AV Cave Rez situation

It’s hard to look at Classic and come to any conclusion other than Blizzard is a terrible gaming company now. AV was a pvp staple of Vanilla. It was the fun casual BG, where anyone could go and just have a bit of fun. Now? It barely exists, horde que times are broken, and alliance (rightly so) hate it. How is that good for the product?

The idea that a company would deliberately not improve a product is so irrational it’s crazy. And they think people are going to give them money for Shadowlands? Not me.


First of all I do think some Horde rankers weave AV in. I’ve been in premades on my Horde priest and people would drop group when their AV finally popped so we just do a game without them with 8-9.

On the other hand, it is quite impossible for Horde to do what we do. Queue syncing means if we don’t get it pop at the same time, we have to leave the queue and re-queue. It’s not guaranteed it pops at the same time just because we queue at the same time.

How is Horde going to do this lol? The most they can do is get a 5-man group in, or get really lucky. Are they going to leave their 2-hour queue if it doesn’t pop at the same time and re-queue? I don’t think so.

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To me on average if you’re ranking in a premade, you don’t leave that premade. It’s worth far not hph than AV is, I guess it might be different for horde to leave for 1-2 games to get the AV win.

Just seems silly to do it that way.

Imagine if the map was balanced, would they leave their premade for a 50/50 win chance?

I doubt it.

What he says is kinda silly, no way they are full on 2+ groups premading AV.

Welllllllll this is going to be changing bwahahahaha. Tonight was a good night for my groups. We are at 15k HPH banging out sub-30-min wins, and it’s not even AV weekend.

They definitely won’t be doing it now that they’re getting normal alliance AV win rate when my groups are running.

Me? Yea we are. The Horde shot themselves in the foot on this one defending the imbalanced map and let the situation get so dire for Alliance that now, queue is so short for Alliance, so few AV rooms open, that it’s now pretty easy to queue-sync two or more groups into the same AV. We obviously can’t get everybody in but tonight we’ve been getting in 20+ consistently.

Or you talking about him? Yeah no way horde is doing what we’re doing. What are they going to do if after 2 hours their groups’ queues didn’t pop at the same time? Leave the queue and re-queue? Lmao. I don’t think so.



Why has this thread gotten so big? Why is there so much debate?

This is like people arguing that fire is hot, or, no it’s not.

This entire thread is just intellectual self-pleasuring.

There are a few horde die hards desperate to hold onto their easy mode AV, they are literally arguing that fire is not hot!

More than a few.

Yep, this is the natural conclusion. Not much Blizzard can do to stop it either and if too many AV open up because of it then it won’t be worth doing so it’ll stop. You might get an extra AV or two out of it, which won’t change the queue times appreciably.

The whole situation is silly, Blizzard could have gotten ahead of the situation long ago but they chose to do nothing but make it worse. I’ve lost all faith in them as a game maker.

Not anymore, but that is only because Horde now have instant queues in AB / WSG as well making premades in those BGs better HPH horde side as well.

This is actually incorrect. Horde queues have been remarkably stable since February. Even with 3-4 BGs up, it is still around 2 hours. That does mean that a bunch of Horde have stopped queuing though. Which leads me to…


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If its AV’s fate to fade away then so be it.

No. AV was a staple of vanilla to so many people, it should not be allowed to die when fixing it would take so little effort.


The ratio of people who treat this game like some perverted means to an end compared to people who genuinely like Classic PvP and think AV is a swell BG is like a million to one.

There’s nothing lose if AV goes bye bye because there’s nothing to save. Same goes for Classic as a whole.

The only wrong with AV, outside of the obvious discrepancy in how each faction views it, is some wonky spawn mechanics that hamper the alliance. Blizz could patch that tomorrow and it wouldnt make a dent in win rates or anything else.

Ok everyone, we need to stop asking for AV to be changed. I think the key is that if nobody is asking for it to be changed, Blizzard will change it about 10 months from now.

In fact, we can probably speed the process up if we start saying we’re having fun in AV the way it is currently.


LOL! I like you! You’re funny.

Sad part is I wish I could say I was joking.

Which seems to prove the map imbalances are not that massive after all. If it was the case, even a semi-premade would have a hard time winning. Now you’re stating you’re doing 15k hph and winning AVs in 30 minutes.

Edit : it’s weird, it looks like you cancelled your long post answering mine.

I don’t think horde will be able to do that but we will be back to square one : alliance being able to premade AV and Blizzard will probably do something about it. We will see.

I used to think the same until I played AV as alliance. Forget about the map proper or where the horde cave is etc. The alliance spawn situation in there is awful - just awful.

Not only our spawn location but also hordes .

Horde will ALWAYS have a graveyard in the middle of the map. That can’t be taken.

Since Alliance don’t have that it just shows how bad our spawns are, once we lose SHGY we lose 95% of the map. Unlike horde.