AV Cave Rez situation

Shadowlands looks like a mess too. Same company, same lack of care and skill at handling things.


Well Iā€™m not gonna say shadowlands looks amazing but it looks a lot better than BFA.

Classic has been a blast. Content is just too easy to feel that progression itch I got

A flambƩd cow pie could make that claim.


That sounds delicious.

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To each their own! Just donā€™t forget the special sauce.



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Amazing analogy LOL!

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Join the Rattlegore-Westfall Alliance as we take back AV on AV weekend.


Thereā€™s a madness to my method.

Played 2 matches with them leading early this morning and we won both.
They did a great job keeping alliance focused and moving forward to victory.

It IS worth it, for the SPITE. Revenge.

There are some victories where not only the map is all blue, but the scoreboard is all blue on the top half too. Those are the games where my defense team will go backcap bunkers even when they are in no danger of spawning warmasters before the game is over, and go into Balindaā€™s keep and sapper the poor Horde trying to eke out some bonus honor/rep.

Wish I could interview a horde player after one of those games and ask them how does it FEEL??

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I mean, thatā€™s how I see it, but thatā€™s not gonna get enough alliance in there to make it fun lol. I am pretty sure I live posted a game where we got flat thrashed in this thread somewhere. Was pretty fun even though we got absolutely owned lol.


Most guys just cant believe what theyre seeing and cry in chat about how everyone sucks and so on.


Outside of really good games, this is the most fun I have in AV. The tears in chat are a riot. Half the time it is the guy with 1 kill and 8 deaths complaining too. Makes me laugh so hard.


Good, I hope to see you in AV at some point. I want a real AV, not a game that is over before it begins because half the alliance isnā€™t even trying to win past the initial clash.

What a surprise, I get back and already have a post flagged for reviewā€¦

Blizzard needs to do something about the false report abusers.

Reporting live from another night of AV. All victories but hard-fought games, many 1hr+.

As exhausted as I am right now. I still want to take the time now to say that comparing Horde and Ally cave rezzes is not apposite. Itā€™s like saying McDonaldā€™s fish sticks is the same as Chef Jiroā€™s sushi I mean they are both fish right?

In a couple of the games in this last session, I tried out the bridge defense oft-touted in this thread. And it does work. But to do that, I have to specifically and emphatically order my team to abandon SP gy and fall back to DB to turtle. Because I DONā€™T want my people to end up back in our cave if we lose our hardcap on SP. And keeping SP gy is a pointless, not to mention doomed, endeavor if horde is pouring uninhibited across the bridge into DB.

In short you canā€™t compare the two caves because while Horde merrily makes use of theirs, Alliance has to go out of our way to avoid ours.


I could come up with plenty more reasons but one of the main ones would be you want SPGY so the horde donā€™t have it.

Except horde having it is not a problem. Itā€™s a bad defensive spot for alliance and as has been pointed out many times alliance actively defending it get sent to the cave not DB when horde take it.

All in all SPGY is a lose lose for alliance outside of farming some HKā€™s.

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GYs are stupidly obvious objectives and important ones at that - probably the most important. Every one not under your control is a problem.