AV Cave Rez situation

The IBGY rezes 10 at a time, if, with the help of your NPC your able to kill 15 horde per Rez cycle, your making the push to IBGY easier.

But let’s just ignore strategy again.

Also horde do get afkers and leachers, but the rate we get them compared to alliance teams is night and day different.

Oh you’re dumb argument is that our guard s are there so we should never lose.

It’s not an advantage to be there.

it would be like in football one team starting at the other team’s 10 yard line every possession. I wonder how many times they’re going to score a touchdown.

and then give a stupid reason why it’s an advantage to the defending team.

It’s not an advantage to start in that position it never is because those guards will always be there. Just like the defending teams 10 yard line will always be there.


Let’s just ignore the double the numbers advantage you get from defending, the elites that will go after our healers if ignored, the archers keeping us in combat, exc,exc,exc let’s ignore all those advantages you have at first clash and how it helps you push horde back or even sneak a group past without worry of losing your GY because you have an NPC ARMY there to help you.

It let’s you send more people elsewhere with less risk.

The problem is the alliance strategy is usually to not even TRY to defend SHGY or the reverse of ONLY defend it. Rarely do alliance have a balance of defensive and offensive parties. The only time alliance seem to do this even remotely right is AV weekend, I wonder why?

You do realize this imaginary army that is supporting us is like 4 archers right??

Where is this army you speak of at??

The archers aren’t even in range of SHGY unless you go around it to flank SHGY.

I’m not sure what map you’re looking at??

Ignore the data I presented tho. As if it’s somehow not an advantage to start at the other teams 10 yard line, let’s just brush that under the rug like you do for literally ALL DATA that doesn’t support your false narrative.

You are one dilusional player.

Imagine if when horde lost IBGY they now lose control of 95% of the entire map like alliance s
Do when they lose SHGY, then you can answer why horde don’t defend IBGY at the start of a fight.

Everytime you respond it truly shows how little you understand about PvP.

It’s never an advantage to be on the defensive in a game you can’t win while being on defense. Never, and you won’t convince anyone here otherwise.

I’m sorry ram Team 7 and the 5 archers is what you think is decimating your army, it’s not.

Sorry we can’t send more people elsewhere, if we lose SHGY we lose 95% of the entire map in 1 battle UNLIKE THE HORDE.

Nah, you have some Lts circling around too that could pretty easily be pulled into the initial skirmish with clever movement similar to how Alliance pull the npcs into fights when actively defending your base. It isn’t a huge advantage, but it does exist and does have the potential to turn that initial skirmish. It is a very short lived advantage though and it requires a couple of good mages (because let’s be real it takes mages) to get horde near the npcs in order to pull them into the fight.
Again, not saying this is some huge advantage. Just saying that’s what he is talking about. It is a very small thing.

Those dudes are all on the flank side of SHGY.

You can cap SHGY without fighting any archers or LTs.

You would need to aoe the 5 dudes guarding the flag.

I’m sorry sir, I flunked flank.


Yeah. They would require clever mages. I don’t make any bones about it being some great or easily used advantage. I am saying that’s what he is talking about. Personally, I am more afraid of Ram Team 7.

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I mean as a horde do you think his argument is valid. That starting from the alliances first graveyard is not an advantage??

Or am I crazy?


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I think with the current map it is not an advantage. If you had a second rez position closer to SHGY close to the same distance and accessibility of the cave, then yeah I would consider it an advantage. The biggest disadvantage is the fact that Horde has soft capped SFGY before you even get close to it. In hypothetical world where SFGY isn’t an issue, the initial skirmish giving you quick reinforcements isn’t a bad thing with proper reinforcement location coming in.
Current state, I think it is a disadvantage. But the main reason I think so has more to do with SFGY than SHGY. Basically, not being able to contest that soft cap on SFGY puts you behind the 8 ball offensively right off the bat IMO.

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I saw Ram Team 7 kill someone last AV weekend. I could have helped, but I thought it was too hilarious watching them go to town so I let the Hordie die lol.

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Yeah I just needed to make sure I wasn’t the crazy one.

Denial can be crazy and you never know if you’re the one suffering from it.


If it was strictly a numbers thing yeah it would be an advantage. But it isn’t. It also directly impacts how the rest of the map is approached. I don’t know if that is a good explanation or not, but that’s how I see it lol. Sometimes I think the arguments on both sides are too tunnel visioned. Honestly, I have learned a lot about the Alliance side from this thread (and others) and I have had my mind changed about some things having read points by various posters. I don’t always agree with everything, but generally speaking I think there have been a ton of good points made.

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Like my point about how if we lose SHGY we lose control of 95% of the map. I think that’s a valid point and it highlights a pretty large disparity.

On the other hand Horde losing IBGY and that only equals out to them losing like 5% of the map they controlled. That’s a pretty massive advantage.

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I think it does a good job of pointing out how much further Alliance have to go to have an opportunity to retake it. That’s really one of 2 major key points to the SHGY discussion. 1. It takes forever to get back to it and 2. there is unavoidable choke that is pretty easily defended keeping you from getting back to it once you traverse the distance.

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Really it comes down to this: balance the game. No matter why there is an imbalance they need to try to balance it.

  • Swap sides randomly, see if one side wins more, find out why, try to fix it.
  • If one faction wins more, find out why, try to fix it.
  • If people stand around and do nothing, find out why, try to fix it.
  • If one class or spec does a ton more in PVE or PVP, find out why, try to fix it.

Yes, it might be difficult to do these things but this is a game. People will optimize around the easy parts and avoid the difficult parts. The game will get more and more broken if you don’t try to FIX IT!


I think the point you made in that other thread was spot on. I get that the game was originally supposed to be a vanilla experience, but like you said there and here there needs to be a team monitoring the game for more than simply exploits and minor fixes. Balance matters. The game doesn’t need to be current, but it does need to be modified when aspects get min maxed all to hell.
That post in the other thread was the best post I have seen on the topic. Basically Blizzard is treating this like dead code and that is a trash approach. Especially given how successful the game has been from a money making standpoint. It could be so much more. I am not asking for Classic+ or anything like that, but the baseline changes that would have been implemented 15 years ago need to be worked through now. Especially if they plan on keeping Classic as a standalone product.

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Yeah, I’ve been banging that drum for a long time. Even before Classic came out. A game that isn’t constantly adjusting to bugs, exploits, and issues is a game that will get out of balance and become unplayable.

Now, some of these adjustments can be pretty simple. A bit of monitoring code and some small buffs/nerfs that change according to the findings. For example, say someone loses a game. Give them a small hidden buff to their next game. If they lose again then stack it. Or if someone wins then they get a similar small debuff. The buff and the debuff cancel each other out so an average person will stay at average power.

Give it some diminishing returns and let each person float a bit in their power. It will end up being similar to handicapping in golf or similar, each person will get a bit of a buff or nerf which will balance them out. It will average out so the faction or side with more difficulties will get a little help.

Then that faction will play a bit more and the queues will even out. Everyone wins!

Yes, it’s not as simple as I’m making it but it’s a starting point to work with. Try some simple things and then add in more ideas until the system works.

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Yeah. I am not looking to play some trash version of AV where I can give half @#4ed effort on my marginally geared Warlock and reap rewards for it. I am all for whatever things they want to try. They might not work, but at least it shows an interest. Right now it is so disappointing that they are just leaving it to rot. #sigh.