AV Cave Rez situation

That’s different from it is now how exactly?

Personally i am a fan of wood, as in not even good enough for any metal.

It’s not, enjoy your queue times.

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If that’s a crack at me, don’t take my stuff out of context. I am not suggesting you should do this. It is not time efficient. I am suggesting that you could do this now.

What about Oak?

I think I came up with a pretty good example that shows a disparity in the map.

I have never seen it been said like that.

Well, I think the percentage lost is interesting, but ultimately kinda doesn’t matter as much. The issue is really whether you can get it back. IBGY is way easier to retake than SHGY even if the cave is moved. I don’t think there is any disputing this. Not super clear why anyone tries TBH.

It matters greatly.

How do you guys summon your boss or summon all of your npc??

we lose our first graveyard and we essentially lose any chance of summoning anything while you guys have free reign to do whatever you want.

That’s not true at all. If we legitimately lose IBGY the same way Alliance lose SHGY (as in, we never actually get it back), the game is over. We aren’t summoning anything and that cave isn’t helping us.
The only reason it matters is because we can get it back and Alliance can’t really get SHGY back with even remotely the same amount of opportunity or ease.

Ofc but that’s what we are discussing, you get IBGY back because of the cave.

We lose SHGY you now control 95% of the map.

Most games we lose SPGY and aid station because summons.

This is what people don’t get, they see something and say well it’s not that big of a deal.

In reality they fail to link up what that causes. It’s cause and effect, and most people who defend the map can’t grasp what happens when certain things are done.

Yes. I agree with that. With something closer to SHGY along with that choke being removed, Alliance would have a much better chance of retaking SHGY instead of running back from a spot that is basically right by your base (what is that roughly 20% of the map remaining to clear?). It is definitely different from running back from a spot that is roughly 35-40% of the map remaining to clear. It gets compounded by that choke right by SHGY as well which IBGY has, but not nearly as pronounced and it can also just be flat bypassed which the SHGY choke really can’t. And that matters because it allows Horde to get North if IBGY is gone in a way that Alliance struggle getting South when SHGY is gone.

I think a big part of this discussion is missed on a lot of the people here in regard to how they can’t grasp stuff because they just aren’t good at the game and PvP as a whole, like Red and Adventure and the Worgen mage.

They disregard stuff they think is minor at best but they dont have the PvP IQ to realize what things can lead to for the other side, for them something that seems minor may lead to a massive disadvantage for Alliance but they can’t connect them.

For example the Worgen Mage thinks it doesnt matter the fight starts at SHGY and he can’t put it together on what that actually means for the other faction, to him it’s irrelevant, to alliance it’s a substantial disparity.

Alliance that want to afk and watch youtube while getting honor go to AV to leach for honor. Otherwise they are there for rep. Or the rare alliance players trying to win.

And when rep farming it IS better to lose 4 games fast than it is to win one long game. Why? The side quests turn ins. By the time the game ends for the short fast losses most of the rep quest turn ins are done. When in the long game (now that the exploit is fixed) it’s more rep to lose those 4 games than it is for a 2+ hour win.

Efficiency is a factor. So is effort needed which is why people afk/leach in AV.

But you want to blame the map for every factors effect on your winrate, when the map is not responsible for everything.

No one plays like this ROFL.

Literally no one.

People go into a a fight wanting to win. People aren’t going into wsg going let’s just lose these 3 games fast so I can grab a token.

No one is doing that. Once again you’re projecting how you play on others. You’re here assuming what you say is reality. It’s not.

If people wanted honor they would premade in literally any other bg for honor.

It’s phase 5, ranking had died down.

People would rather win for rep than lose fast, winning is fun, losing isn’t.

You understand nothing about PvP simply because your grasp on PvP is limited and low.

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The moment I have any form of data through screenshots it was dismissed and turned into personal attacks, which means no matter if I gave you blizzards numbers to prove me right, you would ignore it.

Your not here to discuss this topic, you want an echo chamber.


And yet every AV game I go into there are alliance sitting just in range of getting honor from their teammates killing people.

I even gave you screenshots of it and you turned to insults and ignored it.

They don’t exist to you purely because you refuse to accept there are factors dragging your winrate down that are not part of the map.

I didn’t ignore your 1 screenshot.

I said it was hard to actually say what people were doing purely off their hks.

You had a pic of 3 alliance for example with under 20 HKS but 1 of them guys had 3 base defender caps. The other 1 had 1 base assaulted and so did the other.

I told you this, you ignored it. You only see data as black and white low hks they MUST be afk.

The issue is you’re always assuming everything about everything without any clarity. Just like that screenshot.

Proving alliance afk more is irrelevant in its own right. You’re proving alliance gave up in AV, congrats??

Also on the flip side there has been plenty of horde in here say they have plenty of horde players afk in their AVs

The fight starting at SHGY means the fight starts with you backed up by your NPCs a closer spawn point, and the time to make a proper formation of melee, ranged, healers, and letting you send a group slightly south using the hill to flank the horde healers.

There’s a reason the words “home field advantage” is used. We start the fight on your terf yes, where you are at your strongest.

This is what I mean about you being stupid those guards will always be there even if we don’t start to fight there.

if you beat us in the middle of the map and push us back to there those guards are still there.

This is exactly what I meant about people like you who don’t understand cause and effect.

like what was already pointed out starting at our side of the map makes it so you have to beat us one time to take our graveyard and we have to beat you four times to take yours

“1 screenshot” … I also gave screenshots of me just standing next to them and them not attacking me.

I also gave a screenshot of them not being there after the fighting moved away from SHGY.

They were there to leach and not to fight. They killed me the first few times I ran into them but when they realized I wasn’t stopping then from leaching or trying to pass them they left me alone.

I gave a multitude of screenshots to show this and you just looked at one then called me a clicker and dismissed everything else. And you wonder why I’m not providing more evidence lol.