It’s not like they didn’t “do” anything. They did. They made TBC changes to AV and then refused to make the ONE TBC change that would make AV a better experience for Alliance.
Why are you excusing their inconsistency and total bias?
They already MADE TBC changes in Classic, changes that benefited the Horde. You’ve shown support for those changes and argued they were necessary. Yet changes to the rez situation is out of the question for you because #nochanges.
That’s called being inconsistent and hypocritical. You should be ashamed of yourself.
It ain’t vanilla AV either. The map may look the same, but there are changes that were not part of the vanilla experience. In fact, this is the first AV map that’s had an invisible wall at IWB.
*two teams that “sucked and didn’t play defense”… in a row. Gosh you know so much about my games it’s almost as if you were there. Oh wait, you don’t Q for AV.
sounds like too much effort
also my strats are just now coming together, and the alliance are just now catching on to them
I’d settle for Korrak’s Revenge. Since they snubbed old customers who only came back for classic and gave it to retail instead, I guess we should really call it Dev’s Revenge. Still, I’d take it.