more healers queue. It doesn’t magically make you cooperate better. And it certainly doesn’t magically make insurmountable map disadvantages disappear.

No amount of motivation will allow you to win a race when everyone else gets a 20 second head start. No amount of motivation will allow you to win a race when everyone else gets a straight path to the finish line and you have hurdles to jump over. That race is unwinnable unless the Horde sit down and eat a sandwich.

By the by, currently leveling up an alliance hunter on Arcanite Reaper, so I can put into practice that which is apparently lacking in alliance AV.

No you don’t. You only get rep when the tower burns.

Great! Please let us know how that works out for you.

This. In retail they added all kinds of things like that for rep. You only get rep when resources are turn in, Lieutenants are killed and towers actually destroy.

Where are the incremental ticks coming from then?

(leveling note: I see that chain killing enemy alts in lowbie zones to rank is a thing.)

Yes, it’s called bracket badding.

Helps people rank.

Probably people doing turn-ins in base

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Its people turning in armor scraps and such and the bits to summon icelord for horde and all that stuff. Each time a turn in is done a little bit of rep is given to everyone of that faction in the BG.

They are 8 minutes…try again. Like, I don’t understand how the entire concept of “I am waiting for 2 hours to play AV so a 30 minute to 1 hour AV isn’t a big deal” keeps being compared to “I waited 8 minutes to get into a BG.” They aren’t comparable. At all.
And just so I can clear up any misconception. You know what the meta was when Horde had 8 minute queues when AV first dropped? It was a race meta. It would return to a race meta with 8 minute queues because the HPH becomes more worthwhile to get more games in with fast queues. It isn’t worth it with 2 hour queues.


Rather ranks up there with “horde do not play defense”

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You don’t seem to understand that the cave is less than half the distance from ibgy when compared to what alliance have to deal with. You also don’t comprehend that cave resurrects people 20 at a time Vs a graveyard only doing 10.

So yeah if you can’t sort out half the distance to travel after ressing + double the res waves = huge advantage when defending ibgy then you deserve any comments people make about you.

You don’t seem to understand that we have to run from the back of the cave not the mouth of the cave making it roughly 8-10 seconds before we can even mount to ride back to IBGY.
The cave rez is an advantage. A fairly substantial one. But it isn’t a 99% winning one. It never has been. It does slant the map to the tune of a 40-60 or 30-70 map. That isn’t fair. It isn’t even REMOTELY fair. It should be changed. But to keep pretending that it is only the map is disingenuous or ignorant. There are multiple factors. Always have been. Most notably map disadvantage + short queues = /afk quickly.


No one cares about what it would return to with 8 minute ques and no map changes. What people care about is what the ques/win %s would be if the map was actually balanced. It doesn’t need to be run past each other zerg fest or horde 99% wins via a broken map. Believe it or not it could be like other maps where gasp the BEST team wins and not horde having a 30 second head start, closer/larger res waves and a safe lok spawn position on top of the alliance respawn issues.

You do realize there are multiple videos out with timers showing you guys can get to the center of the map 30 seconds faster than alliance right lol.

You need to put my quotes in context or stop quoting me. This one is specifically aimed at Bodicca spouting off the same inane and irrelevant point about how the other maps have 50/50 win rates and that’s the reason the map is the sole reason Alliance lose. Its a trash argument. It has always been a trash argument. Your statement is a distraction and doesn’t touch on the original point.

Another in a long line of irrelevant points by you. My comment is about defending IBGY from the cave which is in response to your silly attempt to do the 20 vs 10 math without the correct context of the amount of time it takes to get back to IBGY from the cave.
Your posts are pretty worthless in all honesty. Guess I will just lump you in with Ziryus, Bodicca, and Reapers. There are a bunch of alliance players on this thread that make / have made great points. Unfortunately they keep being drowned out by misinformation and misdirection panderers like you 4.

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Sorry Jeezy but you’re wrong. I invite you to read my posts above.
You are totally and factually wrong on horde cave ==> IBGY distance (Post 3546)

You are technically right on the double res waves but since it never applies it makes you wrong in the end. Plus alliance also has that extra 20 rez cycle from their cave at some point.

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You saying something stupid doesn’t need to be directed at me for me to respond to it. What the other guy said does make sense you guys just keep bringing up the queing situation to try to avoid admitting you win solely based on the broken map. You want to look at the end result and make up what caused it while ignoring obvious facts. Of course your que time went up the map is miserable for alliance and only played when someone needs rep badly. Move the cave back, disable cave respawns while GYs are up, fix the messed up respawns for alliance and you will see your ques go down tremendously, its not hard to comprehend. If you actually wanted faster ques you would be on board with these changes, but you would rather have long ques and 99% wins so you can pretend its the horde players winning and not the map lol. We can keep doing this and you guys can keep denying but lets look at actual facts. AV was entirely boycotted by alliance until blizzard fixed it before. Pretending this didn’t occur and that blizzard didn’t have to fix the map before is just idiotic.

Pointing out the cave res’s double and is closer to IBGY than our res point is to SHGY is misinformation lol? Feel free to explain how either of those are inaccurate haha. Correct context of the cave spawn distance lololololol. What? Are we pretending you having to walk to the edge of the cave balances out being able to res in double the numbers and also is equal to alliance having to travel double the distance? Be sure to go watch the video with the guy testing travel times. Horde on a 60% mount can make it to the middle same time as alliance on 100% mount with riding enchants. The travel distance isn’t hard to sort out by simply looking at the map.

You are just slow, don’t understand very obvious facts and want to blame the ques and ignore what caused the que in the first place.

They still haven’t replied on the fact when SPGY falls, they actually have a 30 Rez cycle with proper positioning.