AV Cave Rez situation

I stand by most of what Ive said in the past and I dont agree with everything alliance posters have claimed but that rezzing situation is a freakin joke.

I wont go as far as say it automatically hands the game over but gosh darn if I had a 2 and a half our wait Id be taking any advantages given to me if they were available.

Rezzing at Aid Station when you have SH or SP GYs or both is just flat out dumb. I mean, I get it, its designed to play to the alliance strengths on the map but as its been repeatedly stated, thats more for earlier versions of AV than the one we are playing on so that should have been adjusted a long time ago. Thats the most glaring obstacle to me.

Its not often but even when the alliance has theyre head screwed on straight and push for SFGY to rez so far from the objective with a GY in the immediate vicinity is 110% a boon for the horde.

The fact that a premade of players geared to the teeth can best the horde scrubs that play av means nothing about the map bonehead


I mean the whole map seems to be that way for alliance.

Imagine if when you lose ibgy you now spawn at RHGy by drek, and only 10 at a time.

That’s the exact equivalent of alliance losing SHGY. You would lose one graveyard and literally lose control of 95% of the map, we would be able to summon everything to help our push.

That’s how it is is every game, then all these horde fan Bois ask us why we defend SHGY, you would too if the above scenario happened to you every game, we can’t lose SHGY unlike horde who can lose ibgy, heck it’s an advantage for them to lose it, since now they respawn 20 at a time.

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If I was a dev looking at Classic AV I would probably just remove SF as a GY altogether. Or, again, make sure alliance pushing for SF/IBGY rez at their mid GY like the horde do.

I mean, last night I died just outside Galv and was rezzing at Aid station even though we had SHGY - which screwed over those at SHGY because all our reinforcements were being ported to the furthest point from any conflict as possible for no real apparent reason.

There’s been other games where I die south mid if not deeper south in horde territory and Im rezzing at aid station even though we have SP.

I dunno, I cant claim horde bias or anything of that sort but it does feel like some oversight to me that needs adjusting.

If AV wasn’t so tilted in horde’s favor with various issues then the horde probably wouldn’t have such queues. They didn’t when AV came out, the long queues developed once horde found they could effectively turtle and win a ton of battles, combined with Blizzard’s decisions to kill AV premades. Alliance simply left AV.

I don’t believe it was designed, it seems like a bug to me. I certainly don’t remember it happening back in Vanilla.

I get the sense that when people talk about horde favor or bias that there’s some animosity toward them like its their fault somehow. Its not. And there are some external factors that are weighing in here.

My only experience in vanilla with AV was horde side. I cant say if its a bug or some unintentional consequence of Blizz’s map choice or a gross oversight or what. For all I know this is entirely intended but its so obviously imbalanced I couldnt tell you why.

Whatever it is, it needs to be corrected for sure. The ability to give the horde a real fight in mid would change the dynamic of the bg all by itself.

Perhaps some people feel that way but I don’t. People take what’s given to them and try to optimize their play. If you had a coupon for a free coffee on Thursdays you probably wouldn’t complain that the Friday people can’t get it too.

A big issue is when people try to argue that the exploitable situation is necessary and deserved for the people it benefits, or that even without the benefits that side would still be as amazing. OK, perhaps they would but you should still fight to have a level playing ground. THEN we can have pride in our side when we beat an enemy on that equal basis.

AV is terrible. It’s an asymmetric map and they are nearly impossible to balance. It’s very easy for there to be exploitable advantages which make it difficult for the other team to do well. At the very least you should have the sides switch off randomly so that each team gets to experience all aspects of the map evenly. Then you can see if one side is easier than the other from the win ratio and you can try to balance the map.

AV was supposed to be something different than your standard capture resource points capture the flag fare. Its become another rat race but thats not entirely AVs fault. We could all chill and play the long game but I dont see that happening.

It reminds me of all the old FPS games that I used to play that had some kind of large team large siege map objective based game mode that only “the wierdos” played that was thrown in with all the popular game modes.

Saying 1.12 was Vanilla is technically correct but fundamentally its just wrong. We got the wrong AV and the wrong queue system to support it. If we had those we could of enjoyed a non mirrored map where strengths and weaknesses were balanced out while providing rich variety.

Not really, not only was the 1.11 in vanilla as long as any other major version, when they did rerelease the original AV it turns out that it’s just as possible to play it with the exact same metas being used today.

I imagine it would be there for any version, as the cave rez wasn’t fixed till 2.3.

Horde just never knew it could be used this way, it wasnt the meta back then.

That pretty much tells you its retail AV and not vanilla but whatevs, things like this escape you for some reason.

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Retail and thIs version are way different I believe.

I think his point was that all of the AVs prior to 2.3 and 2.4 would still have this map advantage for horde.

As the issues that stop this aren’t in place till those patches fixed them.

I guess if you need to insult people to prove your point you must be right. Maybe you should read some posts up there, it could enlightened you.

You also didn’t get my point that her group completely exploded hordes in 30 minutes. Try again. 2 days before she was trying to demonstrate how hard it was for her group to win to show how imbalanced was the map. Today we learn she’s doing 15 000 honor per hour with av. Little contradiction here my friend.

I still have a ways to go before Ive done as much AV alliance side as I have horde side but it wont be long thanks to 2-4 min queues. So Im not claiming Ive seen and experienced it all but I honestly think if they fixed those spawns everything would be fine. Or almost everything.

Baby steps, one thing at a time.

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In my experience, there seems to be a north/south line that is to the west of the frozen lake in FoS and to the east of the SFGY flag - if an alliance player dies east of that line they respawn at SHGY (or SPGY) but if they are west of that line they respawn at AS.

Yea, I mean at this point Naxx has been announced already, well on PTR, I don’t see any changes to AV.

Which is funny because I bet if this was the meta in vanilla they would of changed it a lot sooner.

Since it wasn’t the meta it went unnoticed.

That the 1.5 map can be both zerged and scorched earth works on it? Yeah that’s the point, going to an older version wouldn’t magically solve any of the issues with classic AV.

The cave rez issue isn’t fixed until 2.3.

That’s what I basically said to him as I interpreted what you were saying, that any version prior to 2.3 and 2.4 would be the same issue, as the issues aren’t fixed until those patches.

Fixing the cave rez for horde and the spawning at AS when alliance die near SFGY would be a big step in the right direction.

The choke at SHGY still remains an issue but addressing the rez order makes it so it doesn’t end up being the deciding factor every game.

Fixing the Rez at their cave is the biggest issue.

Without that they would instead rez like 50 seconds away and only 10 at a time.

Once we cap IBGy we wouldn’t be overrun by horde waves of 15+ for 5 minutes.

Once IBGY is hard capped then it’s no issue at all if they Rez at fwgy, as we now Rez at the same speed but next to where we need to defend.