This thread to massive
can’t read it all… Yes Av has always been in favor for the horde, but hey alli still win sometimes. Its far to late to fix Av, alliance have already accepted that Av is not a place for them so not afk’ing and working as a team is just a lost memory of days passed. The battle ground is much to quick for the size of it. Alliance used to win much more in vanilla as there was more opportunity to overcome the disadvantages because of the longer battles. The spirit of Av is long gone. you’ll never get those days back from vanilla it was like a game in a game. Instead of standing in stormwind lfm to do a dungeon you would be lfm to go on stealth mission or Locking down a bunker for 2hours, it was very fun and I have very fond memories of that time. I was very disappointed when Av was released in classic and it was nothing not even a tiny bit like the old days oh well.