AV Cave Rez situation

Right horde are just better at pvp, that must be why they do equally well in WSG/AB as they do in AV.


Its easy for the horde because they know what to do and have enough people willing to do it. Its harder for the alliance because the half of that isnt quasi afk has 10 different strategies and some of those are losing asap.

Yeah well you probably didn’t read much of this thread before posting cause we admit there is imbalances with the map. Just not that they are massive imbalances in favor of horde like some wants to claim.

Also, there is imbalances in favor of alliances too but that, we never heard of it from them.

i never said that, they take instruction better in a pug environment. Perhaps why alli don’t is because they’re conditioned to think terrain is the key factor in any of the bgs and always the go to instead of realizing many variables go into each sides success or downfall which above all will always be players ability to work as one.

Edit: gram errors / clarifying a couple sentences

But if horde were just better than alliance they’d have the same win rate in the other BG’s. Understanding terrain is part of being skilled at pvp.

The difference in player base of who ques for AV on both sides for pugs has been explained multiple times.

okay and the above topic hasn’t been explained at all. what’s the “difference in player base” of the horde that queue for WSG/AB and the horde that queue for AV? AB/WSG doesn’t yield even remotely the same win percentage. Are you trying to imply that the horde who queue for AV are more skilled than the horde that queue for AB/WSG? ridiculous lol.

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Id argue no.

Because the worst of the worst horde who cant even hit 1500 in arenas can win AV.

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It’s very simple : when blizzard fixed AV some months ago so Alliance could not premade it anymore, rankers left AV for WSG/AB because they could premade these bgs and it was the best hph meta. Alliance rankers were all over the forum saying they would left AV and they did leave. Since horde didn’t have any instant queues for any bgs, AV was still part of their ranking meta.

Having been deprived of their best pvpers, alliance in AV lost hope and mostly tried to farm rep starting to lose games. Since losing means more losing, more alliance left AV and it got worst.

Horde rankers wont do AV unless they are solo rankers which is very rare.

Even 100% win chance, its far less honor than being in a wsg premade, or 5 capping in an AB premade.

No faction uses AV to rank, both factions use it for rep.

I explained two situations that cause rankers to go into 5 man’s and end up in AV with their ques

  1. It’s the end of the week and the rest of the horde rankers are done so they can barely make a 5 man group, resulting in AV being part of their games.

  2. They are benched from the main premade group and waiting for a spot to open and they and the others waiting (but not enough to make another full premade group) do up to 5 man ques and add AV into their rotation.

You wanted us to believe it’s so rare it doesn’t happen, but even some alliance premades just admitted in this forum to splitting into multiple 5 man groups and trying to que sink to all get into the same AV. And you think no horde do this ever??? What???

It happens even if you want to refuse to admit it does.

When the BG lines horde up and gives them a clear, direct, and undisputed place to be…then teamwork becomes easy as pie. That’s doesn’t mean horde are any better, simply that they don’t need to do much organization to win.

Horde couldnt do it because of que times. You already know this, dont be stupid.

The reason Alliance could do it is because we have instant ques.

So yes, Even currently its very hard to get more than 1 group of 5 into the same AV, stop pretending horde are out here just trying to fit 3 groups of 5 inot the same AV, it doesnt happen.

As far as what youre saying, that means you have only 1 premade group? My server has quite a few, you can log on the pvp disc anytime of the day and be thrown into a premade.

No one is ranking in AV, stop suggesting horde do it.


Bottom line is this:

Horde queues are only getting longer as time goes on… As Ally players cap out on Rep most abandon AV never to look back, we are fast approaching a time where there wont even be enough Alliance willing to queue to get a game going. As someone posted above there’s only about 4-5 active AV games going at a time, that means we’ve only got somewhere around 160-200 alliance willing to queue for AV across all of NA at any given time and that number is only going to go down…

If that doesn’t make you worried about the life of this battleground, it should… Whether you are Horde or Alliance you should want something to change to keep the BG from being completely abandoned by the playerbase, because it’s not a matter of if they abandon it at this point, it’s when.


just waiting on the 13th, and my journey with Classic will prolly end.

Calling someone out for their lack of pvp experience isnt really insulting you.

You have no pvp experience and arent very good at pvp, and thats ok.

Looking at your logs you werent even good at pve. And thats also ok.

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You gotta be kidding me. Of all the things to hotfix about PVP… getting rid of deleted accounts from the pools?
Look at this thread pls.


I posted the same things in those threads.

Of all the stupid things to fix this late, they fix something that doesnt even matter haha.


Like, that change would’ve meant something 5 months ago or so. Now with AQ out it’s a non-issue for most players.

Fixing AV is the one thing that can improve PVP right now at least through the duration of classic.

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Yeah i agree, which is what i posted.

Whos ranking now lmao?

Fix is dumb anyway, Pool Parties arent even bad, its the fix to their dumb ranking system.

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