Automated Responses

Don’t you hate that moment when you submit a ticket and type a full and apt description of your problem that could easily be addressed by a person, but instead you are hit with the big wall of “copy pasted” text with a generalised answer that really doesn’t help you at all, in-fact it seems designed to deter anyone from wanting to use the service at all.


Cost-cutting friend :slight_smile:


Yup, that’s a contributing factor as to why I’m unsubbing.
I spent 3 weeks trying to get a problem fixed.
Long 2 day wait times only to be replied with a lazy copy + paste reply that had little to nothing to do with my issue.


Meh, I’ll just keep submitting tickets :slight_smile: Not like I have anything else to do :rofl:

Maybe I’ll write up a generic response to generic response messages :thinking:


Yes! Yes! We need a perfect message for the community to adopt and attach to their own tickets, something that is irrefutable and in the demand of quality of service for their paying customers.

Heck this doesn’t even just apply to WoW, I never liked automated responses because it makes me even more uncertain that those behind it heard me. It’s like giving someone a call only to get a “please leave your message at-” thing on the phone.


i stopped using it all together help and servus is just not blizzards thing anymore

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Yeah its so unfortunate, not to mention all of the paid services which are 100% automated have increased in price. Price gouging anyone?

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so… it’s not automated, as per your claim.


so exactly what was your problem?

is it going to be another one of those things which GMs can’t help with?

if you think 2 days is long, your head would have exploded when wait times were around a week.


I mean this is really a problem with entire “customer service industry”

Another game I play I have an issue where someone sent me a private message in game, then immediately blocked me. So it creates a problem where I have a notification that I have an unread private message, and yet since I am blocked I can’t read that private message, so it remains unread.

Translated into WOW terms, this is my interaction over about two months time with the game’s CSRs between Dec 18th 2019, and January 20th 2020.

Me: Explained the issue.

Them: Copy pasta response with bad grammar, issue is marked as solved

Me: Why did you mark this issue as solved, it’s not solved.

Them: Instructions on how to use admin privileges to clear and flush my DNS and IP configuration

Me: How does flushing my DNS and renewing my IP delete an unread message on your server?

Them: We’re sorry, the procedure for clearing your browser cache varies based on your browser… instructions for clearing browser caches

Me: This has nothing to do with my browser cache and again explains the actual issue

Them: Gives me a long thing about Guild Emblems not updating properly and how to fix this

Me: actual text, modified a bit for WoW Are you kidding me? Are you trolling me? My issue has nothing to with guild emblems anymore than it does the price of tea on the planet Mars. I know there is a lot to scroll through to find my issue, but that wouldn’t be the case if you actually read it in the first place. Take the extra time to do this now, or else we are going to be still playing email tag into the next decade.

Them: We are sorry, we are unable to unblock someone on your account. Please try the troubleshooting we mentioned earlier, and let us know if you still have a problem.

Me: explains the issue once again, with some strong words about actually read this carefully

Them: Paraphrased Yea, we can’t delete it.

Me: So there is literally nothing you can do, if that’s true then you need to update your software because this means I will have this “1 New message” notification on my account forever?

Them: Thank you for reporting this issue to us. We will investigate this issue.

Me literally screaming IRL and not replying further

For the record, yeah. I still have “1 NEW MESSAGE” notification in my in-game mailbox, as messages in this game don’t have an expiration.


Oh, I have had that before, but that was some time ago. I think the longest I ever had was 6 days? But, as of recently, wait time seems better (if you can call it that), but service has declined when your ticket actually gets viewed.

GM’s use macros I know this because one of them pressed an incomplete macro that exposed another support department he worked in haha. I got a screenshot of it still!

So like they may have a introduction macro and then a body macro which will have a space in like (Insert players name here) *(problem addressed here.)*etc. Just so they can shift through tickets faster.

However yes, I do wish they were more personalized feeling and not some robotic feeling.


Yep, the entire industry has the idea that it should take them 30 seconds to read and respond to an email, it’s efficiency so they meet their quotas.

But to me, I don’t understand how when nearly every time I end up having to reply (or worse for companies that require you to keep making new tickets everytime) 2 or 3 or even worse more times before I get an appropriate answer (like in my above exchange), how is that more efficient than just taking an extra minute to answer the actual question? Because the above exchange, if you figure 30 seconds per response for them, that’s about 4 minutes of their time wasted and over a month of my time wasted. The entire system ends up cluttered with who knows how many tickets that are just “Uh your reply had nothing to with my concern.” Seriously how is that efficient?


I know what you mean. The last time I got an actual response from a ticket that I submitted, was in 2015.
I was somewhere in Cataclysm, and the quest bugged. The GM responded and corrected my broken game state. Ever since then it’s been generic automated responses.


It can be beyond frustrating because about 2 years ago they were actually super responsive and very helpful. Nowadays you can tell that most GMs replying to help are legitimately using some sort of automated feature and of course bringing this up to them you will just get denied left and right. In the end I get pretty frustrated or give up entirely, though sometimes it is fun to mess with them.


Reopen the ticket and call them lazy californians for copy pasting a response rather than Doing thier job. Usually you get a real person after that.

I’ve only had to a get a gm for an in-game issue once. Most of my other tickets were ummm forum related lol.

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The only time I had direct contact from a GM was when I reported the issue of being able to buy rank 3 essence that I’ve already owned from MOTHER. The GM log on to my (this) character while I was playing my mage, they did some questionable stuff like changing my character’s mog, which I never found out why.

Blizzard fired something like 800 employees, and I believe their QA department took the heaviest hits.




I thought they automatically go back to the original sender after 30 days? Or did they change that.

What’s worse is when you send in another to get a real person and they just side with the bot. I once got a forum ban for a topic about liking pineapple on pizza.