It’s pretty sad when someone’s default pet name gets reported and they can still get their account suspended for it. No matter the amount of time, things like this just shouldn’t exist. I shouldn’t have to open a ticket 3 times to actually get a human response too. Everything now is just automated and you only talk to robots. Pretty terrible customer service and not a good look:
9/10 times, Reddit posts (Icy Veins got this from Reddit) should be taken with a grain of salt. Usually, there is more to the story.
Willing to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt here.
So, while I agree with you that automated systems are not ideal in many situations (especially mass reporting/griefing that can happen), I disagree with the particular example you used. We don’t know what actually happened here (and likely will never know) unless something is put out officially by Blizzard.
Something else that could have happened:
-Hunter tamed pet (default name) and then renamed it to something highly inappropriate.
-Automated system detects highly inappropriate name (not “mass reporting”), flags this pet, bans/suspends hunter’s account, and the pet’s name reverts back to original mob name.
-Original pet name shows up in the report because it was auto-reverted during the ban.
-Person posts on social media anyway for interaction farming because people are already upset at the company over the recent layoffs and likely to side against said company.
What happened is up to speculation. Either way, this probably wasn’t the best example to use and I’d prefer to know more before making a call on if this was bad use of automation or not.
It’s not even this example alone. I’ve had to open multiple tickets before for issues to get an actual person. It’s always automated responses from them. People even say you have to open 2-4 tickets before you even get someone.
And when you do, sometimes they don’t even know what they’re talking about. There was a PvP issue last year at some point and the dev gave a completely unrelated answer to the issue. Sorry I can’t recall it exactly, but there are plenty of issues with their CS department.
This just happened to me too, today. I got a short ban, the first in 15 years I’ve been playing; for my hunter pets name. I won’t say the name here, because someone apparently found it offensive but that word has a wiki page, dictionary definition, even a book dedicated to it, and a thirty second google would display all of that and it is not an offensive term. It basically means ‘something that should be, but isn’t’. … . it was a pink hyena. . . to me, something that should be. . .but sadly isn’t in real life. I’ve had that pet for longer than a decade, and there was never an issue.
I appealed it because the name is innocuous. And I got an automated reply that cited that I agreed to a TOS, that’s it. No one read what I wrote at all. And I’m completely disappointed and alienated that that is the response I got.
I participate in the game to the fullest extent I can. I’ve been a subscriber without lapse for 15 years, try to be friendly, help out and I would never use any name for a pet that was in any way offensive…and I have NEVER had a ban or reprimand for any reason ever, until today.
The fact that there is no way to speak to someone, to find out what it is they found offensive is egregious. Either communicate or stop allowing players to rename hunter and battle pets at all. I get it that they don’t want to argue with players, but you also need to balance that with giving some kind of context as to what the issue with the name was when it is not clear, and clarification is asked for. I’m not going to keep opening tickets, but I’m rethinking my participation in a game that went from being able to talk to a GM in the game to automated responses that give nothing at all of human interaction.