AV Cave Rez situation

The game is a MMO, massively multiplayer. If the players change then the game changes even if the code does not.

Why? What do these things affect? Would these changes affect the outcome? And if not, why would you bother?

People play AV totally differently than they did in Vanilla. Blizzard’s made several changes in AV that didn’t happen until TBC, such as linking warmasters. They did that because single pulls weren’t a big thing in Vanilla. They were in Classic.

This ain’t Vanilla.

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Some alliance teams try, most do not. The ones that do try often fail miserably because their chosen strat is terrible.

Throw in tons of sub 60s and 10 afkers on a team that largely just wants to farm at 2 GYs until the horde perseveres and you got yourself a 99% loss rate.


Alliance onyl have an aversion to long games because if you lose SHGY and are turtling you get no bonus honor and no rep from the game. So proloning it another 40 minutes at the bridge by Van nets them a massive loss of time. Even if the queues were longer it still wouldn’t be worth. Would you play 20k games on AV to get exalted as alliance at this point?

because with the win ratio the way it is thats literally what it takes. Where your average game is 40 minutes to an hour long?

If the queues were 2 hours long nothing changes. It’s still not worth an hour or more game with the possibility of like 500 rep and 4k honor. Even on the best win rate weekends were looking at maybe a 20% win rate. And those games are hours long. The queue is irrelevant for the imbalance. The imbalance 100% drives the queue issues.

You got that backwards.

The horde dont trinket 7 people back to kill a single rogue in their base because of the imbalance. They do it because youre not going to let a lone stealthie poison your attempt after you wait 2 hours and 45 minutes to get in the game.

On the other hand, if queues are like 2-4 min, you probably wouldnt mind if a couple went back to recap the bunkers and aid station but you know its not gonna be you.


And if you agree that the map gives horde advantages that should be fixed then it’s pointless to keep trying to blame the win rate on alliance sucking.

Even if theyre not 100% correct they couldnt be any more wrong than someone who says its entirely due to the map.

The map gives the horde a mid spawn advantage in the opening minutes of the map with regard to Snowfall Graveyard and thats about it.

The whole alliance game plan in AV is to farm until you drop.

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I never claimed it was 100% the map?

But you have to understand how a root cause that might only responsible for the 10-15% win rate alliance get on AV weekend turns into a 1% win rate other times.

The other part is once the horde get to the flag at SHGY, your literally in a bottle neck only wide enough to be covered by a single blizzard. Meaning even if you do rez your immediately in combat and taking dmg and have no where to go but into more horde. No other GY in the map is like that where it rezzes.

The closest thing to them is the spawn caves and they stomped camping those early super fast.

The map is trash and the only way to truly get an empirical account would be to swap faction sides and see what the win rates look like after a few weeks.

The only thing I need to recognize is what Im witnessing with my own eyes in conjunction with a brain thats not shrouded in a cloud of opinionated bias:

The alliance are terrible at AV. Thats all that really needs to be said. Any validity about the shape of the map went out the window months ago when the alliance decided to be non competitive in a BG theyre using to farm welfare gear out of because of how easy and stress free it is to do.


lol, that is extremely biased. No the alliance doesn’t just zone into AV and get 90x worse at pvp.

Yet they do just fine in the other two BG’s…

So yeah the myth that horde are simply better at pvp and that’s why they win AV just doesn’t work.

The horde are also terrible at av and yet they win every match hmmm… It’s almost like there’s something else at play becUse I can guarantee you most of the horde pvpers that aren’t in a premade are trash just like alliance. And probably you too since you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

This isnt about being worse at pvp. This is about where each teams priorities are specifically for AV. The horde is all about winning and winning big and the alliance is all about rep and repping big.

We’re not talking about the other bgs. The other bgs are entirely irrelevant to this discussion actually so its better for your position to try and steer clear of non sequitors. Besides all that there is a very reasonable and logical explanation for this which somehow eludes you despite its stupidly in front of your face obviousness.

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We’re talking about alliance. If alliance are doing fine in the other two BG’s and only massively losing in AV, well the issue isn’t alliance, it’s AV.

Check this out. It might sound crazy to a professor like yourself but a lot of alliance dont do Alterac Valley, least of all any alliance that doesnt have AV rep gear down as a list of upgrades.

AV is where alliance boosters go to get some gear before they go and get carried in the other BGs by people who stopped doing AV in the spring.

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And why do you think alliance who care about winning in pvp avoid AV on non AV weekends?

Oh right the horde map advantage makes it not worth the effort for a 10-15% win rate.

Huh? Alliance rankers dont do AV unless theyre getting double honor for it. Its pretty self explanatory why they are doing the other bgs over AV when its not the holiday: Its not as efficient and reliable an honor grind. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Horde or alliance would lose 100% of their ABs and WSGs if it meant they could still hit rank 11-14 in a few weeks to a couple of months. If you think WoW Classic PvP is full of pvp diehards competing for pure fun youre smokin better stuff than I can get.

Do you honestly believe theyre not doing it because of the map? I gotta be real here, if one ranker told me that I wouldnt believe him but Ill compromise and say there are probably a couple of souls out there that skip AV for that reason but even so that doesnt make them right about a map imbalance.

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Who is your horde toon?

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Who is your alliance toon?

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