AV Cave Rez situation

That’s the thing, only exploiters want a free and easy AV. People who truly want to PVP want a challenge. If this means the other team gets buffed a bit so wins are closer to 50-50 then that’s a good thing!

I hated the first week or so when there was the rush that most alliance won. I played a couple and then quit for a bit, hoping that games would even out. It’s a shame that they swung the other way.

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Neither here nor there but I just want y’all to look at this (I’m sorry I’m a scrub and don’t know how to link image directly). Destroyed horde so bad they’re all AFK in their cave.

http s:// imgur. com/SbQzp4N

Was a 30 minute win. We had to tell everyone to keep it in their pants for 3 more minutes before killing Drek, for the bonus honor. D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-E-D.

Drinknblink what makes you think you are “good” or have the “PvP IQ” instead of others ? Insulting people just proves your arguments are fragile. Not only is it pure ramblings but I gave you ample facts at post 3573 with timers and comparisons and now that I manifestly proved you wrong with that you progressed to the vague concept of “something that seems minor may lead to a massive disadvantage”.

By the way, the fight starts at SHGY because alliance is waiting there.

Fact : if both factions run as fast as possible they will meet in Field of Strife end of Bal building. Not SHGY. And my point is if alliance is stronger they will push back hordes. I never said it’s irrelevant to alliance. Of course it’s annoying for alliance. Alliance has to fight longer than horde. But my point is that disparity is not a strategic advantage, it’s a quality of life advantage. Does it affects alliance morale ? Yeah of course but it’s not a substantial disparity.

Edit: grammar

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Can you stop posting please? You’re wrong.
With BIS riding enchants the Horde will meet Alliance just outside of Belinda. That’s the “true” center of the map. When it should be the field of strife.

Horde can full cap SF with no contest before Alliance even have a chance to get there.

Horde cave res to IBGY is roughly 28 seconds. SPGY to SHGY is roughly 45 seconds.

You prove my point, disheartened alliance with leadership and hope to win can easily turn around the minor map imbalances. Can’t see your image though.

Why would I stop to post when I feel what people are writing is inaccurate ?

Ok then get BIS riding enchants … nothing prevents you to do it. Sorry but your example doesn’t make any sense.

Totally untrue. No serious pvper will support that. Maybe if the 40 alliances are on 60% mounts but they deserve it then.

Nope it takes 40 seconds from horde to rez in cave and going back to IBGY. Cause they rez IN THE CAVE (not at the gate you know) and have to run like 12 seconds before mounting. And yeah it takes roughly 45 seconds to alliance to run from SPGY to SHGY. 40 seconds vs 45 seconds, not the huge horde advantage everyone pretends eh.

I don’t prove your point because you miss my point.


We are two groups of sweaty rankers, Marshals Field Marshals galore and a Grand Marshal. Plus other people specifically queuing into our AV. Our hunters are popping mongooses and our warrs have Ashkandis and Thunderfuries. I pop more mana pots than I do in AQ40 and our people sapper pretty much on cooldown.

Yes I suppose it was “easy” when we get all sweaty like that. I just want you to ask yourself if in most games Horde has to do any of that to win?

It’s not minor imbalances, dude. Even as sweaty and embarrassingly tryhard as we are, WE STILL CANNOT CAP SHGY BACK once it is hardcapped by horde. Has never happened. Not once. Even against a Horde team of like level 54 orc warriors. But sure that’s only a minor map imbalance.

To see my image you have to get rid of the spaces in the link that I added so it would let me post my reply.


Well I understand that with your degree of preparation and organization you destroyed the horde so my point is with a normal degree you can have a humble victory. I never said winning should be easy.

As for the imbalances, I still believe they are minors (see post 3573) but yeah would be better if they were fixed, for sure.

I would need more information on this. At all events, when alliance hard cap IBGY it is also almost impossible for horde to recap it until alliance venture more in Frostwolf territory. And then it’s too late anyway cause alliance usually capped FWGY and is making progress.

See, you know nothing.

Go read any of Hawne’s posts.

You don’t need to defend IBGY at the start like alliance do SHGY because if you lose ibgy you don’t lose anything, you respawn right next to it when it’s lost.

When alliance lose SHGY they are now trapped in the last 5% of the map, meaning horde now control 95% of the map from taking ONE GRAVEYARD. If IBGY is lost how much of the map do they lose?? 5%?? That’s how close there is cave.

You not understanding that is a YOU PROBLEM.

You have no comprehensive understanding of how AV plays out or what actions lead to what consequences.

There is no point debating with you or Red, you are both clueless.

Saying its impossible for horde to recap IBGY shows how clueless you are. Alliance cant keep IBGY, which is the thing we all want fixed.


Meaning you can now send 15-20 people to retake IBGY in the 5 minutes it takes to cap and you will have SHGY soft capped like we have IBGY soft capped.

WANNA KNOW THE DIFFERENCE?? When we die defending IBGY for those 5 minutes we RESPAWN AT SPGY, OVER 2 MINUTES AWAY. When horde die trying to retake IBGY they respawn AT THEIR CAVE LITERALLY 26 SECONDS AWAY.

Let me guess you still can’t put this together??

Alliance never get new players to go back south to reinforce IBGY because they are trapped up north and they can’t get thru SHGY BUNKER choke point.

Horde don’t care if they die, as long as those 15-20 horde attacking IBGY get to kill a few Alliance EACH TIME THOSE HORDE REZ AND ATTACK THEY WILL EVENTUALLY SEND ALL THE ALLIANCE AT IBGY BACK UP NORTH BECAUSE WE HAVE NO GRAVEYARD ANYMORE.


As I typed all this I still know you won’t understand it.


I get your post is 95% of insults/shouting/dodging my arguments vs. 5% of real arguments. I’m joking (just a bit). Let’s analyze what you wrote well at least what can be.

Technically, you’re right. But in facts you’re wrong and I already explained it to you. While the horde cave GY is closer to IBGY than SPGY from SHGY, it’s still 40 seconds to run back to IBGY vs. 45 seconds for alliance to run back from SPGY to SHGY. Because horde rez INSIDE the cave and have to walk like 12 seconds to mount and then ride for 28 seconds to IBGY. So while the rezzing gy is closer, it takes almost the same time to come back. Do you understand that ? Because I told you many times now and you keep dodging that reality or you do like it doesn’t exist. If you don’t believe me or don’t have a horde alt ask one of your horde friend.

It’s the first time you tell me that 5% theory so not sure how I was supposed to understand anything about it. But let’s check. So SHGY is capped and you are trapped in 5% of the map ? First of all I don’t consider alliance side up to Icewing bunker 5% of the map. It’s only after fighting hard from SHGY hard capped that horde push back alliance to eventually SPGY zone that might be considered your 5% zone. How come horde push back alliance ? Because the horde stack in that game is the strongest stack. And even if your 5% theory was right, what does it change in the game ? Alliance still own the same number of graveyards or stuff horde would in the same situation.

Not really since I also said it was almost impossible for alliance to recap SHGY so again your dodging stuff.

I’m repeating myself : horde cave is at 40 seconds from IBGY so fair with alliance SPGY at 45 seconds from SHGY. Still waiting an answer from you that would makes sense on that topic.

Finally an interesting point. First time you are writing it to me though. However, you’re mixing stuff cause in your example it is not the sole distance from horde cave to IBGY that applies but the distance from horde cave to SHGY.
So what you wanted to say is : does the distance from SPGY to IBGY is so different from horde cave to SHGY that it gives a massive advantage to horde when IBGY and SHGY are respectively soft capped ?

We already know the distance from horde cave is not 26 seconds away but 40 seconds (see above). Since you did not time that part appropriately, you probably don’t know how long it takes from horde cave to SHGY so I’ll have to time it next time I play.

It’s alliance responsibility. When alliance soft cap IBGY they also have a choke that works perfectly fine and can prevents hordes to go help SHGY.

Again, it’s fair to alliance running back from SPGY and trying to defend SHGY. 45 seconds vs. 40 seconds for horde cave to IBGY. Alliance killing hordes at SHGY gets the same advantage : hordes rez at IBGY. Alliance dying rez at SPGY. All I need to be sure now is the distinace between SPGY-IBGY vs. horde cave to SHGY.

You saying that is so hilarious I can’t believe you have the nerves to write it. Any neutral and intelligent person reading this will know I totally understand what you write. I just don’t agree. But contrary to you I don’t need to shout or insult. In fact, I’m the one who could write you don’t understand what I write but it seems to me you are more dodging.


Yeah, I don’t think some people are grasping what you are doing. If I am reading it right, basically you have a fairly sizable group of sweaty rankers who do the “queue at the same time” trick to try to get as many of you into the same BG as possible. Depending on how many of you get into the same game and how good / bad the Horde group is, you have a range of outcomes varying from mopping up to losing hard games. That about cover it?

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People claiming AV is perfectly balanced are the same as flat earthers or anti vaxxers. All the evidence is there but you’ve stuck you’re fingers in your ears and are yodelling.


Maybe but I never said it was perfectly balanced. Just that the imbalances are not that impactful as some people pretends they are. And I do it respectuflly.

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And all the evidence proves you wrong yet you persist in making that claim, so yeah basically the same as a flat earther.

Horde rezzing at the cave 20 at a time when IBGY caps is not an opinion.
Alliance being trapped north when SHGY caps is not an opinion.
Alliance rezzing at AS instead of SHGY when they die at SF is not an opinion.
Some of these things were in fact fixed post vanilla for the same reason that is not an opinion.
The current alliance win rate is not an opinion.

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Lol what evidence ? Did you read what I just wrote ? I proved Drinkiblink wrong with timers and facts. Read my post maybe and then we will talk. And please tell me where I’m wrong. Good luck.

Oh you just edited your post, I’ll answer to it

And I’ll add one more, the alliance win rates in WSG/AB being roughly even with horde is noit an opinion and a minor map imbalance doesn’t explain the huge difference in AV.

Yeah I already agreed it’s a fact. Go read my post 3573 I already answered to that.

I also agreed it’s a fact and I answered it’s the same situation for hordes if alliance gets IBGY : you have a choke at IBGY and you trap hordes.

It’s a fact but I didn’t see anyone complaining about that so far. I’ll have to time AS to SHGY to see how impactful it is.

Right, but it’s not a proof the imbalances are impactful. It just shows there is imbalances. And I already agreed they should try to balance the map more.

It’s also a fact. But the reason explaining that rate is an opinion. I know your opinion is that map imbalances create such a win rate. My opinion is different : alliance loses for psychological factors : rankers left all at the same time when they couldn’t premade AV anymore. Horde rankers stayed cause wsg/ab queues were longer than for alliance. Overall stronger players stayed in AV than alliance side. Alliance started to lose and now it’s a conundrum. Too many alliances give up each games or just come for rep and you have the present situation. It also answers your last point in your post 3660.


Maybe if you’re RP walking out of the cave and using a poverty mount, you can make it a 40 second run, as was evidenced in the 2 hour queue, 1% win rate video. Lucky for horde, they can run out of the cave and have 100% mounts that can do all of that in 28 seconds which was also evidenced in a video. You’re not convincing anyone unless you can provide something other than “because I said so” that disproves that.

I got you!


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LoL myth busted that horde win just because they try harder.

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This is stupid. That’s not a myth. Horde do try harder. Both sides cave when they are getting face rolled though. I know you have some sick fascination with bias, but players who have played both sides have specifically stated that Horde try harder. There are multiple posts written by multiple posters on this very thread confirming this.
You choose the posts you like to believe based on your own need to confirm your bias.