I just recently had to remove the authenticator off my account due to my cell phone going broke and my laptop crashing all within a two day period…I finally was able to get into my account on my new laptop by removing the authenticator …man what a chore that is to do now…so now how to I put the authenticator back to my account seeing there is no authenticator app and its now in the battlenet app…how do I do this now?
But you know it’s in the BNET app but you don’t see an option to add it within?
I found this article. At the bottom, it has a drop down menu to select which option fits your situation best.
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When you log into the Battle.net Mobile App you should just be able to click on your profile icon in the upper left corner and then hit “Authenticator” and follow the instructions.
Its been a rough two weeks now add in my medical issues are giving me pure heck right now too…lets just say I am not thinking too straight till now…thank you and Vrakthris and others for help…