AV Cave Rez situation

Well considering there is 3 times more hordes than allies I guess the ratio looks more like 8:1. But my point is alliance still queue AV. What’s your better explanation ?

Personally after I ranked 13 I didn’t set one more foot in 60 toxics wsg/ab with 90% premades farming pugs.

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And how do you come up with this number? How do you explain the queue ratio? Games can only form when there are enough alliance, if the time ratio is 24:1 then that’s probably the ballpark for the amount of participants in AV.

It seems from everything that I read so far there is 3 hordes for 1 alliance globally in Classic. Many alliances complaining on almost every servers they are outnumbered. But sure it’s a guess. There is also a queue time for horde in wsg and ab even if we don’t see the complaints of imbalances for these bgs.

But again, what’s your better explanation alliance still queue in AV ? It’s been pretty regular since like the last 8 months : 2 hours queue average. Alliance queue enough so it’s still playable horde side since like I said horde can just do other stuff while they wait (working, farming, playing a second account).

We’re talking about AV, not all of Classic. Even if that three to one is correct it does not matter for AV.

Besides, according to most data out there the total number of horde and alliance are about equal.

Using this data I get around 45:55 alliance:horde on US servers. That might not be entirely accurate but I doubt it’s as far off as 25:75.


This data shows it’s almost exactly even:


So, again, where are you coming up with three to one?

Maybe he’s talking about for PvP servers only.

Who knows?

That is a REALLY old post about server populations. I realize this is only going off of players who raid and get logged on warcraft logs, but I think this gives a far more accurate picture for overall numbers. `https://ironforge.pro/servers/?filter=true&server=us
All that said, I do think the number queuing is probably closer to your 24:1 ratio than a 3:1 ratio based on number of available games and queue time.

I didn’t have much time to go digging but it seems like the overall percentage hasn’t changed much since then, your link has it at 51:49 alliance:horde.

I’m pretty sure there’s at least 20 times as many horde queuing for AV as alliance. With the time ratio being 24:1 that seems like a decent estimate. That’s a trickle of alliance actually playing, most likely people who are farming while AFK and a few diehards or new people.

Relatively, the amount of alliance playing is hardly any at all. I believe someone said there are around 4 games going at any one time. So that’s around 180 alliance willing to do AV at any given time across the entire US region. A drop in the bucket.

AV is a dead BG.

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Yeah. I agree with the 24:1 number being probably pretty good. Thing is, even if you consider pvp a proxy for people interested in doing BGs (which really probably isn’t that great a proxy), it is still only 46:54 A:H in the Americas region. Also, Horde queues on the other BGs are close to instant now as well. AV just isn’t balanced enough / fast enough to justify playing for Alliance rankers and the normal players aren’t going to have fun going into an uncompetitive loss.
I know we are on the same page generally speaking with this topic, but I will just keep echoing it. Blizzard. For the love of all things holy, PLEASE MAKE MINOR CHANGES TO AV TO MAKE IT PLAYABLE AGAIN!


They either aren’t listening or just don’t care. Sadly, this is the state of Classic.

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Pre-patch the 13th

Then im gone!

Yeah. The Naxx PTR patch pretty much seals any chance of AV getting an update in this iteration of Classic. #sigh.


Pretty much, oh well. And sadly we’ll likely get the reinforcement version in TBC unless blizzard ignores the #nochanges people.


We might get lucky on that and Blizzard could just be lazy and give us the 2.4 version. Here is hoping.
Also, here is hoping that if the 2.4 version needs to be balanced that they will actually balance it. The PTR stuff on Hunters and Shaman is at least a little encouraging on the getting past the #nochanges stuff. Maybe they will actually monitor TBC for more than just bugs and exploits.


Can you help me again with this one lol: http s:// imgur. com/ VIAYlLc

Trust me this is worth looking at. Paste the URL and delete the spaces I put into the link so that it will let me post this. I wanted to show folks the power of the Horde cave res.

Played this game last night. We went for broke and queue-synced three groups from our server. When we got in, to our pleasant surprise, we found a Westfall 5-man also consisting of Marshals and Field Marshals. We also had a few individual queuers from other servers that got into our specific AV and again picked up a couple of Marshal+ that way. We got on discord.

So this ended up being a group of about 25 people, mostly rankers, in that AV. Because of us, the average Alliance player rank in that AV was rank 10.

Still. Almost. Got. Wiped. Out. More than once. At IB GY. Due to the Horde cave res.

Look at my screenshot. The situation was dire. You see how many Horde was already on the IB GY flag. My people were suicide-spinning flag with sapper charges, holy nova, arcane explosion, Un’goro crystal charges (yours truly), straight-up meleeing instead of healing so we die but get to spin flag for another second…

Does that not look like 20 coming out of the cave to swarm at us? For sure more than the 10 that any GY can spawn. This happened more than once: Our team of 25 Commanders+, on comms, hanging on by a thread against some Senior Sergeants.

And y’all expect a normal Alliance AV pug to pull this off? Must be out your mind.


Can’t possibly be true.

They don’t send 20+ to back cap IBGy when we have it, clearly a fake screen shot.

You must of had 15 AFK that’s why it was hard to keep IBGY.

Where’s Red at to set him straight? You just weren’t using Ram Team 7 correctly.



But it’s fine, really. The map is maybe only 5% of the problem. Nothing to see here, git gud! /s

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Always glad to help get the word out.


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Did you fully control North and it was a 40 vs 40 or you traded SHGY for IBGY and it was more 20 vs 20 ?

What you continue to fail to understand is that it doesn’t stay constant numbers at IBGY. It might start 20 v 20 or 30 v 20 or 40 v 20, then it’s 15 v 20 then it’s 10 v 20 etc…

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