Authenticators and the forums

People who sell boosts and the believe they are greenlighted or believe they can beat authentication are pretty giddy about getting rid of competition. Some of the same ones who complain gear is too easy to obtain and that everyone sucks at the game.

So no, not missing much. :grinning:

I honestly don’t even see why people are crying about Authenticator’s. I get one for like everything where it’s available xD I’ve had my nice little key fob one with the corehounds on it since it came out. I should add, on top of phone security.

I don’t understand. You claim you don’t care if people stay or go, and you are proposing an implementation that will guarantee that people with any of a great number of issues will be forced to leave the game.

So yes, you are intentionally trying to push people out.

It has “no importance to the game” if someone is unable to start a group that will recruit the party members they need, because why? Because you’ve convinced yourself that everybody here is so addicted they will never leave, even if they can’t play content you blocked them from doing successfully?

Your sadistic tendencies mean and desire to cause trouble with players for your own enjoyment of this means you are way less important to the game than you think you are. People like you should be removed.

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Can we have you banned from the forums for having one .

Your just as annoying as those threads if not more so .

Oh and I do have my own authenticator got it back during Cata and I have the SMS too .

I just figured maybe they could get rid of a known forum troll

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