AV Cave Rez situation

Earlier versions do nothing to prevent the current horde strat as they also have the same issues with the cave spawn.

As opposed to the guy who has so little understanding of AV that he does not realize any version of vanilla AV would be the exact sameā€¦

but still argues like he knows things about AV.


Do you not readā€¦

might explain a few things.


Of course you would think that, as it does not support your defeatism and map blaming.

How do you explain horde queue times dropping like a stone on holiday weekends, coinciding with a dramatic heightening of the win rate for alliance?

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The extra honor is enough for more alliance to bother queuing into still abysmal loss rates.

Oh no! Not an attack on my POST COUNT!!

Who the hell cares about post count?

This, all of this.

Corpse, if you really were here in good faith and not just here toā€¦

ā€¦pad your post countā€¦

ā€¦youā€™d already know the arguments have been presented, in detail.

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I have no doubt that many alliance try. You are severely hobbled by those who donā€™t, if they are even at their keyboards.

a) do not pretend to know what communication goes on in horde comms.
b) it is laughable that you claim all horde does is zugzug north, but the moment anyone suggests alliance should change tactics and try doing stuff south of FOS you fall all over yourself attempting to paint horde as a well oiled perfectly run multifaceted fighting force.

What needs to be talked about? The thing that you fail to grasp is that the communication about what the enemy is doing while the BG is being played is the critical part. Alliance need to learn how to adapt to situations, rather than have the brilliant pregame strategy of ā€œeveryone run to SH. If horde takes it, AFK!ā€

Yeah, I suspect that you were carried to exalted within the few weeks that premades zoomed you through as you watched netflix.

LTs that you refuse to fight along side and capitalize on.

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Vanilla AV 1.12 is the evidence.

Oh look, there you go again refusing to acknowledge that it was purely due to reinforcement win condition. How shocking.

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If 20 horde are rezzing doesnt that mean you killed 20 horde? Whats the problem again? Maybe you shouldnt be zerging, i dunno. Maybe you should mount up and just ride past and whoever gets through the lines draws some attention and splits the horde raid. Or does the map eat alliance players? Forgive me, Im not up on all my excuses, theres just too many.

Ive personally never witnessed this fact and Ive sat ghosted at IBGY for an extra 30 seconds because the one I was in didnt res me and I dont recall a single time where its 20 other people were rezzing ahead of me. Not denying it but Ive never seen it.

Thats not a gimme tho. People gotta be in position and spells and abilities need to be used. You gotta kill their healers, protect yours, CC, grab the leaks, get los when your health gets low and yaknow, pvp and stuff.

You know that could be a possibility right? And again, weā€™re not talkin faction wide here, just AV. It could be as simple as that.

Those horde are waiting 2 hours yknow, they might be, umm motivated. Horde that go to AV are trying to escape the mower blades of premades and actually win for a change. I dont envy the alliance - thats a huge uphill battle with instant queues which automatically breed apathy.

Long story short, theres more to it than map and stop thinking about. All the work is done for you, just believe.


see, this is the problem with the alliance. you guys have players like scottpollard, who is extremely good and has a good attitude. he NEVER gives up.

and you all try to discredit him, report/silence h im, an oppose him instead of learning from him. scottpollard isnt a hero, heā€™s just a guy with a good attitude. thatā€™s all it takes for alliance winrates to improve, but instead the alliance would rather not try, and dismiss/attack those that do try, despite the fact that those that do try boast a decent win rate.


Right so you just donā€™t understand why horde rezzing 20 at a time from an unassailable GY close by is better than 10 alliance rezzing far away. Like I said that firmly busts your myth that horde are just better at pvp.


It was a joke. If you cant take meaningless personal slights then dont dish them.

Yeah and I participated in all of those too but weā€™ve come full circle again. I already posed a question to you directly. Up to you now.

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The best alliance players donā€™t touch AV due to HPH efficiency. The best horde do do AV.

This means on average the horde team has a better ratio of skilled players per game.

If both teams at their best, having the best players in a game are a 10/10 and the worst of their players having an 0/10 rating horde see a 5/10 team average in AV while alliance see a 3/10 because they have none of their 10/10 players in AV outside of AV weekend. And this DOES effect your win rates.

Is the map effecting win rates? Yes, but itā€™s not the major contributor you are trying to make it out to be. Itā€™s one of many factors causing that 99% loss rate.

Only on AV weekend when the best alliance players return to AV do the alliance start approaching a 50% win rate, still not there though because they have a lot of defeatists on their team holding them back.

Motivation, or lack there of is the #1 contributor to that 99% loss rate for alliance.


Unassailable? Nothings off limits man. Its not going to be gift wrapped for you either. Your seem to take your lack of gifts to mean the horde must has extra gifts.

A little too simplistic for any kind of real discussion on the matter.

Youā€™re a moron. Thereā€™s no way around it. Every response of yours is moronic, theres nothing backing up your moronic claims. You are the definition of moron.


Alliance get a 30 Rez when horde are pushing aid station when horde get a 10 Rez.

Both sides have a spot where they vastly outnumber the enemy in Rez/cycle but alliance almost never use theirs properlyā€¦

So you donā€™t even under stand the cave canā€™t be capped by alliance, just whoaā€¦

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ā€œNo you!ā€ - he says, having not actually engaged the arguments at all.


By that logic AVs biggest map flaw is the recall trinket.

If 20 horde are rezzing that means you wrecked 20 horde. Which means you either got a real solid 15-20 players at either soft cap or your zerging the crap out of them. It also assumes to the tune of 100% that the horde is waiting up for everyone to rez and coming in a single wave of 20 rather than trickling a few at a time and being way easier to handle.

If the horde behave that way then you got beat fair and square. Not much else to say. PvP happened.

If youre zerging youre creating your own problem by constantly pinning the horde back into their own territory which by all means should have favorable defensive conditions for them if used properly and with most of their dudes there. Like, duh? Its not really all that different on the other side, it just looks that way, on purpose.

If youre doing split squad stuff you always run the risk of not having the people where you need them or getting cut off etc but you chose the strat so Im not really sure what the big deal is. Ive farmed alliance coming in from FWGY for over an hour in some games. No one is crying about that choke.

Youre not lobbying for the removal of trinkets either so I dont think youve thought this through all the way. I think youre just myopically obsessed on the grounds you have to out pvp the horde in their territory to win aka the name of the game.

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If you look over my last several posts here Ive posted my thoughts and opinions and other relevant bits of data that cant be overlooked. My post history will show you Ive done it more than once over a period of time.

Which is more than I can say for you.