AV Cave Rez situation

And even on AV weekend when those players whose skills you claim are so important do step into AV the win rate doesn’t got up to anywhere near what it is in the other BG’s. If the map was fixed to the point alliance could get a reasonable win rate like in other BG’s those same players in there on AV weekends would be in there all the time.


Again, how does that even matter? My point wasn’t that AV was fair. My point was that skilled players haven’t been in AV since long before they knew it wasn’t fair. Not being fair just cements it. It wasn’t the cause of the original exodus.

You act as if because someone is rank 14 they are good.

Omg a rank 12 is in AV, he must be a god!!! Look how long he can sit in his chair!!!

Bro please, people act as if rank 14 is some crazy endeavor that takes skill. It’s just how long you sit in your chair, there is no correlation between a rank 14 players being good. Do you know how many keyboard turning rank 14 horde I have killed?

Saying people won’t go back into AV if fixed is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.


I don’t act as if they must be good. I act as if they are better than your run of the mill alliance on their 4th alt.
Again, people had no idea it was Horde tilted in January. They left due to HPH issues.

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No those so called skilled players always knew AV wasn’t unfair there’s nothing new about this map, and they didn’t leave right away. The rate horde were playing scorched earth also increased corresponding to when premades were broken. Had horde continued zerging instead of the current meta maybe we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

OMFG, no they didn’t. There wasn’t one single post that said “change premades and Alliance will never win again because the map isn’t balanced” in January. Find me one. Just one. Just freaking ONE.
And again, they DID leave right away. You keep forgetting that I was queuing up on this toon then. I know what happened to my queue times. So please. Stuff it. You don’t know WTF you are talking about.


I’m working on my 6th 60, and he will be better than 95% of players on these forums just because my skill carries over to all my Alts.

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Yeah, that’s one player. I have 4 60s and I know for a fact I am better on my rogue than I am on my hunter, priest, or lock. It isn’t particularly close either.

See here’s the thing I was playing alliance immediately before and after premading was broken so i actually can comment on the general teams. The average team after premading was broken was about on par with what you see on AV weekend there was no over night shift in the quality of alliance as you’re claiming.

Were you premading? Cuz I haven’t ever heard you post about your premade exploits. That’s what I am getting at. All those good players that were premading? They didn’t get pushed into the pug queue. They just left. That’s “why” the skill in your pugs didn’t improve.
Also still waiting on that proof that people knew the map was broken prior to the premade changes bub.

My point is only so much to do on mains.

Sure you might join an AV on your main to kill people, odds are you do it on the Alts that need stuff.

You can’t dispute the fact that more alliance would que for AV if it was fixed, and in that pool of new players there will be good players who rejoin.

That’s undisputable.

We’ve known it was broken since BC when horde originally started playing scorched earth and the map was fixed. People were hoping that it would be played as it was in vanilla not the current meta.

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I don’t dispute that more good players would join. I dispute whether it would be similar to what it is on AV weekend. Given that there isn’t additional bonus honor for non AV weekend play, I tend to think it wouldn’t be.
If anything, it might be more even because fewer of the good Horde might queue due to less certainty in the outcome. I don’t see some massive influx of Alliance players to AV with a respawn change though.

Clearly you didn’t know that since you advocated for using the 1.12 map previously…

Earlier version have the same issues.

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Haven’t denied that the issues exist. I have denied that anyone knew they existed prior to it becoming abundantly clear what they were when the premades left. I also deny the fact that the premades left due to aforementioned “knowledge” that you constantly use as a point but fail to provide even a shred of evidence for.

Except as I explained these were issues that became readily apparent in TBC and were addressed, we’ve known about them for what 15 years? These is zero suprise that they exist, the only surprise/disappointment is the extent they’re being abused.

But then considering how many other things in classic have played out differently than vanilla i guess that’s not even surprising just disappointing.

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Again, no. As has been explained ad nauseam, the dominance Horde enjoyed during TBC had everything to do with the reinforcement mechanics and nothing to do with how the map was played prior to TBC. There also was no “scorched earth” then either.
Just because you have some kind of revisionist history in your head explaining why things went south in January doesn’t mean you have literally anything to back it up. I have post after post of premade players saying exactly why they left. Guess what. Exactly zero of them say it was because of map balance. So again, provide proof or shut up.

A theme park opens up and charges 500 bucks to enter, it keeps this price for the whole week.

Next week comes they instead now let everyone enter for free.

Which out of those 2 choices would yield more people??

The issue to the people was the charge to get in, it essentially got fixed.

No, all reinforcements did was highlight the problem. This is the exact same scorched earth meta we saw in BC where it was quickly fixed.

So sorry but the map issue is very well known and noone who played in BC was doing a surprised pikachu when horde started playing scorched earth in classic they were just disappointed.

Honestly Drink (Blink? not sure which is the better shortened name lol), I hope you are right. I disagree with you on that one point, but generally do agree with you on everything else. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong. Ball is in your court Blizzard.