AV Cave Rez situation

I was thinking along the same lines as this. A five man party can only do so much, they’d be spread really thin trying to play both offense and defense.

A ten man group would have a lot more flexibility being able to dedicate five to offense and five to defense.

It would potentially incentivize people to queue in groups as well and more groups = less chance of bots.

I think if you can bring a full 15 to AB there is no reason to have a smaller limit on a 40 player team lol

Personally I think they should allow a full 40 to queue as a premade in AV. I also think they should rotate the start locations. I don’t see either happening unfortunately :frowning:


If they alternated starting locations I can’t even imagine the howling that would come from the horde side. Sure there are some players who would welcome the challenge but we all know the vast majority just want their near-sure wins.

How awesome would it be if the next contest was AV!?! I know it would be a long fight but man that would be so sick!

However I don’t see a 40 man option being too probable. I think a ten man group would be reasonable for both sides

I’m sure there are a few that wouldnt be too thrilled but I think the majority would welcome faster queues at this point?

Outside of AV weekend it’s currently a two hour wait on horde. Wait two hours, play a one hour match, then wait another two hours. Playing ONE game in FIVE hours isn’t fun even if it’s an almost guaranteed win.


I dunno man. I think there would be a very vocal minority of players who would be angry at the random start locations and would try to bring up such silly excuses as “lore” or whatever to try to justify Horde always starting south. I just think that the number of Horde who would find the change refreshing drastically outnumbers the number who want the free wins. Given the fast queues for Horde in the other BGs, AV has become a “queue for it, queue for the other BGs and when AV eventually pops play it” BG rather than the primary honor generating mechanism it used to be. It isn’t the way a lot of horde are ranking anymore. From how I understand it, the primary goal is to get the 3 tokens for the “for great honor” turn in and the honor from AV is just gravy.

Sure, if it results in faster queues people will be happy about that. I’m just not sure that people will be happy with a 95% win rate going to a 50% win rate, even if it means faster queues.

But I’d love to be pleasantly surprised and find out that the majority of people actually want to play fair games instead of loaded ones.

It’s one game per five hours on average at this point for horde.

I specifically rerolled alliance shortly after bgs launched because the queues were already too long then and I know I’m not the only one.

I think people would welcome anything (aside from the return of premades) that would bring the queue time down.

Put simply, when I want to do AV, even just for fun regardless of rep/honor, I’m doing it on alliance knowing full well I’ll be on a team that doesn’t care about winning because a two hour queue is ridiculous.

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There’s a part of me that internally cackles with evil glee at this idea, but it would be it’s own sort of suck. Each game, one side would give out a massive, collective groan when they spawn north and just afk out.


I mean, in my perfect world, this would be accompanied by a cave location / rez change, a change to how SFGY rezzing works generally, etc. I would also prefer a different druid summoning location and a way around the SHGY choke. Shoot, I would even want a second path up on the left to bypass the IBGY choke when you are heading south.
Since I am throwing out all of my “wish” list lol. I honestly just want the BG to be as close to 50/50 as possible. Given that it is asymmetrical it can never be perfectly even. As currently constructed, it isn’t fair though. There are a number of changes that would go a long way toward improving the fairness.
But honestly, if they were going to make one change and do nothing else, rotating start points would be my highest priority option. #2 would be changing the cave rez approach so that neither team can rez at their start location unless it is the only rez location remaining.

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This is why it would have to be accompanied with some other fixes to the map, maybe even some sort of smart buff system that buffs the end of the map that wins less.

The thing it would do is decouple the faction from the map starts and allow Blizzard to measure what’s going on more accurately. If both factions tend to lose more when starting out north then the north start needs buffs. If a faction tents to lose more no matter what start they use then the faction needs to be looked at.

Unfortunately it’s clear they have no interest in measuring anything aside from sub count.

Just look at this thread, over 4000 posts and nothing from blizzard.

They clearly do not care what the community has to say.


Fixed that for you, when horde had an issue it was fixed real quick.

Yeah but it was a real issue (premading alliance vs pug hordes). Even pug alliance asked this abuse from alliance premades to be fixed.

A lots of these 4000 posts explain why the game is not that unbalanced.

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The real issue(which was an actual bug) was games starting without full teams. That was a separate fix from breaking premades.

This is such a ridiculous statement.

They don’t care if you’re a Tauren or a gnome. Money has no faction

Not sure what these people are talking about for AV weekend. This last AV weekend I went 18-0.

Took vacation for friday-tuesday. It rained non stop so I stayed home and just farmed honor.

Alliance didnt win 1 game in any of my games.

I see an alliance giving his record but I have the opposite experience.


As one of those alliance I only ever heard people ask for it here on the forums. I suspect many of those voices might have been horde alts. I’m sure there were a few true alliance who asked for it but I doubt it was widespread. It was mainly a horde buff.

Horde love to use this excuse because they are afraid to admit the only reason we wanted pre-mades fixed was because we were losing to them.

The fix to games starting without a full 40 is a scapegoat horde on here use to try and skate by as to why pre-mades were fixed. Horde didn’t care that games started with 20 alliance.

They just wanted to win AV.

Now look how it has turned out…