If the maximum is reached, players will be automatically removed from the zone. First, players will be removed if they are below level 60. Alliance players will be ported to Westfall, and Horde players will be ported to The Barrens.
This morning at approx 4:30 am server time I logged into my summon team in Silithus and each character was instantly ported to Westfall. Are all <60 characters being automatically ported to Westfall or is it really possible the “maximum” was reached at 4:30 am? It took an enormous amount of effort to place those summoners there in order to ensure my guild gets into AQ40 as quickly and safely as possible. Now that work has all been undone. Is it possible to return them to their previous positioning?
I don’t believe so, Lucuris. I’m afraid Customer Support would have little involvement with any of the realm’s progress into AQ. Any questions you may have would be best directed to Community and our Devs. I imagine if there is an update they will likely post in the WoW Classic forum.