AV Cave Rez situation

2-1 so far AV weekend

have all the little e-babies left for shadowlands?

I feel like alliance have a better grasp of strategy now

small sample size, but just what i feel last couple of games

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Did you finish your alliance alt?

I gotta gear her but Ive been doin AV on my ally rogue for 3 weeks straight now.

how do you like it?

Havin a blast really. No complaints.

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Except GY’s don’t really work like that in AV because where they are on the map matters.

I hope this is the case, because then maybe we can squash the false narrative of that loss rate being entirely the maps fault.

Thats way more reliant on game conditions which are metered out by players and the strats they are choosing to employ. The map by itself doesnt have an opinion either way.

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Good so you agree GY’s do not have any arbitrary value.

The map proper is not explicitly telling you this gy = good this gy = bad.

Thats player speculation and opinion which is always framed in the context that its the map to overcome the intellectual impasse of stating your personal beliefs as undeniable facts in the face of all logic and empirical evidence to the contrary.

Players dead at SPGY while defending when horde take it who then rez at the cave instead of DB is not an opinion, it’s how the map works right now.

If you don’t understand why that matters, well… yeah you seem to think AV GY’s work the same as AB GY’s.

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I do want horde to have SP gy if I’m in a situation where I need to turtle DB.

Yeah exactly. The key to the bridge turtle being successful is to set up early. While Horde is fiddling with SP gy for example. If we are fighting horde at SP gy, die and meanwhile horde softcaps SP gy, we get sent back to the cave, while we are running back from the cave to either SP or DB, horde is already pouring across the bridge and it’s too late for the bridge defense some people in this thread love so much.

How do I know this happens because this actually happened. Last night.

Not even. Cuz by the time Horde gets to SP gy they are worth like 3 honor each.

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hell ya, glad you like it

we need more hardcore classic players that are not afraid to play both sides

Not to mention once horde take SPGY and are rezzing there trying to sneak some alliance past SHGY actually becomes something that can be attempted. As long as alliance can hold DB.

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If you’re telling me you got 20-25 south pushing through objectives and you want the horde O at SP so your 10-15 man defense can hold them off at the bridge, then yeah Ok.

But if your whole team is at DB then you need SP to take SH to take IB and so on.

It depends on whats goin on. Like I think its a smart move for the alliance to just let horde have SF most of the time but that kinda depends on the individual circumstances of the game and whats happening at the time.

Not gonna lie, AV has been a horror show for me alliance side. Havent won yet. Hoping to get lucky this holiday weekend. Even so I love AV and I love my class so it hasnt crushed my soul yet.


No you don’t. It’s not any easier to assault SHGY from SPGY than it is from DB.

You do realize GY’s don’t have to be captured in order right?

Uhhh why would you want your opponent to have control of a GY a few short yards away from 2 bunkers and the boss? They could just assemble there and really rain on your parade. Wouldnt it be better if they were rezzing from, I dunno, SF?

But again, that depends on what your offense and defense got going on. Whats the score - whats burned and what hasnt? Where is everyone. All that good stuff.

The alliance are quite fond of skipping GYs. Lets see how thats worked out for them…

seeing a lot more communication and strategy alliance side

I’m liking it…



Glad you haven’t given up, Scotpollard. I’ve only played 3 so far and all were losses, but alliance are working together better. I’ve noticed alliance pugs are willing to try almost any strategy if someone will step up and lead them.

This map still sucks, but I still haven’t given up entirely on Blizzard even though it seems unlikely at this point. It’s our last chance for resource free AV and it’s the worst version of AV. Is this going to be classics legacy?