AV Cave Rez situation

Yes, they will weave it into their que if they are solo.

Most rankers 95% wont weave it into their que if they are ranking as they are ina premade.

So once again, aside from the random few solo horde rankers, NO ONE is doing AV for Honor for RANKING.

Idk why you keep trying to spin it that way.

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You do know that 5 man premading groups exist right? It’s not always a 10/15 premade.

Some groups do this because they want to play AV at some point.

Not every premade is a full BG group at all times.

Sometimes people can’t make it to the scheduled time and it ends up being 5-6 of the premade showed up, so the 5 man stuff until they find another player they trust to premade with or they are already close to their targeted weekly honor so are a bit more casual (I honestly hate the rank stacking system that is meta, but that’s the meta).

You want to assume all horde are always full BG number premades, they aren’t. 5 man’s exist for those seeking to add AV to the list or don’t have a full group at the time.

Then again you probably haven’t played AV in months anyway.

I would like to ask you a question. Why would any alliance player play AV? It’s too late for the rep rewards to matter, and we can’t win, and it’s bad hph, so… why would we?

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Again, this isn’t happening.

If you are ranking and weaving in AV, you are solo ranking which is VERY uncommon because servers have a ranker list they do, so it’s much easier to do it as a premade and have it handed out on who’s getting it when.

That is the normal.

You’re sitting here suggesting a 5 man premade AV horde group is going to rank in AB/wsg/AV while they fight full 15 and 10 man pre-mades and get stomped by them but have that free win every 2 hours is stupid.

Those 5 are in a full premade stomping people in a 5 minute ab or wsg que. Not a 2 hour AV que.

Stop trying to suggest otherwise.

Not everyone plays with the meta group 100% of the time.

Sometimes rankers fall behind and at the end of the week they find a few friends to help them catch up to the honor they are supposed to have.

I personally have helped a friend who had to go on a work trip and missed most of the weeks ranking groupings and he had Sunday Monday left (when most ranking groups are already done on my server) and he asked guild to help him get the 100k honor he was behind on. We ended up getting 5 for the first few hours and it resulted in about 7 AB and one AV before I had to go.

Just because it doesn’t meet what you consider the norm doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

“It doesn’t happen”. Well yes it does happen, maybe if you played the game still you would see it happening, yes it’s not the “norm” but it happens.

Also AB isn’t a 5 min que last I played, it’s about 15 minutes. But I haven’t played AB for about 3 weeks. Buying a house and other RL stuff to distract me from wow.

Yup, you keep preaching it as if all horde are ranking in AV when its rare.

No one ranks in AV sure their might be some outliers but odds are 99% of rankers STAY AWAY FROM AV, since its a 2 hour que and the other bgs as you said are 15.

Just doing those is much MORE hph than any AV games. You would not que av and leave your premade to do 1 av game. Sorry your narrative is false.

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I really love all these suggested strategies from Horde players on how alliance can win AV.
The map is an indirect result of the win/loss ratio. The very fact that Horde needs only one strategy and that is to zerg SHGY until its capped, meanwhile alliance has to split resources, have a stealth team, do a meatgrinder?

The very fact that there has been many different strategies in this thread alone telling alliance how they can “win” tells you how much of an uphill battle AV is for Alliance.

Now all your left with is players not even level 60, bots and people afk. I loved AV in vanilla, after taking two characters to exalted in classic after the pre-made meta and trying to win every time I step foot in there. I can honestly say I will never join another AV game in classic unless the issues are addressed.


It’s not an overly uncommon thing, it’s not the norm, but it’s also not exactly rare for horde players.

Let’s say there are 20 people on for the premade meta. AB is 15 people. The other 5 will do the 5 man group until someone leaves the 15 man premade, then one of the 5 man group goes to the 15 premade and it’s a 4 man group. Unless more people logged into the meta group. Then let’s say 3 more people joined and are waiting so 15 in and 8 benched, still not enough for a second full premade so they are in groups of 15, 4 and 4. (Or a 5 and 3 depending on group make up for healers, melee ranged, exc.)

The 5 man groups are also the meta people that are benched until the full premade group gets an open spot or enough people get on for another full premade.

If the 5 man groups have less than 5 they will try to pull from their guilds to at least get 5 people.

“It never happens”… Well yes it does happen.

I’m sorry that you don’t want to accept that alliance loss rate has factors other than the map causing it but it does.

The reason horde can usually just Zug Zug to SHGY is because alliance are NOT using any of these strategies.

The times horde can’t just Zug for the win is when alliance actually use some strategies and it usually results in alliance seeing much more success in AV.

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Horde can implement that strategy from the very beginning of the game, they are at the alliance side of the field of strife putting alliance on defense from the very start.

Besides really none of your made up strategies hold any worth they are all fairy tales.


Have you tried any of them? No? Then you can’t really say if they work or not can you?

I’ve openly admitted to using invisibility potions and such in AV, I play the guerrilla tactics in my AV games. Heck I’ve even just dropped frost traps on alliance GY spawn spots just to delay their reinforcement to help horde cap.

You haven’t tried any of the strategies so of course they don’t work, if you don’t even try it, how can it work.

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We can’t spare our hunters to do that. One of our hunters is a Grand Marshal, others are also high-ranked. They know what frost trap is. However once we are at IB GY it is all they can do to trap up the path going in front of TP leading into IB GY, before the waves start crashing over us. Going off to the side to trap up the cave doesn’t accomplish what we are there to do, because that means our hunters over-extending out of IB GY and more than likely getting killed.

My defense team is the guerrilla tactic you are talking about. We defend SH GY. When people die and come back to SH GY, we run off and go see if we can snake SF GY. If SH GY starts getting overrun we run back to SH GY to hold it. When more people die and sent back to SH GY, we may take that moment to recall to DB to backcap the bunkers and SP GY being taken by leakers from IB GY. If we have another moment, we might go help the IB push, kill Galv on the way. I can’t list everything we do, but short story is our sweat goes quite a ways beyond invisibility potions.

All that to say, we know how to win AV on the Alliance side, and I don’t think the theorycrafting works out quite the way you think it does. Like I’m actually on the ground doing this, as in, I just won 3 games yesterday, lost 1. And I’m telling you when the push team gets to IB GY, they can’t spare the manpower to do cutesy stuff like choke horde at their cave. If we get to the point of doing cutesy stuff like that, we’ve already done what we need to do to win the game and it’s only a matter of time.

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Dont waste your time, in one post he is arguing that horde rankers que in groups of 5 for AV then in the next post hes telling us how one NE hunter can overcome the entire cave spawn solo. So therefore one NE hunter > horde rankers!!

If easy wins mean that much to them then let them have their long ques and fight in that cess pool of a battleground against an opposition not even trying.


Oh btw in that screenshot I posted of me looking at Horde holed up in their cave, who had stopped coming out because they realized they were being stomped: The next moment after the screenshot was taken, we did all get killed spectacularly lol. I even had my bubble and everything. Think that was one of my only 3 deaths that game.

Turns out one hunter’s frost trap—and oh we also threw in a couple of bonus improved blizzards from our mages, and a nice Piercing Howl from our warrs—didn’t do much to slow down the 20 Horde and the cave guards swarming out of the cave at us. It was just quite simply overwhelming. A literal zerg.

If we had tried that when IB GY wasn’t hardcapped, we would be back at SH or possibly SP GY and it would have been bad times.


Yes! This is the original point I was trying to make when I first started posting in this thread.

Once Alliance softcaps IB GY, SF GY, FW GY, really whatever southern GY…even if Horde does not have any northern GYs softcapped, Horde takes it back all the time. Even from my team of sweaty rankers.

On the other hand once Horde softcaps SH GY, if Alliance does not have any southern GYs at least softcapped, Alliance NEVER takes it back. Even with my team of sweaty rankers trying.

Something is causing this discrepancy and my team removes the “team is not trying” factor.


They get to always recover because when alliance lose SHGY they essentially get reduced to now only owning 5% of the entire map, horde gain control of 95% of the entire map.

However if horde lose IBGY they realistically lose only 5% of the 50% of the map they started with because they get rescued like always by their cave.

Since the cave can’t be contested they will always have that as a safe spot.

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Please remember to check that the other 39 random players you get matched up with brought their invisibility potions, apparently that’s a viable strategy for Alliance to win.


Many hordes indeed try to rank through AV:

  1. On smaller servers with no premade AV is the best hph horde side;
  2. Some hordes also queue AV because the wsg/ab queues used to be long;
  3. If a horde premade is not active at some point, hordes will queue av;
  4. If a horde can’t pvp all day, he will solo queue AV and do other stuff while waiting the 2 hours queue (working, chores, nap, etc.) and can get like 7k honor for 30 minutes of play time

Still, many alliances queue AV. You probably should ask them but imo for several reasons :

  1. People still want rep for their alts;
  2. Still funnier to play than wsg/ab where you get farmed gy by premades;
  3. For the challenge, like Camenae. AV is actually easy for hordes but it’s boring because of the present meta. If you don’t care about honor and want challenge you go ally side and try to win.

If alliance queues are 5 minutes and horde queues are 120 minutes then the horde:alliance AV ratio is around 24:1. Relatively speaking, you have an odd definition of many.

Yes, AV is a barrel of laughs.