AV Alliance Bubble? really is it a joke

Don’t use the argument “Been in the game (x amount of years) here.” We are trying to fix actual things wrong with the game.

You have to think to yourself:
“What is the battleground Alterac Valley designed for?”
“What are it’s goals for a player?”
“Is it okay for players to exploit bugs within the instance to create an unfair advantage?”
“Are we allowed to criticize these unfair advantages in order for them to be fixed or adjusted?”

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I’m just being realistic , and not naive. I point out that those who have been aware of these issues over a decade ago are very much aware that was the Vanilla/Classic experience. Every single complaint that has been said here, has been said 12-15 years ago. They’ve HEARD IT ALL.

So if it hasn’t been addressed during that time period around the 1.13 patches, what do you reasonably think would happen now? Use your head, all of you.

Here we go again… there is nothing cheating with using a alliance only class, with a alliance only class ability to kite mobs…

i suggest you go watch videos of hunters doing the tribute DM north… kiting the end bosses, by using elevation to make them path a very long way to gain dps time on the other boss…

Maybe horde should use the horde racial abilities to solve stuff with pvp in a bg. instead of throwing a tantrum on a forum

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Come back with your character that can actually enter an AV, then we’ll talk Aurora.

Notice this post

Again, nothing you guys are saying now, is Anything NEW to what Blizzard has heard 12-15 years ago. As you can see, the result 12-15 years ago was… wait for it… nothing’s changed!

Think about this for a second. Hell, take all the time you need, because this is apparent very difficult for you to comprehend.

I could, but i wont, and even if i would, it still wouldent change anything… kiting and pathing mobs using elvation to make them run alonger way, is how DM north is done by some, and its been done for as far back as i know, and its never been a problem…

Classic isnt fair, not is it balanced, horde have a advantage in pvp thanks to their racials, then there is situations where both sides can use clever game mechanics to their advantage… and you as horde CAN stop the paladins by killing them before they can kite…

Horde have the tools in their own hands, but instead of doing that, they go get honor by taking objectives and then they loose, its as simple as that… choose difrently

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Kiting is not an exploit.


Don’t forget the fact that their turn in npcs and village are far from the alliance’s attack path and are easily accessible to the horde via fence jumping even when alliance dominates the relief hut.

Oh, and the fact that dreks room is larger, and with pillars the horde can hide behind, while van’s room is so small and bare that you can still get frostbolted behind van without van aggroing.

OH, and iceblood and tower point being on legit chokes that every alliance gets showered with arrows, meanwhile stonehearth bunker is so far from the main road its hilarious it w as even built there.


But you can still kill the final NPC before any of your post even is relevant.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

The thing is that it’s not doing anything anyone else can’t do. And while you don’t have Paladins, that’s not anyone’s problem as I am sure there’s plenty Shamans can do that Paladins cant.

This is the reason I disliked BC on because it was to sate the whining Horde about Paladins vs Shamans. Totally ruined the game.


Exploit - a software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw in a computer system.

Sounds about right to me


More like:

Exploit - because they are doing something I can’t.

An exploit is a method to do something that was not intended by the developers. Explain to me how kiting is not intended?


I was kind of joking by using a software definition but here’s an actual objective definition of the word exploit:

“use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.”

The way that the last boss is exploited is the definition of exploit to a T. It’s not the intention of the design at all either. It’s not a ‘clever usage of in-game mechanics’. Everyone needs to get over the fact that finding loopholes in content does not warrant the usage of those loopholes.
That is exploitation.


Quickest I’ve seen is 5 minutes.

But yeah.

The 2 minutes of waiting for the game to start is factored into the overall game time at the end of the BG, hence 6 minute games being actual 4 minute games.

Escape artist isn’t fair, perception isn’t fair. Being outnumbered 4:1 in the world (heartseeker) isn’t fair.

This just in, life isn’t fair either!

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LOL yeah divine intervention takes skill.

Get a load of this guy

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Also, Blizzards CoC in regards to cheating:

You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

So first, the quoted is a response from a blue about exploiting and while the topic they were responding to was not the same pea in the pod as the issue you guys are having, this is how they draw conclusions to determine if something is right or wrong.

In accordance to their own CoC, I even highlighted a part where it even benefits your argument. HOWEVER…

The sole thing missing here is… :drum: drum roll please!

A dev/CM response.

So all this:

As much as you say things, you are not a dev nor a CM. So YOU should get over trying to sound like one. We get you don’t like it. But until someone who states specifically it is an issue that requires action, avoid attempting to justify your argument because you feel it’s right or wrong.