Auto-Loot doesn't work 100% of the time

Why is it when im gathering sometimes auto loot doesnt work, it just sits there waiting for me to click on it.

what does Auto Loot mean?


Must be bugged this xpac. Works maybe 50% of the time!


Been like this since pre patch for me i have no idea why.


I have been having the same issue. It’s annoying for sure.


Sensational. :skull:

It definitely seems to get hung up at times

Sometimes it will just sit there and not do anything after the auto loop window opens up it’ll just stay open and not collect anything


Do you use World Quest Tracker? It was making me double click NPC’s to confirm quest while leveling.

I think I run into this loot issue when it’s on.

It’s been this way for a long time now, it’s not new. Most people get an auto loot addon anymore to get around it.

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so I need an addon? can you link the correct one

No. They are saying that add-on may be causing the issue.

They added a slider option to autoloot a few patches ago, make sure yours is set to 100%.

It defaults to 80%

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thanks dawg

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They said they were gonna fix it with the server maintenance tomorrow.

Wait, what? A slider for what? Like for a bit of rng on whether it works or not?

he’s trolling


It seems buggy for me lately as well.

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Do you have a link to this? also there is no server maint. tomorrow?

I havent noticed an issue picking up loot. but i have noticed an issue at the other end
Early on this expansion when trying to “Sell all” i get :
“Merchant dosent want that item”

Yet when i R-click the items for sale, they sell no problem.
At the very least he should buy up everything that he does want and leave the things he dosent for me to sell individually rather than refusing everything because theres 1 thing he dosenʻt know what to do with.
although this hasent happened recently, they may have patched it.

My auto loot got turned off … mid game. very odd. also every now and then my name goes under my feet, to which ive fixed twice now! Another very odd thing!!

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