Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

Thank you so much!

Nice. Guessing it disables those macros?

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Yea, a few more details would be nice…


How about automating gameplay that is not related to this macro.

We are talking about when the shaman puts a grounding in the Upheval cast which can no longer be interrupted (cant fake). I mean robot use Grounding in last 0.000001 cast Upheval. (I cant fake Grounding, i try but he just dont use it xd and wait last 0.000001 my cast Upheval).

Also when they use automatic pet stun in cast when their kick is on CD, also automatic knockback when their kick is on CD, also automatic lasso when their kick is on CD, also automation of tremor.

The game becomes unbearable when you play against a robot and not a person.

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Mouseover fireblast it!

Would be cool to know just how long ClearTarget() wasn’t protected and how many people were doing this.


It’s about something completely different. when a shaman grounding your most important cast at the last microsecond of your cast. And your main cooldown does not deal damage in 100 out of 100 cases, since it simply goes into immunity.

For an example on the fingers, what I mean. Imagine that if a chaos bolt hits a target, it will immediately destroy it.
And the cooldown for chaos bolt is 40 seconds. And the cd for grouding is 30 seconds.

And you will always get grounded into your chaosbolt because you just can’t get it to set a totem, you fake it at the last second but it doesn’t set it. And it sets only when you can no longer interrupt the spell (on last micro second).


100 out of 100 is wild

but realistically upheaval is as scripted as hunter trap
if you track the 40s cd and they get ebon might up it’s basically just grounding off intim or hoj and getting the trap

has absolutely nothing to do with the cast time since you have to pre ground it anywas
upheaval “cast” is just a button press and you cant reactively ground anyways 99% of the time

i don’t think this is something that is that absurd

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Thank you!


Major W by the devs. TYSM

Waiting for the ban wave <3.
And to see which pvp streamers are going on a holiday :smiley:


just wondering about all the cheats/hacks that were never caught. surely this word.exe isnt the pinnacle of cheating? surely theres way smater hackers and cheaters out there?

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they r probably safe unless their macro had gamer words in it srs

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Which issue? Multiple were raised. There are conditional macros, but also rampant cheating with auto hotkey and bots. What hotfix was deployed exactly?


knew it!! This is why im not 2200 in arena. Blizzard you know WHAT TO DO!!!

Just to point out, this made ClearTarget() a protected function again, but ClearFocus() still works, so all this will really do is make those exploiters switch to using focus targets.


Nice blizzard incompetence continues glad I’m not resubbing lmao

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Confirming this is NOT fixed on WoTLK classic. Please push the hotfix to there ASAP.


Tested on Retail and ClearFocus() is also protected. Both are throwing ForceTaint_Strong


You are not wrong.