AV Cave Rez situation

when 30 players have 0 kills ya you are probably right it’s the strats

when they just let rogues destroy DB S and North towers ya it’s the strats

when they sit SH the entire fight and do nothing in terms of offense, again, strats


A very common strategy I did as alliance in vanilla was have pet on agreesive and flare the bridge, serpent sting any rogue or druid that came and laugh as the NPCs killed them.

But that’s to much work for alliance to do…

I feel your pain though, part of why I got irritated in retail raids before I quit retail was people being unable to do simple mechanics.

Rogues couldn’t cap

Edit: 2000th post on this toon, lol

When alliance have 2 to 1 kill ratios while trying to hold IBGY and still lose it’s the map.

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Did your healers try rezing after each fight to help bolster your numbers?

Did you send a NE hunter to the cave to drop frost traps (entrapment talent helps a lot here) to slow the horde advance while he sits in shadow-meld effectively delaying horde reinforcement to IBGY and causing a trickle effect?

Did you send 2 people down south to cap other things to distract the horde?

Did you cap SFGY to bolster your Rez per cycle numbers?

Did you try anything outside of sit at IBGY and wait on the waves of horde???

I think they found another ram team 7…

God they really have no qualms about making up the most inane crap ever and they think this is a valid point.

The rest of us non trolls understand you are a complete an utter moron who has no clue how the map works.

Seriously when was the last time you actually played in a BG?


I mean if you are gonna make up stuff about vanilla, and are gonna post on a retail character can you are least post on one with an account that played during vanilla…

Cause your account shows that you never played during vanilla.


That account also shows he has the 300 arena win achievement, but doesn’t have the 1550 achievement.

That means he went like 300 wins and 500 losses.

Clearly he’s a PvP God and we should all highly value his PvP input.

Just like Missadventure.


I didnt fire the first salvo. The poster in question took a couple of shots at me and thinks a conversation with merit is to talk about how theres nothing to talk about. For 10 straight posts. When your major talking points are off topic discussions about posters and how the conversation has already been had while its still going on and you got nothing more to contribute cuz you did already then your motives can be called into question. There’s no victims here, so lets not pretend.

We cant say with 100% certainty but based on their more recent actions (or inaction) we can extrapolate at the very least. Its an educated guess but when they make changes to things like Black Lotus after weeks and weeks of player feedback on the matter and yet dont make any changes to AV to address what is supposedly a clear issue I have to question whether its really an issue.

I look at it pretty much the same way as the pugs vs premades thing which has also been a real hot button topic on this forum with tons of feedback. Its not a good look at all, it definitely can have a negative impact on your queuing population and its not getting changed any time soon. It may be a problem for some but its not the kind of problem thats going to be alleviated with any game changes. Its the same thing here.

Some of the more recent changes disagree with that assessment. The only concrete evidence you have is the win loss rate. And its not really evidence its more like something thats being twisted to fit a theory. Thats why some alliance players can post here and admit they dont try to win AV because theyre depressed about the map so why bother and then submit that as evidence of a problem. Every failure is the maps fault, period. Theyre correct in that they identified a problem but theyre wrong in where it lies.

For the most part Blizz has been very hands off in the pvp department with some very ugly outcomes totally visible and I think thats because there is literally nothing they can do that wont have a ton of unintended consequences in an already imperfect environment.

I dont know if theyre ignoring the feedback or looked into it or not but I can tell you that if I was a Blizz employee tasked with this and I read forum feedback that says a 40 man of alliance rank 14s doing their absolute best being unable to get beyond a bunch of horde scrubs at IBGY because of the map and then I logged into my Blizztoon and played 15 straight games of the alliance just sitting at SHGY/SPGY and then cave afk after turn ins Id be hard pressed to say the map needed changing.

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Already explained that my brother got the vanilla account as I was a kid at the time and account shared within blizzards rules. When we got our own accounts in late TBC/early wrath my oldest brother got to keep the vanilla account and I had to start over.

But hay, it’s no surprise you want to try to discredit me because my views don’t match your delusional dream of “it’s all the maps fault”.

Oh look, the arena hero of tbc is back. :roll_eyes:

I mean it amazes me that he can’t seem to accept the simple truth that I told him about why I don’t have a high arena rating…

I was a kid account sharing with my brothers and when we did get our own accounts the oldest brother got to keep the original, which killed me desire to get arena rating as I already did it once.

I mean it shouldn’t even be so impossible to believe, I have constantly said I’m a hunter main and hunters were broken in TBC… So I played the “FotM” class of TBC and got high arena rating but hay, clearly he’s right because armory attacking is the one truth of the world. Lolz

That’s why I didn’t call anyone out. I’m just pointing out the practice of using these trivial bits of information for what it is.

Blizzard runs the game. If something is so tilted that one side loses 19 out of 20 games then it’s up to Blizzard to do something. Map changes are unlikely to fix everything but they will have some effect and there’s some low-hanging fruit there.

At the very least it might inspire people to try harder and increase the win rate that way. But Blizzard doing nothing is going to just let the situation slide further.

Once again, we’re down to ad hominems. Judge someone on the merits of their arguments and not on the trivial information on their account. There’s plenty of reasons your assumptions could be wrong.

In this case I don’t think their arguments are particularly strong but that’s not because of their account history.

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Why is it up to Blizzard to do something? If I dont know how to play my toon should Blizz interevene too? Should they strike down AB/WSG premades as well?


Because we know it’s not just a player issue as alliance do just fine in the other two BG’s.

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If it was a few people here and there I’d agree with you. This is an entire faction of their game. Clearly there’s something more to it than a person or two not knowing how to play.

When there’s an issue of this magnitude it pretty clearly points out a flaw in the game. Whether it’s mechanics or balance or map or the player attitude, what matters is that there needs to be a game creator response.

Even if that response is, “Yeah there’s a problem and we’re not fixing it.” At least be upfront about it and not stick your head on the sand. That’s just cowardly.

Alliance figuratively has it’s finger on the scale, ramming it down to 99% to get blizzard’s attention. It is a nasty circular self fulfilling practice. Is there an advantage that should be changed in regard to cave respawn mechanic and SF res locations that give horde the edge? Yes, and those things should be dealt with. Are those things making alliance allegedly lose 99% of the games? Hell no. That high % over what they had been losing after premades went away is purely alliance players deliberately not trying, because a) they have fast queues with anonymity, and b) because they can just blame the cave respawn and SF issue, while berating and dismissing any and all alliance who express motivation and success.


This is a big talking point for yall but there’s a perfectly good explanation for this but its moot as its not relevant anyway.

Its not an entire faction though. Even during peak hours youre talking maybe 7-10 AVs going on any given day. Thats a couple of hundred alliance at most. This one of the huge problems with the alliance argument which I noted above - youre using the entire faction in the context but thousands of alliance (and horde for that matter) simply dont do AV.

This is further reinforced by the fact that when there’s a holiday weekend for AV, the alliance fare much better because they have more capable people queuing for it.

Just because you think and say there’s a problem doesnt mean there actually is one. Since Blizz has been very keen to address stupidly broken stuff in classic and hasnt touched AV in the manner players are suggesting should tell you something.


That fact that alliance has 99% loss rate across all regions should tell you something. Your entire post has nothing of merit in it, at all. When alliance win on AV weekend its because of higher skilled and geared ranking alliance players doing better than the horde side who are just used to zugzug winning. Alliance winning on AV weekend is still 1 in 30 or so. The fact that no horde on any region has to put forth even the slightest bit of effort to win, should tell you something. Please go away with your ignorant uneducated horde bias.


There are multiple factors:

  • HPH is vastly better
  • Less anonymity, less chance of AFKers and leeches
  • Can easily be premade
  • Duration is much shorter