AV Cave Rez situation

Congrats on 4k!

Let’s see if we can get to 10k before TBC.


I feel compelled to bump this useless thread.

I mean, they could just give us back the 40man premades since they’re rolling back pvp stuff they announced now. Let’s get a petition going to get that reverted as well.

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As much as I would love to wait in a queue for 2 hours for the privilege of getting steam rolled by a premade in under 10 minutes, no thanks. They should fix AV.


The only bonus is that it would probably lower horde queues since more alliance and less horde would do AV. But yeah, a real fix would be much better.


I would too, but I highly doubt it will happen. But they did show if enough people yell about a change they can roll it back. So that might be our only recourse.

If the number of people who have yelled about something were all it takes, they would have made a change to AV already.

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Right, faction plays a role too.

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I will give you credit for continuing to pursue this line of thought no matter how ridiculous it is. 15 years ago, you have a point. These devs DGAF.
But concerning the other change, if they want to stop botting, they could have done the exact same change they are planning but also increased the % of players at the highest ranks.

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I am late in replying because the past week has been absolute hell for me and other rankers, as you can imagine.

It doesn’t have zero impact. At least not in any of the games I’ve played, win or lose. I actually really want you to be right about this because AV is hard work for me and my team. But my experience does not at all match your theory in this instance.

Exactly. My team in full or almost full force can wipe out 20 hordes in 30 seconds all day every day. So we are dealing with the “more powerful” end of the spectrum you are talking about.

I disagree with “rarely”. Like I said I wish you were right and it was rare. But it’s just…I don’t know…not.

They can die that fast (again) because they rez 20 at a time (because my team is killing them that fast) at the same time, then they all take the same 40 seconds or whatever it is to run back at us, all together.

We actually try to kill them one by one. To stagger up the rez waves. But you have a 30-second rez timer right l? So we send a couple back at the 2 second mark, our mages aoe and we send 8 back at the 10 second mark, warriors pop Sweeping Strike and 6 more go back at the 18 second mark, then 4 die to dots or something and they’re lucky because they get sent back and…get instantly rezzed, all together with the 16 that came before them. Then they all run out of the cave together and come swarm us again. And we’ll do the same thing again to send them back 20 at a time until we get whittled down too much.

Basically if my team gets whittled down to a point where we’re NOT capable of sending horde back to cave 20 at a time, then that means a lot of us are dead and we’re in trouble anyway.

I wish. : (

He had full mana—and I did too until I died (since paladins can spam FoL all day that’s kind of our thing)—because we had just got there I would say less than 20 seconds. So I died almost immediately after my bubble ran out and the reason for that, since pallies have great survivability, is because when we got there in response to IB GY push team’s mayday call, we rode up and saw like 8 horde were already spinning the flag. So we couldn’t even set up and just had to kamikaze in and holy shock, sapper, discount bin Un’goro crater sapper, melee with my freaking Jindo’s Hexxer…instead of doing any healing.

That’s why the rest of my group of 5 were all dead too or in bad shape. Except for Torent, which I think that’s just chance. They just chose to attack one of the paladins, me, versus the other one.

As an alliance player on a sweet 0-25 run I think the main issue is gear/ability Alliance whine and cry about the map, the gys, the choke point, but that doesnt explain how game after game horde can basically stomp into a fully defended DB and basically force the entire alliance team out. Better gear explains how they can four man bal, how half the horde team can fight the full alliance team to a standstill while the other half caps towers and summons. Just a scan of the ranks tells the story. I dont think it can be fixed without creating excessive wait times for both sides if they try to make it somewhat balanced based on levels and gear.

Sorry, but it’s just not well thought out. Attackers alway lose more, defenders lose less. That’s why it’s called defenders advantage in wars. The reality is the horde just has better geared players operating as a team. Horde will tie up the entire alliance team with half of theirs while they summon, kill Bal and do turn ins. If alliance could ever manage to push then the numbers would be flipped, but they cant so they arent. If alliance were as well geared then it would be an interesting match. There’s nothing that can be done about it. They can wait for equally equipped, ranked teams. So alliance will continue to get slaughtered.

There is so much wrong here I don’t even know where to begin.

The fact you think the map imbalances has nothing to do with it and ignore the fact that it’s not a 99% loss record for alliance in all the other bgs is quite funny.

Usually the games where alliance has a 3 to 1 kill advantage (or more, I’ve seen over 4 to 1 several times - those were all wins though, and weren’t what I would call “good sportsmanship”) are the games where horde has gone full zerg from cave to a soft capped IBGY. That’s generally why the kill ratio is so high - they are willing to have 15 people die in a zerg push in the hope of taking out 5 alliance - because those alliance players can’t easily be replaced.

If the alliance team actually outclasses the horde that much that you would expect extended, normal fighting to end up with a 3:1 kill ratio, alliance just pushes past, or the horde team sneaks north, or something happens to reduce the actual large scale PvP and there ends up being a surprisingly low kill count for either side and a quick game. Unless the alliance team gets nasty and camps the starting cave or something.

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That’s an interesting point. I can see such a tactic working if you have a lot of horde trying to get a soft IBGY cap back and alliance can’t easily reinforce from another GY or rez their people.

Very true statement above. The whole AV situation is unfortunate since it has the potential to be a fun battleground. You can pretty much tell within two minutes if its going to be a turtle and alliance loss. Actually, silence in the cave is a tell that alliance is in for a loss.

one of the most viewed, most commented threads in the classic forum and blizz STILL hasn’t responded

They simply don’t care, that’s pretty obvious. If they did care they’d do or say something, even if it’s “We aren’t doing anything.”

Classic is a cash grab that trades on nostalgia for easy money.

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I’m already on prepatch. Lol

Rip classic.

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