AV Cave Rez situation

Which one?

Elfblade, they won’t listen to any form of logic. The only “facts” they need is their own opinion. It’s why I’ve been partaking less and less in this thread.

To them there is only the map to blame, there are no other factors. They see one tree in a forest and blame the one tree for the leaves on the ground.

Historical evidence, HPH efficiency, que time vs game duration, afk/leach infestation, exc. Are non factors to them. Only the map exists in their mind. They don’t see the forest, only a single tree.


Why do you keep preaching historical evidence when that’s been debunked by me.

Even your private server data was wrong.

The fact is nothing beats the cave respawn of horde.

It’s funny that when they add the other win Victory in tbc and when they redo the map, horde is the only faction is all of that rework to be nerfed, while alliance is all buffs.

But I know, new win condition!

Nothing beats the cave respawn of horde? Then why does alliance cave respawn lose when it’s closer to the GY and has a second GY next to it allowing for 30 Rez per cycle for alliance instead of the 20 Rez per cycle that horde get.

So when horde soft cap SPGY you have more Rez and closer Rez than horde cave.

Also you didn’t disprove the historical evidence, you said you found evidence you never linked to source quote nor proved any actual data on.

But I’m done talking to a brick wall that thinks their opinion is fact.

And the win conditions changing severely changed the value of having the cave early vs later in the defense which is why it became op when reinforcement mechanics were added.

The irony.

Where did I blame any such thing? Or is this just zyrius continuing to do the zyrius dance?

make him explain his “meat grinder” strategy that was my favorite. I laughed for days at that one.

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Ram Team 7, best defense.

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This is all alliance are asking for, which would be a huge impact to their win/loss ratio.

Which is the whole entire complaint of this thread.

Fairly certain there were a few other things on the wish list. Cave move for starters. Cave opening delay was on there as well.

Do those 2 changes I mentioned, and incorporate them into a 1.7 AV, and it would be quite different.

The cave rez is the single biggest issue right now(which is all the OP actually talks about), just fix that then see what happens.

Separate the server types into their own queue pools, and it would show quite clearly the impact of queue times on win/loss ratios.

Or randomize the starting location and see how little impact queue times have when horde get the north starting spot.

I think you’d see the north start consistently has a 10-15% win rate regardless of faction/queue time, around what alliance get on AV weekend.

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Yes but the name of this post is even called “AV cave Rez Situation” and it was to point out the disparity in where the horde cave is. Which is whats impacting alliance from pushing south, because they cant overcome the disparity in reifnorcing IBGY as fast as horde can, and horde always have a graveyard in the middle(ish) of the map, while once alliance lose SHGY they have lost any rez point anywhere close to their FIRST objective.

Look at it from a percentage, if the map is split 50/50, when horde lose IBGY they literally only lose about 10% IF THAT of the 50% of the map they started with, now when Alliance lose SHGY the LITERALLY lose 90% of the 50% they started with, So with Alliance losing the SAME graveyard ( hordes first objective VS alliance first objective) horde now control 90% of the ENTIRE map.

Wouldnt be the case if the cave was the LAST place to rez for both factions.

This also buffs a number of things for Alliance.

When SPGY is soft capped, any alliance defending it get sent to the cave currently, which is literally BEHIND where they need to defend next, if the cave was fixed to be the last resort they would rez at Aid Station so they can use the bridge to defend.

And it obviously fixes the IBGY defense for Alliance when they are soft capping and trying to take IBGY, as horde would only rez up to 10 at a tim at FWGY which is also farther away.


But that doesn’t fit in with the narrative that its the players to blame!!

Very well put and to the point.


Most teams DO try. And what strat do you suggest Alliance use that isn’t “terrible?”

Horde don’t magically become gods when they enter AV.

Not even close.

That head start is a big advantage, for sure, but Horde don’t have to defend ANYTHING. That’s freaking huge. They don’t have to split their forces between offense and defense, they simply punch out an all out offensive on SH and not worry about defending IBGY AT ALL.

Getting across the field before Alliance means they can effectively stop any initial Alliance push south. Capping SF ensures they have the advantage of a flank.

SHGY is a box where Alliance are forced to rez in a narrow fissure with no way to edge around. It’s a fish bowl. Once Horde have a flank in place it’s gg.

If Alliance do manage to soft cap IBGY, Horde simply recap. Even if they are outnumbered, Horde have the advantage of the cave rez and it’s just a matter of attrition as they rez and pick off the Alliance. No reinforcements are coming.

Every single winning AV match I’ve been in has ALWAYS come down to the Horde playing like complete idiots and the Alliance playing like immortal gods.

The Horde don’t need a strat. They just zug zug to SHGY and mow down any Alliance push. Even if the majority of Horde DIE while confronting an alliance push, it doesn’t matter. They simply rez and repeat.

Sure. Everyone goes into AV and says, “Hey let’s not win, that sounds fun.” Of course everyone would rather win than not. Saying otherwise is absurd.

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That and delay Horde at the start of the match. The middle of the map shouldn’t be behind Bal.

There is one other GY with no escape like that, SPGY.

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And Frostwolf hut so it doesn’t seem too unequal after all.