AV Cave Rez situation

5-5 AV weekend calling strats

Amazing, itā€™s almost as if the dead weight holding alliance back left for shadowlamds prepatch because thatā€™s a 50% winrate right there.

Good job alliance keep it up! (Sadly I donā€™t have the time to play AV right nowā€¦have to winterize everything right now lol)

So much this. I got my first win in AV for the weekend last night and while alliance are willing to follow anyone who will step up, horde were just awful in the game we won. They have become smug and complacent with almost a year of winning with so little effort.

This map is just bad and alliance winning slightly more during bonus AV weekend does not change that.

I did enjoy alliance new strat of wiping horde at SHGY a few times before moving south. Horde are predictable. They will zerg the same spot on the map and if they see alliance moving to one side or the other, theyā€™ll zerg that way. Made it easy when we sent 2 groups past SHB to hit IBGY but they were really just bait for the zerg. The other 6 groups moved south on the other side of the map while horde zerged the first two groups. Loved seeing alliance groups use that predictability against them.

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the alliance are all now doing this stupid ā€œsnakeā€ strat.

they stack behind SH flag, then come out kill some horde, then re-stack

eventually they go to IB GY

itā€™s kinda dumb

like we had IB GY, but they just stayed stacked in a corner behind SH

only on the alliance

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I wish the map was balanced, so we werenā€™t so dependent on these idiots in order to have a fun game

Iā€™m 5-7 now I think

3 consecutive losses with the snake strat

5-8 now

since itā€™s the new ā€œmetaā€, my trial tested strategies are now worthless, because everyone just wants to do the snake strat

leave it to the alliance to kill an already dead game.

My only win was using that strat. Once horde are rezzing at SF, it makes taking IBGY a little easier. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a great strat but it worked last night. At this point I think alliance are willing to try anything that gives them a chance to win.

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Orā€¦just bring Patch 1.6ā€™s AV (itā€™s the oldest Patch with AV in it I could find).

From the looks of it, pre-1.8 AV, the goal was basically to marshal youā€™re NPCs to help you. Because even non-upgraded GY Guards would easily kill a solo warrior; youā€™d still take some with you, but you ainā€™t cappinā€™ if youā€™re dead.

I played on pServers that supposedly had the pre-1.8 buffed NPCs, and holy crapā€¦you pretty much couldnā€™t run over the Alliance bridge into their base until the archers were dead, or else youā€™d be the ones dead.

In fact, thatā€™s probably why a lot of these janky things are still in AV; Horde start closer, GY of the base isnā€™t used unless you die right on the flag (/sarcasm). Itā€™s all from the time when AV was bigger and had more NPCs to ā€˜hold outā€™ while you regrouped.

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Iā€™ve heard it works but Iā€™ve yet to see it work

Just had a game where I was expecting that meta, so didnā€™t call strats.

Ofc they donā€™t do the snake strat and we lose haha

All the good players are already honor capped by now

I guess I need to work in a contingency for when the alliance want to go with the snake strat

I notice that if their initial strat fails they just give up

Iā€™ll have to work in what I know and work around itā€¦

ok played a game, snake strat worked

I just worked in and around the snake zerg, following my basic rules for defense, etc.

6-8 now I think AV weekend

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I just won a game using that strat as well. Lost a few yesterday. The deciding factor is having back cappers.

I donā€™t know what this snake strat is, since I havenā€™t been playing AV (other than a couple of games) in several months, but it sounds like one of the basic strategies that has been around for a long time of essentially waiting at SHGY for SFGY to hardcap for horde and then immediately pushing IBGY. The stacking thing is a tactic, not a strategy, and the only real purpose of it is to help the team all push together simultaneously.

Getting this back up, only lost 1 AV this past weekend. Finally getting around to playing a bit more.

Definitely have to say, Iā€™ve noticed a lot of newer horde (or alts) donā€™t understand quite as well how aggressively to play scorched earth as players did 5-8 months ago.

Thereā€™s definitely a lot more ā€œzerg Vannā€ going on which sort of opens us up to being back capped by a good alliance team.

Itā€™s just so discouraging and disheartening for us, Hawne.

I remember how weird it was that in TBC both AV and WSG became viable (fixed horde start location, timer). To my mind, those are changes that should have happened within the first 4 months of vanilla.

Ironically, I spent MUCH more time in the old BGs in TBC than I did in vanilla.

Look, all this strategic discussion is fine, and all, but also mostly moot.

In classic, only AB is worth a damn.

Weā€™re just not gonna tryhard against you when we have a 1% chance of victory.

And weā€™re not gonna tryhard against a WSG premade that can terrain hack a druid FC into the sky (or wherever) and then make the BG last longer than the afterlife (this goes for horde pugs v. alliance premades, as well).

Thatā€™s stupid and ridiculous, and it doesnā€™t get fixed until TBC, so, see you then.

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People are really going to be arguing about this issue until Classic WoW is finished. :popcorn:

Yeah, but itā€™s a stupid argument.

The fact that Horde wins 99% of games, AND their spawn point was fixed in a later, better version of the game is the end of the discussion.

All this BS in this entire thread is justā€¦ jerkin off.

Thereā€™s nothing more to talk about.


I mean, the horde spawn point was changed after the win condition change of reinforcement mechanics changed how the game was won.

But your conveniently leaving that part out to make the perceived map imbalance seem bigger than it actually is.

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Reached 4100 posts, but hard to continue this ā€œdiscussionā€ at this point. The only positive about PVP right now is that Iā€™m seeing less premades in the other two BGs so thatā€™s a minor plus.
Makes it a lot harder to wait out the AV queue thoughā€¦

You q time would go down drastically if av premades were allowed. Imo should be a 15man que limit for both factions naturally