AV Cave Rez situation

Isn’t it CRAZY how just logging into a Tauren makes me feel so… STRONG and MIGHTY and FAR MORE INTELLIGENT than on my Night Elf!

A 15yr old game managed to engineer some crazy things!


I don’t need to again. Your opening statement is this:

You explicitly say Horde have a “difference in quality” and since Horde are the victors, you are explicitly stating Horde are the superior quality.

You later edited to try to walk-this absolute back a bit by stating:

Which given your position that the map isn’t the problem, you’re just restating that Horde are better than Alliance. You just tried to soften the statement with a mealymouthed “less useful” assessment, but this doesn’t change anything one iota.

So to reiterate:

Horde are better quality, per your first paragraph.
Horde are more useful, per your third paragraph.

You believe Horde are better players.

You’re a troll, go away.


Horde are more useful. For reasons I explained so simply a child could understand it. What is the point of you trolling me and pretending I’m making an argument that I’m not? Dunning Kruger effect? Just trolling for fun?

There is no way you are arguing in good faith here. You are either so dumb you wouldn’t have the brain power to even use the internet, or you are obviously trolling. I’m going with trolling, and this time I’m just going to ignore you

You keep reiterating the thing you explicitly denied doing. Weird.

Irony is dead.

Bye! Try not to hurt your cranial vault too much when your brain rapidly expands when you swap back to your Horde character!


Seriously, this requires very little reading comprehension to understand.

And I’m not even saying the average player who rolls alliance is worse than the average player who rolls horde. But the average alliance player in AV is objectively less useful than the average horde player in AV. Go try horde av some time, it is insane how different the players are due to the queue and how the honor system works.

Someone doesn’t understand that by saying:

“I don’t think you’re worse than him, I just think you’re less useful!”

You’re not actually avoiding calling that poor person “worse”, you’re just trying to avoid stating what you think outright because you’re a social coward that can’t speak forthrightly and honestly when it comes to breaking bad news.

So simple, children shows intended for the 8 and under demographic have effectively covered the concept of honesty and the consequences of equivocating or outright lying.


Good job on ignoring me?

There, I muted the troll. Saying one side has less useful players, because the systems in place encourage them to lose faster (along with long queues motivating the opposition to try haeder), isn’t saying one side is magically better. Not sure why someone would want to just troll me over that.

There is a reason alliance won a lot more early on when horde queues were 6 minutes. Both sides were fine with quick losses instead of turtles, because both sides benefited more from quick losses. The alliance still benefit more from fast losses, while horde do not. As the queue got longer and longer, horde defended more and more, thus won more games. The premades got banned, so the best alliance players stopped queuing. And when they do, they are motivated to encourage losing strategies that maximize honor per hour. Hence even when an alliance av has just as good of players as horde, those players aren’t going to prioritize winning at all costs like horde players do.

Hopefully people who aren’t just trolling me can understand that. Even if the horde cave got moved back, which it should be, I guarantee 100% that alliance will still lose more than 80% of games. The only way the win percentage on either side will ever equal out is if both sides are equally motivated to win. In other words, if population is somehow balanced and horde has equal queue times to alliance.

I understand that you said exactly what you said. Words mean things.

“You can be in denial all you want, but the difference in quality of player is obvious to people who have played AV on both factions. It isn’t even close”

Lying about what you actually type is pretty kooky since all one has to do is scroll up.

I don’t have much use for liars, so you’re ignored.


Going to keep switching accounts when I ignore you trolling? Don’t blame me, because you have no reading comprehension. You clearly misunderstood what I was typing. And instead of admitting it, you are just doubling down and saying I’m lying. It isn’t lying to clarify your stance to someone before realizing they are just trolling you and refuse to listen to what you say.

Ignoring this toon, too. Go troll someone else

Stop trying to claim horde are better players by changing the words.


I only have one account you doofus.

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Do you know how I also know it’s a player issue?

The fact that a Horde Pug can camp the Alliance Cave.

In any conceivable scenario, the alliance should be able to break past a Horde cave camping situation. They spawn right there 20 at a time, and they have battleguards obviously.

If they alliance cant win a straight fight with that advantage, then it’s a strictly player issue.

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I’ve now changed my stance. Judging my the people in this thread, alliance clearly have the stupider players.



Do you know how I also know it’s a player issue?

The fact that a Horde Pug can camp the Alliance Cave.

In any conceivable scenario, the alliance should be able to break past a Horde cave camping situation. They spawn right there 20 at a time, and they have battleguards obviously.

If they alliance cant win a straight fight with that advantage, then it’s a strictly player issue.

Exactly. And Stormpike is closer to the ally cave than the horde cave is to Iceblood. And the horde rez further from Stormpike than alliance rez from Iceblood.

If the players on both factions were equally motivated and skilled, horde would never take stormpike. But the best alliance players care about honor per hour over winning, because they can just hop into a new game while horde has at best a 1 hour queue during av weekend and a 2 hour queue on non av weekend. And when you are ranking, you are doing wsg/ab while waiting, so realistically it takes horde rankers 7 or more hours in the queue to actually get in a game. You don’t wait that long to get in a game and treat it the same as someone who gets in instantly

Do you know why they made changes to honor when killing players in the starting cave? Because Alliance pre-mades were camping the Horde cave. It’s not hard to have 25 people spamming constant AOE.

And since it was Horde being camped they called it “griefing” ffs. Unbelievable.



Any cave camping by Horde, which I’ve never once even experienced, would only occur at the very end of games and only would be “camping” the folks that have resigned themselves to a loss and just aren’t leaving and waiting for Vann to finally die.


The alliance premades were much better players in comparison to the horde pugs (which is obviously why they premade in the first place). Thats why they were able to cave camp horde …because of the skill discrepancy

Similar situation of what we have right now but reverse. The average horde AV player is better than the average alliance player

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How is it the situation we have now? Right now we have pugs vs pugs.

A majority of Blizz devs play horde. They like the advantage. Dont expect it to change until they’re bored of AV