Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

why is it fine? if apm is a thing, you should not be allowed to script apm.

If anyone has spent anytime in the UI and Macro Forum there is a pinned thread from November 2018 on the Macros: Essential Information. This is player created thread but obviously blizzard reviewed and pinned. I have returned to this thread countless times while trying to figure out a macro condition. The first sentence of Section 3 of the Pin directly conflicts with the issue that we are seeing currently.

What other undocumented change that went live since 2018 will Blizzard trip over next?

This isn’t even a hack or a bot issue. I am all for players learning and discovering new tech in the game but this game is pushing the “clever use of mechanics” envelope with smart kick macros and snap pulls in PvE.

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Charge is off GCD, so can be macro’d in with Mortal Strike or whatever, in a non-cheesy way.

No an idiot monk used it on my sham during aura mastery, it doesn’t recognize that if the macro was written by a bad writer.

Half the teams my reg 3’s boys and I vs’d last night were using the kick script, insta kicking into AM is one telltale, obv a .3 or .5s kick but there are also ones that let you rotate cc. Easy to tell as well, you’ll see dps targeting a healer or other dps manually for a cross cc then proceed to dump everything else cc wise into one target, seamless with no overlaps and proceed to global lock someone for 15-20s.

They’re a lot more advanced and could be than what’s being shown here. For example you could write one to never use Asphix on a target that is Trapped (writing from the perspective of my dk) or never grip a target that has Freedom, Bubble etc. I could also make one for Strang etc. On my priest I could make one so Power Word Life always goes off at 35-34% hp so I get the full effect and cdr, same with swap and life grip. Don’t want to kick into Aura Mastery like the goon I talked about earlier? Just add the conditions (the spell exists with a name so you’d have to use all of them for each individual spec) into your kick macro.

One thing about the cast sequence macros, I used to use one for my Demo PVE open when I raided in MOP. If a boss mechanic prevented me from using it all then the rotation got messed up, same may hold true for these cast sequence macros today, esp if the reset is less than 10s.

This has been a thing since at least MOP, surprised it’s only being brought out now. I don’t use any of it b/c it seems bannable and it’s scumbag.

You can write a script that is 99% a bot if you know how to write conditions well, like I said 1/ 2 the games I played last night people making awc plays with cc chains and kicking.

This and MMR caps is why this game mode is dying, not class balance.

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Ya but im still convinced no warrior has it macro’ed and is just sitting there spamming it.

Psycho class.

No but this has been around forever. Check the date, these are way before 2018.

Dead wrong and has been for over a decade. Think of every ‘one shot’ macro you’ve ever seen.

1 Shot Macro (Use Wisely): #showtooltip alter time /cancelaura ice block /use Malevolent Gladiator’s Badge of Dominance /cast presence of mind /castsequence reset=15 alter time, pyroblast, pyroblast, pyroblast, alter time, pyroblast

An example of a cast sequence macro with the potential to do your whole rotation, in order. This is what I used to use on Demo for pve when I knew I could do full burst with no phasing or anything like that in raid.

Impossible to balance a game when you have people always performing perfectly.

It makes me wonder if some of the people at the top of the ladder with a 90%+ win rate are doing this. It always blows my mind when I see someone who only lost like 5 games out of like 200.

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Everyone 1600+ skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane…They need to check their pcs and game…Maybe they’re not cheating but maybe they’re using the game deficit macros …and this cant seem on game screen…They need to check-up

Ceteris paribus, in this game, yes.

People need to understand this will impact PVE 1000% more than PVP and world first guilds running perfect PVE rotations with their F35 HUD UIs

I realize that people doing this will have a massive advantage over people who don’t.

You will be required to do this if you want to be competitive. Blizz has no choice but to address it.

I’m guessing yes b/c I saw that Venruki vid last night and he even talked about people using it in AWC. The MoP vod’s I linked were from Hansol and Chanimal had a few as well back in the day but far less, I think he understood the risk.

This is why Blizzcon awc needs to be ‘in person’ not remote. I have no doubt that people can ‘ghost’ Synapse in on an outside SSD or some nonsense.

The reason that the clear target function is important here is because it more or less circumvents the bolded rule. The script itself is not actually deciding whether you cast a spell, it’s deciding whether you retain your target. The macro folloing the script just doesn’t have anything to cast the spell on depending on the result of the script.

Similarly, this one is just setting a temporary/local variable and then polling through unitbuffs a set number of times and then updating the variable with the output and then either dropping target or not depending on a specific condition. The condition is not specifically casting any spells, it’s just preventing the rest of your macro from running because it made you drop target before that line has a chance to execute.

It is just basic coding using a “legal” condition and function to circumvent things that you’re not supposed to be able to do with scripts. The end result is that your character presses its kick button and it either kicks something or not depending on if the target is casting.

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Yes you can get very intricate with them, esp if you use the addon that extends your Macro characters to over 1k.

Making this totally inaccurate. Not using cc/damage into certain things is ‘smart’ in pvp. I’ve got the quotes there because when player does it b/c awareness it is smart, when the game does it for you it isn’t but the result is the same.

Why is this even needed? Who is making a macro this long?

You could essentially ‘automate’ your rotation and characters position with them, this sort of thing needs a lot of space. Hence why Blizzard limited the character number in the stock UI macro function. One of my early MoP demo macro’s required 500 char or something insane, so I had to get an addon to add characters to the macro tab.

Lots of people use them, it was mentioned earlier but it’s a big thing in pve.

We’re investigating this, and we will take appropriate steps to address it as soon as possible.


Even in-person, they’ll need to check the PCs for word.exe .


No, it is technically accurate, because the macro itself is not executing a condition. The script is only deciding whether you are retaining your target and the rest of the macro either executes or doesn’t based on the condition. It is important to use precise language. The outcome of your ability to use the script is the same as if you could put conditions into macros. It should be changed such that you can’t do this any more, but the scripts are not technically doing anything that breaks those rules by letter.

Imagine tying scripts to check for all of the possible abilities you don’t ant to cast through, like grounding totem, aura mastery, etc. and your off global kick to every one of your abilities. The addon just stores the script/macros locally and runs the scripts not from your macro box because of the character limit in the box. There is no character limit when you want to just type /run in the chat window and do a bunch of stuff.

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Thank you!

Please ban all the cheaters!