AV Cave Rez situation

He’s one of those people who literally doesn’t understand 20 is a bigger number than 10.


The thing is that the issues are not additive. A 5% problem can easily drive a 25% swing, add in a few more factors and we get to 95%+. That’s where the true ignorance lies, thinking that each problem is completely independent.

The better, smarter, more caring players will not continue to play in such a situation. They will find something more worth putting their time into and the game will be left with the exploiters and the afkers. That drives the win percentage down into the dumps fast.

And this is the real reason why alliance loses 95% of the time.

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Still waiting an answer to that

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It’s one of the bigger reasons, but I find it sad they think the effects that factor has is 100% related to the map. They ignore the HPH efficiency that pulls them away from AV, the lack of ability to full premade, exc. The map is part of the reason why they stay away. But it’s not the main contributor for what causes the factor of better alliance avoiding AV.

The real problem is they don’t want to admit any personal fault to that loss rate.

They don’t want to admit that the map isn’t the only factor for why they give up easily (que times being super short vs game duration)

They don’t want to admit their better players avoid AV for reasons other than the map (HPH and lack of ability to premade, aka avoid dead weight players)

They don’t want to admit they have any form of map advantages (like the best choke point in the game being the bridge) because it shows how small the actual effect of the “map advantage of the horde” is.

Heck they have claimed a 40ish yard width choke point is stronger than the bridge which is about an 8 yards width…a far better choke point, but never used because they give up or worse died in the wrong spot because they didn’t react to slowing battle at SPGY because they tunnel visioned or just don’t know how to watch and understand the tide of battle to know when to make a tactical retreat.

They even think guerilla tactics are a waste of time… One or two players being able to draw 5+ players from the main battle give your team a numbers advantage to push. And with horde towers being so easy to 1 man cap by simply LoS all archers by being in the little flag room… It’s not hard to send 1 rogue south and he just keeps hitting the towers, resulting in drawing multiple horde south giving the alliance a numbers advantage in the main fight. And if the rogue is resourceful he can solo cap the southern GYs as well. Between sap, blind, evasion, exc he can kill the flag guards solo then cap. Or he can even sap, blind and drop a battle pet/throbbing seedling, exc. To hold off the last guard as he caps without even killing the guards.

But nooo, guerrilla tactics are a waste of time according to them…

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Right, the good alliance players understand the map imbalance and have noped out of it.

Root cause, the map.


Right you just described the situation where the alliance team is 2x better than the horde team and can kill them rezzing at the cave long enough for IBGY.

Noone has ever denied that alliance being 2x better than horde is a win possibility for alliance. That has nothing to do with skill, or alliance needing to try harder, it’s pure team RNG.

This has been answered, you ignored it.

And no it is not 40 seconds from your cave to IBGY, it’s literally been tested in a dozen videos.

It’s 26-30 seconds. Depending on if you have enchants and a carrot macro. Your data is wrong.

The issue doesn’t stem from them rezing 20 at a time per say, the issue is about REINFORCEMENTS . How do you not understand that??

If Alliance trade SHGY for Ibgy which they usually have to. We need all 40 at IBGY to defend it. When ANY and I repeat ANY alliance die they now Rez at SPGY, do you understand how far SPGY is from IBGY?? Go look at a map. It’s over 2 minutes away.

Now for the horde if they die at IBGY trying to retake it guess where they Rez at?? YOU GUESSED IT, 26 seconds away at their cave. Now the question here is if those horde who attacked kill anyone?? Did they?? If they did, guess who PERMANENTLY LOST those players to NEVER return SOUTH to IBGY again?? Just guess…yes the Alliance.

Meanwhile those horde who ran into IBGY to kill those alliance they get another Rez at their cave!

Now go ahead and rinse and repeat this for the full 5 minutes it takes to CAP IBGY.

Now the fix to this is no cave rez, so instead of rezing UP TO 20 AT A TIME AT THEIR CAVE they now Rez ONLY 10 AT A TINE AT FWGY WHICH IS 50 SECONDS AWAY, ALMOST DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF TIME AWAY.


Not sure how none of this sinks in??

Maybe just maybe if you are making a claim that goes against multiple videos showing you to be wrong… you should I don’t know bring some actual evidence to back up those claims first.


When those videos ignore the run to the cave entrance after, it’s a considerable thing to “leave out”. That’s why even those videos are easily proven as bias from alliance PoV

They dont ignore it.

And yet it isn’t factored into that run time you preach about when discussion of reinforcing IBGY.

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Eh, several root causes. Map, numbers on each side which lead to queues, and faction issues. They all contribute.

How much do they contribute? It’s up in the air and arguing about that is the same as arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

It comes down to fix the simple things and then see what issues remain. There are several map problems that are pretty easy fixes so tackle them first. Once those are fixed the queue issues might ease up a bit and generate a feedback loop. It probably won’t take us all the way to balanced but it’s a step in the right direction.

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Dont respond to them anymore. Just report for trolling and move on.
They’ll get bored when no one talks with them.


How in the hell does this thread have over THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED replies and has not yet been addressed? Even if they don’t want to fix it, they should at least say something and explain their position as to why they think this imbalance is acceptable from their point of view… #nochanges is already out the window, they’ve already made changes, changes to AV no less, so that’s no excuse.

Jesus, Blizzard, get your act together.


Really, you still don’t understand that hordes rezzing in the cave have to run 12 seconds to run out of the cave ? 12 seconds you have to add to the 28 seconds it takes from the cave’s gate to IBGY ? I mean it’s so obvious your denial is beyond understanding.

Not at all, I described the fact that it’s rare you need more than 10 cycles at any graveyard. Even less when you’re not getting wiped at the flag and your troops are moving.

Umm… that’s basics of how AV works, you need 10 cycles to cap the GY.

So yeah when people say you have no clue what you’re talking about and then you go on to demonstrate you have no clue what you’re talking about…


I’m obviously not talking about how many seconds it takes to soft cap a graveyard… What are you talking about. The whole conversation have been how alliance can only rez 10 at a time at a gy vs. horde can rez 20 in the cave which would be a massive advantage according to you and a few others. The reality is you rarely have more than 10 person rezzing at the same time. So the imbalance has not much impact.

But keep your condescending tone, it’s just funnier to prove you wrong.