Authenticator Has Never Worked - Support Can't Help

Hi there,

I’ve never been able to get Blizzard Authenticator to work properly. I’ve conversed in a support ticket where they literally ended it by saying, “Sorry we have no idea, please post on the forums.” I’ve removed, deleted, re-added the authenticator several different times.

The requests just don’t come through. The only way I can log into is by using SMS Protect.

This usually isn’t a problem except for the WoW login screen itself - if I don’t feel like quitting and restarting from the launcher app, I can’t just put in my password because it wants an authenticator code and my authenticator just doesn’t give me one. This is an easy work around, but the authenticator should work. Why does it not?

I suppose first off - which authenticator are you trying to use? The old keyfob one or the app installed on your phone?

I will also add - this is Customer Support. Not to be confused with Customer Service. This forum isn’t one frequented by GMs or Devs, it is a player helping player forum. What Blues are here are SFAs and they are not ones who are able to fix anything or are even involved with the operations such as that.

You are basically going to have to restart from scratch with the forums, forgive us please, but the forums are basically player to player discussion, but we only know what you have said and can not see your ticket history.

Start with what kind of phone you have, if the mobile app. What OS is it running, did you look to see if it was compatible. I am assuming since it also gives SMS codes, it’s not that old, but the app runs on a different system than sms.

This is a phone, not an emulator on your computer?


Ah sorry. I thought this was also customer service! Latest iOS app, for me. iPhone 11 Pro. There’s not much more to say to be honest - but I’m happy to give more info if requested or try different solutions!

I would ensure the launcher wasn’t running and then remove the authenticator from my account and then remove it from the phone and reinstall a new authenticator app.

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So there are a couple different parts to this.

Logging in from WOW - If you are logging in from the WOW menu (not pressing PLAY in the launcher) then you will not pushed an APPROVE to login, and will not see an APPROVE option in the app. You will need to open the app and tap on the “Enter Code Manually” link at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to a screen in the app with a series of numbers that constantly refreshes.

Not receiving Push Approval requests - This was happening to me for a while, but it never stopped me from logging in. I just needed to open the app and push the approve button inside the app itself. It was fixed by uninstalling the app, fully powering down my phone, restarting, and then reinstalling.


That’s fine for the WoW login - a bit unintuitive, but at least it works. For the push approval requests, most often they just end in an error in the iOS app. Request failed or somesuch. I’ve tried reinstalling the app, tried having support remove the authenticator, readding it, all that.

No one’s asked me for any kind of diagnostic logs or anything but I’d be happy to provide.

Is this when you’re on data or wifi? Or both?

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Both. Also FWIW, the manual code entry doesn’t work for logging into WoW. It says the account credentials are wrong, but they’re not - I’m copy pasting the same password I use for BNet.